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Cantina 13: Rebellion


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((BD: Is there anything special you want your characters to do at Godsheim Station before the briefing?))


Godsheim Station


*Vidar and Geri slowly began making their way back to the Pommel. Pausing at a view port and looking out at the nebula. As he looked out four fighters escorting another ship came into view.


Vidar thinking: Good they arrived, tomorrow should bring the rest. Now only to contact the Empire, and maybe the blades...



Atla Minning Station


*Skadi stood at the base of the ramp to her small transport*


Skadi: Come along Gerd. It is time to go.


Gerd: I'm coming...

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Darkstar Skyhook


*Reletha swears, filling with anger at the appearance of an old foe thought dead. She pushes the red button.*


Reletha: Admiral Luthen, you have performed well and will be a martyr to the Republic. Did you really think I'd just let you live, Hallifire? Even your mentor's appearance will not save you now. Enjoy your last moments together.


*The controls on the bridge begin to lockdown. Reletha's face vanishes as the comm goes silent. Reletha pushes another comm switch. A young general appears on screen.*


Reletha: General Frozeum, you have just been promoted to admiral of the fleet. Please withdraw all ships from the blast area of the Vigilance, activate gravity wells on your interdictors and deploy all fighters. Destroy ANY ship that tries to leave the sector. Fail me and your predesscessor's death will be far more glamourous than than yours.





Gamma: This is an incredible get up. What wonders await us in transport?




Hyperspace, Mid Rim


Deac: It's still a fair few days to Obroa-Skai. How are you sure that that's where the cult will go?


Syrnl: It was part of their manifesto-


*Both suddenly jolt*


Deac: Cracken. I've not felt anything that strong since the Aesir Holocaust.


Syrnl: Cracken...hardly knew him. Palpatine kept him quiet. Is this good or bad?


Deac: I don't know...but he seems quite emotional. Let's just hope it's not us he's after...

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Kal: Master, if that is Lord Cracken then he may be too powerful to stop.




*Greer is buzzed.*




((Admiral, I was waiting for Elella to strike up a conversation, nothing doing so feel free to time skip.))

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*Greer hurried back to the room. He knew they wouldn't call him this soon unless it was an emergency*


*With his ship still drifting in space Chavo suddenly feels a prensence come back. Somehow he knew that Cracken, the man he had been hired to chase had something to do with it. For a final time he tried hyperspace and to his suprise it worked. He set a course straight towards Corusant*




((Fifty bucks everyone had forgotten about him))

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((Poor wildjedi, coming along with computer problems, at a point when we're super-posting. :D))




Aren: Do I detect a bit of sarcasm, Gamma? You're almost through with this.


*She walks back down the corridor, back to the main room, and takes the right corridor on the other side. There are doors in the corridor walls*


Aren: *without opening them* These are just your standard utilities and refreshers. Nothing special.


*The end of the corridor opens into a wide, circular room. Mutplie circular, empty rings made of gray metal ring the walls*


Aren: Another technology we specialize in. Portal transportation. Each of these, when activated, uses interdimensional transport technology to allow you to step right through to another portal. Allow me to demonstrate.


*She speaks into a device in her hand* Reroute Portal 1 to Portal 3 and activate.


*The first and third portals from the right glow blue around the inner edges. A glowing blue field of light filles the center of the two rings.


Aren steps up to the first portal and steps through. She appears instantly stepping through the third portal*


Aren: The practical use of this is that you can set this base up to connect to any add-ons on other planets in the future. Currently only two of these portals go anywhere in particular. One is to an orbital hangar. One is to underneath the Cantina above us.


Riss: Now, can we get to bussinesss...


Aren: Of course, Riss...sorry to take so much time. I understand some of you *looking at Riss* may think this is overkill, and might even be a bit annoyed with me...but hey, my policy is that if you have a power drill, why bother using a screwdriver? *At blank looks* Oh yeah, you people don't have screwdrivers. What do you use? Uh...think a beamdrill, versus a stick. Er, I guess I sort of killed that analogy. Shall we proceed to briefing?

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Sabaac-man "She said that there has to be a corresponding portal avalible on another planet. For now there is none."




*Ulna Shardes Space*


*F Irvine's shuttles exit Hyperspace. Immedately he feels a jolt... Cracken*


Pilot "My lord! An Unknown ship off to port!"


F. Irvine "And the fleet?"


Pilot "Still waiting."


F. Irvine "And they haven't hailed that ship yet?"


Co-Pilot "I'll get right on that My lord."

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*Cracken scoffs at Relethna, and uses the Force to put the now former Admiral into a sleep state*


We must go. Now. Time for formalities later. Get the Admiral, and carry her with us.


*Cracken lead Alysara, Irinvie, and Starr, who carried the Admiral, down the hall ways, running at full speed. He stopped at what seemed to be a dead end, and waved his hand. A console appleared, and he typed in a few quick numbers.


The wall broke away, revealing a Tyderian Class shuttle, heavly modified. 2 Turbolaser turrets, mounted on the side, with forward facing Ion Blasters and standered TIE cannons. Missile bays were added.*


Cracken: There's always another way, Vader was no fool, and didn't trust these mechanical behemoths to be impervious. Every SSD built has them.


*He hurried everyone on board, and motion for Irvine to sit in the pilots seat, himself in the co-pilots seat. He enganged the engines, and the dock bay doors opened up to the hard vaccum.*


Cracken: Alys, Starr, get to the consoles controling the turbo laser batteries. *He looked at Irvine* Get us out of the Interdictor fields.


*With that, the shuttle blasted out of the bay at full speed....*

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*Irvine was surprised, but hell he knows how to pilot himself place to place.


