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What Happened to Bastilla?

Dr. Jekyll

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ok a lot of the members that visit this forum love bastilla many i love bastilla threads have been locked and effectively banned but that said it is very unlikely that they'll include bastilla in kotor2 as a major role and the best we can hope for is a cameo 'maybe'


however if you think about it you'll realize that in kotor 2 there'll be some other love interest that we'll all drool over, and the dialogues will be just as addictive and maybe even funny but saying that its going to be a crap game just because bastilla isnt in it is just a tad judgemental because it is perfectly possible that obsidian will create a perfectly good game without bastilla in it


however that said Bastilla Rocks


p.s. here is a link to an interview about kotor tsl


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Originally posted by RedHawke

Bastila being alive at your KOTOR's end is not really a hard thing to determine, and set a game global for her to appear later on, during the games initial what happened in your game of KOTOR dialogues.



I was thinking about what Rat Boy posted on the other thread, about how you would determine Revan's gender and alignment. It takes a very subtle way to say:"Did Bastilla die or no?"


If you answer no, I guess you can expect to see her(or not it is possible). If you say yes then there's no need to hear of her fate.

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Originally posted by DarthBrownBread

because if you chose the dark side option in KOTOR1, then she dies on the star forge, and if you chose the light side option then she lives,

:eyeraise: Uh... Have you played the DS and LS endings in KOTOR?


Because Bastila most certainly does not die in the DS ending, and she can only be killed in the LS ending.



If you go DS in KOTOR Bastila joins you, and becomes your apprentice, on the temple summit, and she most definately lives in the DS ending, as she re-introduces you to your Sith Troops in the ending cutscene.


You can only kill Bastila doing the LS ending on the Star Forge in the Command Center, of course any true lightsider will tell you that redeeming Bastila is always the way to go.




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there was part of the dialog of what happened to revan on the obsidian board that was released if revan was female


i'll put it up here for all to see.



*BIG spoilers*







Atton: "Yeah, Revan, Malak, and the Jedi that went to join them in the Mandalorian Wars. They turned against the other jedi and had a scrap that almost laid waste to the galaxy. Heh. Where have you been?"


PC: "Ive heard a few rumors but little else in my travels."


"Ive been...away since the Mandalorian



"Just tell me what happened next."


The rest of the options cannot be seen. First option chosen.


Atton: "Well I wasnt there, but like all Sith, Revan and Malak turned on each other. After they turned on the Jedi of course."


PC: "The rumors I heard said that Revan defeated Malak, then went to Korriban to unite the Sith against the Republic."


"I was to led to believe that Revan saved the Jedi - and the"


if first option chosen again


Atton: "That was the story - but whatever happened there must not have lasted. There was some big civil war on Korriban, knocked that academy to the ground. Look's like Revan's grand crusade finally consumed



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They can also give us an option to import old savegames - not pc & items, just some variables.

Users without final savegame could just start a game set up by LA.

Users with imported savegame variables could have main npcs LS/DS journey continued.

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Originally posted by Aleggy

well judging by thae fact that it has been stated several times that at the begining of the game your going to be asked subtle questions to determine how you ended kotor i doubt they'll be searching for old save game files


I didn't know that.

But, i'm IT specialist, for me it looks much easier to make a script looking for a couple savegame variables than to try to make everyone happy with some questions :)

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But they won't do it. I have read it somewhere at Obsidian some months ago. Anyways...the variables in my saved games are messed up...I use to warp to the leviathan after Dantoine, tweak variables to continue playing normally as you know who but with Bastila in my party, change class , change sex, change variables for side quests, switch things on the Unknown world to avoid restarting the game, and all sorts of other silly things..:D

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I agree with you Darth333, if TSL was going to look at savegames globals on my PC and its KOTOR savegames, I honestly believe a massive crash would occur at some point. At the very least some smoke would erupt from the PC Case! :D

Originally posted by su27

But, i'm IT specialist, for me it looks much easier to make a script looking for a couple savegame variables than to try to make everyone happy with some questions :)

Sorry su27 but OE is making it be NPC questions setting new variables in initial game dialogues instead of searching for KOTOR save game variables, it is actually easier the way OE is doing it.


My reason is thus; While we answer questions we will also be learning what has happened in the 5 years in-between KOTOR and KOTOR:TSL, who our new adversaries are going to be, and the current state of the galaxy, a very PnP RPG thing to do, IMHO. :D

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Also, keep in mind. They have to develop ($$$) for the people (dare I say) who've never played KotOR before (blasphemy!!).


Granted it being a script, it could return a "true/false" variable if it didn't find a save game, but (insert repeat of Darth333's & RedHawke's statements about 'tweaked' save games).


Answering questions would be an "all-in-one" answer to the above problems. PLUS, if it gets me to actually 'playing' the game a little quicker...I'll answer a few questions...(then Force Choke him when his back is turned for making me wait..hehe) ;)

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