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The battlefront vehicles thread


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if there is a sudden explosive battle on kamino and droid starfighters are flying everywhere blowing you away and there are 2 jedi starfighters sitting there it's your job to fight. maybe those jedi generals have already died in the battle.


and oh! who cares!!

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from pc-zone interview..


As a rebel, you can jump up and hijack vehicles such as an AT-ST. Of course several players or AI characters can take over the vehicles at once, with the largest craft, such as the Republic Gunship, allowing a maximum of six occupants. On the AT-ST I enjoyed enormous amounts of destruction, stomping around and crushing Imperials underfoot, as my Rebel comrade from the LucasArts team shot at fleeing troopers from a side window.


...Bespin's Cloud City. "We basically decided that if you're going to do a sky map, this is the best one to use," says Zemke. "It turns into a sky battle with X-Wings and TIE Fighters, but you can also touch down on the platforms and run into rooms to take over spawn points. It changes the nature of the game a bit." So is there a Death Star map? "No, not in this game. But that'd be a great level, so we'll look at that for a possible future title or expansion."

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Originally posted by GlobalStrike

Here's a link for more bf aircraft. Link.


Geonosian starfighter, Tie bomber, cloud car and something called a MAF are in the game. Also, the gunship can only hold 5 players, pilot, 3 gunners and 1 passenger. :jawa :jawa

w00t! Thx for the link!


The Snow Speeder looks rather meh :/

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yea i cant wait for the bad A$$ mudasucka to come out, its goonna blow heads if everything comes together right.


Also i cant wait to take on an at-at in one of those fighters. then take the battle to the ground and deal out sum destruction with the infantry, Bf dreams all over again.

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Originally posted by thejeditraitor

this game looks better every freakin' day.


it does !!!! someone said that if you reserve it that the people who reserved it sometimes get their copy a week after the people who didnt reserve it will get it ,is this true ,if it is why?

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new list.... there are a total of thirty usable vehicles in the game.


If you've seen a vehicle in a Star Wars movie, odds are it's in the game," says Executive Producer Greg Burrod of Pandemic Studios.


confirmed in-game




1.Jedi Starfighters

2. Republic Gunships

3. republic personel carriers

4. at-te- republic walker

5. gian speeder (naboo)

6. kaadu

7. landspeeders




8. hailfire droids

9. s.t.a.p.s

10. homing spider droids

11. Trade Federation Tanks

12. droid starfighters

13. Geonosian starfighter

14. MAF


rebel alliance-


15. Speeder Bikes

16. Tauntauns

17. new rebel tanks on yavin 4

18. twin-pod cloud car

19. X-Wings

20. Y-Wings

21. Rebel Snowspeeders


galactic empire-


22. Imperial Shuttles

23.tie bomber

24. TIE Fighters

25. AT-STs -2-legged walkers

26. sand skiff

27. AT-ATs -big walkers on hoth


these make at least an appearance.


Millennium Falcon


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MAF (this is a new vehicle either made for ep 3 or the game)


it's like a gunship for droids


The Mechanized Assault Flyer is produced by Haor Chall Engineering for close range bombardment of targets while doubling as a recon craft.


The stationary hover capability of the craft allows the MAF to sit in one place and provide covering fire for the battle droid army below. Additionally the MAF hosts an impressive weapons layout including a top mounted turret with a 360 degree turning radius.


Size: 18.2 Meters long

Max Speed: 820 Kilometers per hour

Crew: Pilot, 2 Gunners

Type: Air Assault Transport

Faction: CIS

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