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The Perfect Crime

Darth Groovy

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Originally posted by •-BLaCKouT-•

Ah, Groovy's probably just sleepin at at last. And trust me, he can be far more evil that any of these suggestions when he wants to ;)


:D B.


It just stopped at like 2am, and I just crashed, and forgot about this topic until now. Evidently the neighbors must have came home.

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Originally posted by Kale Jerre

I don't care for barking dogs either but poisoning or shooting one for doing so is simply ridiculous. Geez, I hope none of you have small children who cry a lot so you would be tempted to put cyanide in their Similac. :rolleyes:


Hello. Welcome to the Swamp. My name is obi13.


I'm guessing you've never been here before. The above posts are people just showing off their sense of humor and/or craziness. Their/my posts are not meant to be taken seriously. If taken seriously, the user taking the posts seriously must take a 3-4 week psychology course to learn how to have a sense of humor.


I hope you enjoy your stay in the swamp, have a nice day.



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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Hello. Welcome to the Swamp. My name is obi13.


Hello, I'm Kale Jerre.


I'm guessing you've never been here before.


Oh, I've been here before.


The above posts are people just showing off their sense of humor and/or craziness. Their/my posts are not meant to be taken seriously.


Aha, so all of the the anti-same-sex sentiment was was also just a joke? Cool, I was hoping that was the case.


If taken seriously, the user taking the posts seriously must take a 3-4 week psychology course to learn how to have a sense of humor.


I'll check myself in for some counseling.

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Originally posted by Kale Jerre


Aha, so all of the the anti-same-sex sentiment was was also just a joke? Cool, I was hoping that was the case.




This is about shutting a dog up. The thread (a few days ago) about "a new nation" (I'm guessing that's what you're referring to) should have been moved to the senate. We're just lazy. :rhett:

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

The above posts are people just showing off their sense of humor and/or craziness. Their/my posts are not meant to be taken seriously. If taken seriously, the user taking the posts seriously must take a 3-4 week psychology course to learn how to have a sense of humor.


I hope you enjoy your stay in the swamp, have a nice day.




Unfortunately that would be a contradiction.


If I wasn't to take what you (and others) in the swamp seriously then why should I consider anything you've written at all, including the above quoted statement?


Which means what... I wonder.



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Originally posted by Mike Windu

*whips mods into shape*


Come on you lazy 900 year old smoker! Get some wind into your lungs!


Come on Clark Kent! Let's see some muscle!












And with that said, I slip a small sliver of kryptonite into Clark's nice, cool, refreshing glass of milk.


*Receives dirty looks from all directions.*


What? I'm not THAT evil! :D Am I??? :confused:

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

This is about shutting a dog up. The thread (a few days ago) about "a new nation" (I'm guessing that's what you're referring to) should have been moved to the senate. We're just lazy. :rhett:


Got it now--Swamp is only funny stuff, Senate is for serious stuff.


Sorry for getting worked up before, but I have a low tolerance for those that abuse animals. When I was in high school I even got picked up by the Sheriff for beating the crap out of another guy my age who was putting live kittens in pickle jars and shooting them with a shotgun. :mad:

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Originally posted by Kale Jerre

Got it now--Swamp is only funny stuff, Senate is for serious stuff.


Sorry for getting worked up before, but I have a low tolerance for those that abuse animals. When I was in high school I even got picked up by the Sheriff for beating the crap out of another guy my age who was putting live kittens in pickle jars and shooting them with a shotgun. :mad:


Sounds...interesting. I wonder why he went to the trouble of putting them in pickle jars thought?

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

Sounds...interesting. I wonder why he went to the trouble of putting them in pickle jars thought?


The answer I beat out of him is that he liked to see them struggle and cry to be let out before he killed them.

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Shot them in pickle jars? :eek:


Jeeze, I don't like cats, but that's not........human...... o.O


There's a small family of kittens that live under my house and I feed & take care of them because it's the good thing to do.


Now, the swamp is serious sometimes, but for the most part, it's a big joke (like 99% of this thread). I'm glad we understand each other now. ;)


As for those of you trying to kill me-


Bite me.

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

I'm just trying to get your arse into shape! Can't have a fat superhero(fat man doesn't count)!


Who's fat? I'm 6'2" 220 lbs.


*flexes muscles*


Pfft.......next time your cat gets stuck in a tree, don't even think about asking me to get it down for you.



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Originally posted by obi-wan13

Jeeze, I don't like cats, but that's not........human...... o.O


What do you mean, 'not........human'? Humans are the cruelest creatures on the planet by a long shot (unfortunately), so there should really be nothing surprising about some hammerhead shooting kittens stuffed into pickle jars (unfortunately--again).

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The stay on topic picture would be more awesome if it was during...was it red or yellow leaders...no matter, one of the squadron leaders trench run, when they're using their targeting computers and he's all..."Stay on target....stay on target..."


Oh never mind, I'm a hopeless nerd.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

The stay on topic picture would be more awesome if it was during...was it red or yellow leaders...no matter, one of the squadron leaders trench run, when they're using their targeting computers and he's all..."Stay on target....stay on target..."


Oh never mind, I'm a hopeless nerd.


You are also a pedantic monkey jocky short sniffing ape like fat backed cheeto sucking fecal matter of a membrane on the bottom of mamoth dung during a time when men were shorter and lived near the water...


Halleluja.....holy ****.....



Where's the Tylenol?

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Kale Jerre

When I was in high school I even got picked up by the Sheriff for beating the crap out of another guy my age who was putting live kittens in pickle jars and shooting them with a shotgun. :mad:


Originally posted by CapNColostomy

I wonder why he went to the trouble of putting them in pickle jars thought?


His defense should have been that he was only shooting pickle jars. The kittens just happened to be there.


Ever notice how people get worked up over taking the life of little kittens but not worried about killing mice or rats? Either can carry disease and be a nuisance. Only kittens are softer, fuzzier, and friendly -- cute if you will.


Humans might be the cruelest animals on the planet, but we're also the only animals on the planet that segregate and categorize all the others according to our own perspective of intrinsic and aesthetic value.


Of course, I'm not advocating the destruction of the rat in pickle jars either, but the Buddhists are probably onto something with their beliefs that all living things are of equal import.

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That reminds me of a joke that Denis Leary told.


Leary: We should just line up every animal in the world and interview them, one by one.

Leary (Different Tone): What are you?

Otter: I'm an otter.

Leary (Different Tone): And what do you do?

Otter: I swim around on my back and do little human things with my hand!

Leary (Different Tone): Your free to go.... And who are you?

Cow: I'm a cow.


Cow: But I'm a....

Leary: Your a baseball glove! GET IN THE TRUCK!





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Originally posted by SkinWalker

His defense should have been that he was only shooting pickle jars. The kittens just happened to be there.


Ever notice how people get worked up over taking the life of little kittens but not worried about killing mice or rats? Either can carry disease and be a nuisance. Only kittens are softer, fuzzier, and friendly -- cute if you will.


Humans might be the cruelest animals on the planet, but we're also the only animals on the planet that segregate and categorize all the others according to our own perspective of intrinsic and aesthetic value.


Of course, I'm not advocating the destruction of the rat in pickle jars either, but the Buddhists are probably onto something with their beliefs that all living things are of equal import.






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