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Yes!! Finally!! Oh Happy Day!!


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Well guys, tomorrow will be one of the best days of my life! I finally, after two years get my braces out. I've been waiting for ever for this! No more pain in my teeth, no more flesh ripping in the inside of my mouth, no more pain trying to eat a sandwich! Oh how glorious! Anyone in here have or had braces? Sound off! yeah for me! woo-hoo!

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Guest HalfSwedeLarz

dont rub it in i got mine taken off then put back on again! and so its not a happy day and your avatar needs braces

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Guest HalfSwedeLarz

even the great Lord Larz doesnt know wait never mind i have the answer it is..........MAGIC! weeeeeeeeee

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I thank God that my teeth are 99% perfect, and I don't need braces. Having all that gear in my mouth is one thing I never wanted done. I'm glad you're getting them off. Freedom at last, eh?

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Guest HalfSwedeLarz

good for you but to tell you now it will be a total hell and i have been through that hell TWICE!

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Originally posted by HalfSwedeLarz

good for you but to tell you now it will be a total hell and i have been through that hell TWICE!



You know you can just not read the thread.:rolleyes:






Grats SeleneRayne.

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Guest HalfSwedeLarz

lol i am just warning you i have scars inside my mouth because i got in a fight at school(no im not a bad kid but there was no avoiding it) and i was punched in the mouth OW talk about pain your braces tearing into your mouth OW blood everywhere

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I don't fight unless I'm in a corner with no way out.


I exercise a large degree of control over who I speak to, and how I speak to them.


Odds of me getting into a fight = 1 in 50,000... lot better than the lottery eh









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I got my braces off my junior year of high school...so....three years ago. And now my teeth are pretty much perfect so wooooo!


I had a friend who had braces pretty much from 3rd grade through high school. So none of you are in a position to complain.


(unless you had braces from 3rd grade to high school...then complain away!)

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I have braces. Got em in in May. They're not so bad AFTER the first week. Then, comes the tightening. Which hurts for a day. Then its all good again.

I only have to have em in for a year or so. My teeth werent crooked, but they were gapped pretty badly.

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Guest HalfSwedeLarz

well i was setup some kids that hated me told this kid i was saying BAD things about him i mean BAD things so then he tried to fight me i ignore him then get hit in the mouth if my braces werent tearing up the insides i would have punched him back and those people here that have had braces twice i respect you you know my pain i also hate the power chains

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