Irvine guns the engines. Almost immedately warning lights come on as TIE Fighters become closing on their location.*


Irvine "Strap in, tighter, I'm going to turn off the dampening fields, better to feel how I'm using all the thrusters on this thing to get out of their fire..."


*Irvine begins activate the thruster systems. But then he grabs the controlls again and makes the ship dip quickly as TIE Fighter fire zips by.*


Irvine "Who's ready?!"

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Ulna Shardes Space


*Rwos' head snaps up as Fused Irvine exits hyperspace. The other Blades react as well*


Rwos: Do you sense that?


Nereli: Yes.


Blade: Sai, a similar reality warp has just appeared on our scopes...close. Several ships have exited hyperspace near our location.


*Rwos tries to focus on the chaotic, erratic pseudo-magic signature*


It feels almost like Cracken did last I saw him, but...different...could this be him? What is that other signature?


Blade: They are hailing us.


Nereli: Answer.




SSD Vigilance Fleet


*Starr grabs a turret and aims at the pursuing fighters*






Aren: That is actually something we are currently working on. So, yes, but not yet.

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SSD Lucifer


Comm: Sir, Lord Irvine's shuttle has arrived. Phantom one is still holding position. We have a call from the shuttle. They're asking why the ship hasn't been destroyed.


Stormbaltz: Fire starboard batteries.




Darkstar Skyhook


Frozeum: My Lady, they are escaping on the Admiral's emergency shuttle.


Reletha: Destroy it. Do not let those gravity generators fall.


*Reletha closes the comm and puts her head in her hands*


Reletha: That man has always barred my family's access to the Imperial Throne. Just behind him...once set to rule the galaxy after Vader bought it...and now this. If he escapes...






Gamma: Don't mind me, just anxious to start. So who do I get to kill first?

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((F Irvine never said anythign about 'destorying' the ship :D))


Ulna Shardes space


*F. Irvine at the comm remains quiet, he senses a presence on the Blade's ship... Familar, but couldn't point it out...


He pauses for a moment longer, then it hits him*


F. Irvine *into comm* "Termand Rwos. What brings you to the neck of these woods?"




SSD Vigilance Fleet


Irvine "Eh what ever."


*Irvine flips some switches and then feels himself sinking back into his chair as the full effects of g-forces increase.


A couple of quadrons of TIE Fighters rush in rapidly


Irvine cuts the engines to 30%, then hits the thrusters at 120% to flip the ship 180 degrees, and guns the engine to 130% and races head-on at the Fighters and opens fire upon them.


The TIE's not expecting such a move separate, but not losing several of their wingmates first. Irvine cuts the engines and dips the ship down again towards one of the Interdictor cruisers.


He guns it to the most he can, letting the shuttle twist to allow Starr to fire the cannons at them more directly.


Irvine fires a volley of missles at a crusier, with a direct hit it disables the field long enough for the ship to fly through and getting beyond the gravitywell generators, the friendly sight of hyperspace becomes seen around the ship.


With the dampening fields working normaly again Irvine puts it back on autopilot.*


Irvine "Father, where are we going?"

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Darkstar Skyook


Frozeum: My Lady, they have managed to escape. The shuttle was armed with Ion torpedoes...forgive me.


*Tears of fear form in Reletha's eyes as she fills with anger*


Reletha: You won't get another oportunity.


*Frozeum is force-choked*

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((Actually, Starr Hailfire, my apprentice, inherited the power of rule over the Empire. ))


*Cracken looks mildly impressed*


Well done, my son. your skills are growing. Drop us out of Hyperspace so we may redirect our course. *He turns his head slightly* Starr, direct us to the Imperial Fleet. And please, brief me on the current galactic political situation. I need allies, and quickly.


*All this time, Alysara was silent. She left her console, and simply hugged Starr, and whispered to him..*


Alysara: I missed you.


edited for typos

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((And either Irvine was quite public knowledge, but rumors can be rumors :D))


*Irvine drops the ship out of Hyperspace.*


Irvine "Well I can say this, since you attacked Ulna Shardes, the separatists are fragmented. And not to mention that the republic is split."

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((OOS: *wonders why Cracken has reverted to calling Alys 'Alysara'* :D))




*Starr is somewhat taken aback by Alysara's approach. He almost returns her hug, but stops himself awkwardly. Shaking off the offending emotions, he clears his throat and answers Cracken*


Starr: The...the remains of the Separatists have allied themselves with the Republic. A schism formed within the Republic when corrupt Senators staged a coup. The uncorrupted who could escape retreated to the Outer Rim. Taklin Flax leads them now. He has been given near-absolute power, to last six months.


An attack on Coruscant by one of Flax' allied forces killed most of the leading Senators, but allowed Reletha Darkstar to step into the power vacuum and take the position of Chancellor. The Separatist remnant rallied behind her, including this Admiral Luthen.


We have remained neutral in the situation until now.




Ulna Shardes Space


I recognize that voice. The son of Cracken...a Sleeper like him? If that is what this is...


Rwos: *after a moment, prompted by Nereli's look* Yes, this is Termand Rwos. Irvine, is it?


It is Irvine, but which one...the white-haired one, the crazier one, was on the Separatist's side, the red-haired one was on the Loyalist's side...


Probably the white-haired one, considering our current location.


Rwos: Irvine Cracern?




Underground/Assassin's Lair


Aren: Better to show then tell, right?


*She exits the transport room, heading back to the central room. Riss and Celeste follow*


((OOS: I know, now you all want to kill me for cutting off the post, but I am out of posting time as the school computer lab is about to shut down. ^^;; Will post tomorrow ;)))

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