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So Lost...


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Hey people, I got a big problem on my hands. My mom and dad bought a house, and they want me to move with them. But earlier in the month, my dad saids that I have to be out be at the beginning of June because he's out of his mind. Well, I want to move in with Kain, you know, we are engaged. I feel horrible and so lost. I should be happy I'm graduating, but I'm so afraid of them disowning me. I feel so depressed. And there not making it better by telling me I should pack some stuff I don't need.


Please help, what should I do?

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Talk to Kain about it.......


That's not shuch a good idea... we might have a lot of broken keyboards on our hands :rolleyes:


Well Selene, If they can't be happy for you like they should be, I guess moving away is for the best *shrugs*


*then basks in the sun of being single*

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Remember, selene, thingsdo change and they may not always change to your liking. Talk to Kain, don't worry about keyboards. Kain might solve your problems or just tell your parents your situation, if you haven't already done so. They're the best guys with answers.

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ok, you graduated from school....now welcome to LIFE....


I was *asked to leave home* because of a variety of reasons, but mainly because of my parents didnt approve of my partner. I was given an ultimatum, considered it carefully, and made my decision. I hardly see my parents now, although they only live 20 mins away, they want nothing to do with me :( but hey what can you do. If people cant share your happiness then stuff em, parents or no. Be advised though, dont make this decision rashly, and make sure you have worked out how you will be supporting yourself, where you will be living etc. Yeah, of course you need to talk about this with Kain, he's your fiancee after all.....

Selene, it's hard to get a truly clear pucture of what you're saying, so I dont want to say "your dads at fault" or anything judgemental even of you. All I can say is, think carefully, decide, and be prepared to live with the consquences, whatever they may be, good or bad....



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Thank you all for your support. But, I have reached a compromise with my parents. I gonna live in two houses, with my parents and Kain. It makes sense because they are moving WAAAAAY out in the country where I cannot get a job out there. I mean there is NO ONE around. They realize this. I move out Saturday, the stuff I want at Kain's. And we have to be in the new house by June 30th and I'll move the stuff I want there. I like this because now I can make them both happy, and it's really all that I want.

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Originally posted by SeleneRayne

Thank you all for your support. But, I have reached a compromise with my parents. I gonna live in two houses, with my parents and Kain. It makes sense because they are moving WAAAAAY out in the country where I cannot get a job out there. I mean there is NO ONE around. They realize this. I move out Saturday, the stuff I want at Kain's. And we have to be in the new house by June 30th and I'll move the stuff I want there. I like this because now I can make them both happy, and it's really all that I want.

That's good, I'm happy for you :)
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Whoah! Say it ain't so! Nameless, faceless, pointless threats from the boogie man of a place called Yoda's Swamp! And the winner of the annual Internet Tough Guy of the year award, three years in a row! Truely frightful. With that kind of violence, the small gap of similarities between the two threads is closing more and more all the time.


PM so we can swap addresses. I'll give you mine so you can come here and brainwash me. You give me yours while your still able to do so, that way I can tell the coroner where to send what's left of your sorry ass back to your next of kin.

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Selene: Buy a tent, problem solved.


Kain: Arguing on the internet is like.....yeah.


CapN': Feeding the drama is like.....



To all three of you: This is a flame war, and I am the local forum fire marshall. Savvy?



To everyone else, thread closed, nothing to see, now move along.



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