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So, whatcha'll look like? (56k'ers beware)


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Originally posted by Prime

When I am not in vehicle mode, I sometimes look like this:




or this:







I am, of course, the one on the left. :)


Funny...I always pictured you as an auto-bot :confused:




Nice wedding photos :). Does she game?


cause I can't find a girl that shows my love for games. They have so far been able to tolerate it, but non really like to play.


makes me sad :(

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Originally posted by Acrylic

I'd hate it if I had a girl that played games as much as I do...cuz I mean, to me, its a guy thing. :indif:


Psh. :p I'd love it if my girlfriend played video games. Imagine the fun of playing together! Imagine LAN parties Friday night on Co-op, with the person you love! I mean, honestly, that's awesome.


It's also one more thing that wouldn't divide you, since you both have the same tastes.


Aw man, that would be cool. :cool:

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Originally posted by Troopr-Undr-Fir

Nice wedding photos :).

Thanks man. :)


Originally posted by Troopr-Undr-Fir

Does she game?

Not overly. Athough now that I got an XBox as a wedding present, she is keen to start playing. We are both into sports and we have already started playing NHL 2004 and NBA Street (she likes that she can have a female player). She is also big into snowboarding so she wants to try out some of those games.


We have a fooseball table at our house and we play that a lot. So getting her into XBox games hasn't been too hard. :)

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Originally posted by legameboy

Psh. :p I'd love it if my girlfriend played video games. Imagine the fun of playing together! Imagine LAN parties Friday night on Co-op, with the person you love! I mean, honestly, that's awesome.


It's also one more thing that wouldn't divide you, since you both have the same tastes.


Aw man, that would be cool. :cool:


No it wouldnt be. I want a lady that acts like a lady. Not a lady that acts like an unemployed 30 year old man that lives in his mom's basement.


But, it would be nice just to play a little bit of co-op, or something on a day when its really boring. I wouldnt mind that. :)

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

Is that...assigning arbitrary roles to different genders? AKA sexism? No, surely not! :p


Kinda is. Hell, Im more old fashioned in thinking. Im just saying, I dont want MY lady to play games, on account of I like ladies that act like ladies. 'Nuff said on my part.

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Originally posted by Acrylic

Kinda is. Hell, Im more old fashioned in thinking. Im just saying, I dont want MY lady to play games, on account of I like ladies that act like ladies. 'Nuff said on my part.


That is such an incredibly creepy thing to say.




What? What's that you're saying? Post my picture? >.>;;


*Runs away*

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Originally posted by legameboy

Psh. :p I'd love it if my girlfriend played video games. Imagine the fun of playing together! Imagine LAN parties Friday night on Co-op, with the person you love! I mean, honestly, that's awesome.


It's also one more thing that wouldn't divide you, since you both have the same tastes.


Aw man, that would be cool. :cool:


But think of it this way:

You beat her in the games, you don't get laid for a hole week and you get to sleep on the sofa for a hole month(If you're living with her)


Not so cool then, eh? :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Redwing

I swear, I'll kill you if you do anything :p


And I know where you're sleeping for two weeks next month :D;)


Hey, Pinky, is Wacky in America right now? Its waht Steve told me. (Yeah, I coulda PMed, but figuring I dont check my PMs, I doubt Pinky does either)

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Originally posted by Acrylic

No it wouldnt be. I want a lady that acts like a lady. Not a lady that acts like an unemployed 30 year old man that lives in his mom's basement.


Well there is a shallow mind for you... But speaking as someone who had that and has that right now, I just want something I care about, and someone I care about, and to have those mix. It would be bliss.


Originally posted by Acrylic

No it wouldnt be. I want a lady that acts like a lady. Not a lady that acts like an unemployed 30 year old man that lives in his mom's basement.


Is that how you think of everyone here? Not everyone is like that... I'm sorry, but after that statment I have to say that you don't know **** about anyone :rolleyes:.






You are certainly a lucky man Prime... I hope you have many auto-bot children.


I just hope they don't grow up to be little Decepticons...


OK I'll stop now :(

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Originally posted by Troopr-Undr-Fir

Is that how you think of everyone here? Not everyone is like that... I'm sorry, but after that statment I have to say that you don't know **** about anyone :rolleyes:.


Nah, Its only how I think about you. :)

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Originally posted by Acrylic

Nah, Its only how I think about you. :)


SO You think that I live in my parents basement...


just because I talk to people here...just as you do?


Surely you can't be that stupid.



And when did you suddenly think you had a life? Your still in school right? School is your life, until you grow up. (which I seriously hope you do for all our sakes)


If you want to live in a dream world where your parents give you everything and still think you have a life.


Then I pitty you ;)

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