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Wich character do you like the most?


Wich character do you like the most?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Wich character do you like the most?

    • Bastilla
    • Carth
    • Canderous
    • T3M4
    • HK47
    • Zaalbar
    • Jolee
    • Juhani
    • Trask

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I liked Mission, young Twilek girl. Cuz she can do sneak attack on enemy when it back turned to do sneak damage.


I use horror force power to make enemies fear making him unable to move or attack, that allow Mission to make sneak attack on them.


I liked her voice, during combat, she said "take that!" "I'll show you!" "you'll pay!" "you'll never get me!" " Just die already!" HA!


When Mission's VP reached zero, she make groan sound.


when she been poisoned "ugh... I don't feel good."



Also I like Zaalbar, the Wookiee that who with his Twii'lek friend, Mission.

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I like Jolee Bindo for some of the things he said for example,


a young sith student on korabin wantet to torture and kill three hopefulls. "what do YOU think i should do to them! I Cant dacide!" and jolee says "If you cant think of anything CRUEL, mabye you shouldn't BE here young man!"



I liked Canderus for the things he beleives


for example on tatooine when you steal the 500 credit plate from a woman, caanderus says"the role of the weak is to serve the will of the strong! Im glad you understand that!"



T3M4 made things easier with his computer skills!


Zaalbar was the best swordsman i seen!

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Revan is my favorite,the coolest,the darkest,and the mightiest.I played the whole game using his skin (the hooded,masked and with shiny armour plates),and using the save game editor to put his strengh,constitution and wisdom to the appropiate for dark lord level (25) from the start.Also gave him master two-weapon and master flurry and all dark force powers on master level.I also used the mod that makes you jedi in the beginning and chose a double-bladed saber.Now,that was a real dark lord himself.The only annoing thing was that stupid characters didn't recognise me at all.Stupid Bendak Starkiller says :"Finally.Fresh meat.I'll be back when it's time for you to die".What is he blind,can't see who's standing in front of him?He shoul've sh*t in his pants in fear of me instead of talking like that.Of course,he died without hitting me once,in 2 seconds."Bendak starkiller is down!" Yeah he was,brainless down.Then Canderous,in the lower city:"I'm someone you don't want to get on a bad side of".Oh yeah,tough guy,it's such a shame I dont have the option to fight you.


But since Revan is not an option,I had to go with HK.He's so funny.The way he talks,and the way he fights with his fists and feet are priceless.

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Typical violent males :p Going for the assassination droid and the guy who'll shoot anything that moves. If there were more girls here Carth would be winning.


But actually my vote's for Mission. She's spunky, maybe a little naive, but she's so much fun. When you try going darkside she's the one that makes you feel the guiltiest. And when you're lightside she's the first to follow you. And I love her attitude, the little exchange she has with Carth, and when she tells Zaalbar his breath smells :D

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Misson has a cute face,but when you remove her clothes her body doesn't look too nice.Unlike Bastila's.

If anyone ever creates a poll about the character do you like the least,I'd go with Juhani.She so ugly and stupid and preachy.She has a voice like has a soar throat,and hidieous green stripes all over her body.She has annoying guilty consciousness,and never gets tired of saying how sorry she is for falling to the dark side,but at the same time she dares to blame me "you should treat the force with respect,not use on a wim like it was some toy"."-I'm gonna treat your rotten mouth with my ... if you don't keep it closed".So,playing the second time as a dark side,I just killed Juhani at the grove.

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for some reason, i didn't like malak.



like on the ruins on dantooine, he was questioning revan's actions. and especially on the star forge when you kill him. if your darkside he admits your better and goes down wining (sp) like a baby. and if its lightside he admits that maybe he shouldn't have been a sith. i mean, he's kind of a wuss. IMO.


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Granted HK-47 is the FUNNIEST character especially with the AK-47 subliminal reference.




Bastila is my favorite character I mean come on I'm a guy, and I got hormones....LOL, but seriously she weilds a Doublebladed Lightsaber, I find myself switching to her so that I can watch her run instead of the main character, she is a bada$$ Jedi with the ability to make entire fleets crumple at her will...she is the definition of HOT to a Jedi.

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