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Cantina 13: Rebellion


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((Scar: See discussion thread.


Okay, everyone else, assume we are in sync with the rest of the RPG, except Starr, Irvine and Chavo I guess.))



SSD Executor


Docking Bay


Starr: *Sideways glance at Irvine* So...you know this being?






Luthen: *looking wasted and haggard* What motivation do I have to tell you anything, Dark Lord of the Sith... You will kill me, painfully, either way...




Time Skip: Insert Time Here




*The Blade ship Inquiry slides out of warp space above Coruscant. Rwos looks through the main viewscreen, startled, at the Golan Defense Platform in front of the ship, flanked by two Star Destroyers. Space is thick with patrolling TIEs*


Rwos: That can't be...Coruscant...


Nereli: That is the name for it here, yes.


Rwos: I really, really hope you have this ship cloaked, unless you want to start a minature war right here, right now.


Nereli: *smiling a little* Of course we do.


*The Inquiry passes over the Golan Platform and between two formations of TIE fighters. Not one craft takes notice of the black ship*


Rwos: So K'Warra is here?


Nereli: He is somewhere on the planet's surface, yes. Our locators are still pinpointing the exact coordinates.


*The Inquiry passes through the three rings of Golan Defense Platforms. The ship slides through the double-layered planetary shields with only a small discernable ripple*


((OOS: Assuming the shields are even up at the moment. Deac, up to you whether Reletha senses Rwos or not. :)))




Tatooine, Underground Shadow Base


*Aren stands in front of an enormous screen, divided up into many different smaller screens. One shows a view through Kioet's mask. Others show various exterior views of his ship in hyperspace. Still others display different sorts of readouts.*




Hyperspace, Kioet's Ship


*A small, shimmering holographic image of Aren appears on a small projector in Kioet's cockpit*


Aren: Csuhen, do you read me?

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[someone else using ignites sabers? *Clutches chest and dies*]


Holonet Uplink


*In a small computer room, a terminal has been set up, along with a shrine to Lokpihet. Several acolytes chant as Rishtag sits in the operating chair*


Rishtag: Soon...soon there will be no more communication. Soon the galaxy will choke and die.



Obroa Skai


Deac: Syrnl! Hold them off! This is my fight!


Syrnl: Like hell it is. I want all these guys to suffer.


*Ignites Sabers. Syrnl begins charging, brutally stomping his way toward the skylift. Deac weaves gracefully between the stormtroopers and arrives first*


Deac: Kal! Come on!

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*As Deac starts his charge Kal deflects a flurry of laser bolts aimed at the group, then follows his master through the melee, despatching the last trooper with a stab to the chest. He arrives a moment behind Deac.*


Kal: I'm here, Master.


((The shields are lowered just as you are about to go through them and raised straight after, not even an X-Wing could slip through, unless they were in perfect sync with a larger ship.))

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((Al right, all right i'll interview them))

*CHINK-CHINK sound from Law and Order*

Detention Center, Deck B

12:49 PM

Nov. 2

*Greer arrives at the detention center and looks over both prisoners.*

Greer: Before we begin, is there anything any of you want to tell me outright?

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((*reads red's post*


I dont think you got it bd, imho, their ship sorta when out of phase allowing them to go through the force fields :D))


Detention Center, Deck B


Medic 1 "Whats there to tell? Didn't I say about a hundred tmes to the guards what all I could remember?"


Medic 2 "Yeah, and that other guy just told me that he'd..." *points at the other medic* "been relieved."


((note: i'm just putting it like the one medic's been already through this once, or at least been saying it over and over to a guard))

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((OOS: Waiting on Scar for the Executor, and waiting on Scar in Crisis as well...geez Scar :p;)


Oh, and shouldn't F. Irvine have arrived at Deac's location by now? :D


*ducks bullets*))



Pre-Time Skip


SSD Executor Docking Bay


Starr: Well?




Post-Time Skip




*The Blade ship remains aimed straight down going through Coruscant's atmosphere. It levels off near the top building spires of the planet-city's uppermost level*


Blade: *to Nereli* Sai, we have a narrowed location to roughly directly beneath us. Depth uncertain, but we will eventually be hitting solid walls.


Nereli: Then take us as deep as you can and stay aboveground. We'll proceed on foot.


*The ship, still cloaked, lowers into Coruscant's dark underlevels*




Shadow Base


Aren: Good. A small warning you should know about. Our intelligence tells us that "Interdictor" craft are placed along most or all hyperspace routes. So be ready for a fight.

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Executor Prison Garrison


Cracken: As I said, there are more painful ways to extract the information I require....


*Cracken's eyes continued to glow, and he outstretched his right hand toward Luthen. The Admiral clutched her head, searing pain ripped through her mind. Then nothing. Luthen looked almost comatose. His new powers could strip someone of all barriers of apprehension, letting him interrogate at will.*


Cracken: Now, tell me what you know. Everything.

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((Beats Scar over the head for not reading his post.))


Medic 2: We picked up a couple of new techs on Agamar, I haven't had time to get know either of them. One thing I will say, when we got to the med bay the only thing in Santago's bllood was a jawa's ton of spice.

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Elevator To Uplink Node


*Syrnl clutches at his chest*


Syrnl: Deac...I've got less than an hour. There's some things I need to say.


Deac: Syrnl. You weren't a brother to me. You were my enemy. You killed our family, you raised a pair of hellions and turned me into a freak. But you are my brother. I hope you find peace when you finally pass.


*Syrnl is upset by this, but understands and nods*


Syrnl: I can accept that. But remember Deac, these people wanted all this horror more than I ever did.


Deac: I know. That's why I'm going to let time take you. And then I'm going to kill Reletha.


Syrnl: No! Please! Tell her...tell her I said there was a better way...


Deac: They didn't do it for you. They did it for themselves. And Orthos wanted it enough to be his last wish.


Syrnl: He...hated us that much?


Deac: No. But he knew what you were all capable of. That's why Lokpihet killed him.


Syrnl: Maybe he was right. I had a lot of trouble dealing with who I used to be. But now I'm going to pay for it. I've seen where I'm going. It's not a pretty place.


Deac: Maybe. Or maybe you can do some redeeming before you go.


Syrnl: Huh?


Deac: Take those b*stards down with you. See if that doesn't take you to a better place.


Syrnl: For what it's worth, I'm sorry brother. For everything.


*The elevator arrives*

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((*hits red*


i work remember? :D

oh yeah, i now have newfound pity for cracken's position of having to work and go to school and being begged to post :D


anywho, Irvine shouldnt have direct knowledge that chavo WAS the guy lookin for his relitives ;)))


Obroa Skai: Upload station


*The four land on the floor silently. F. Irvine notices the guard's bodys laying about. Then they walk into the building, only to force speed following the path.*




SSD Executor


*Irvine raises his eyebrow, and thinks for a moment.*


Irvine "I believe he was hired to keep tabs on me and my envolvements with my Father." *showing a clear attitude change since Irvine and Chavo met* "Assign him a quarters and place him under house arrest. I'll figure out something to do with him. I would like to ask my Father a few unrelated things before I do."

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((Yeah, but all I'm saying is that RH Irvine should recognize Chavo, and vice versa, not that he should know what mission he was on.


P.S. also remember that he's force-sensitive))

Chavo: C'mon man, I understand some guards but house arrest? I've just been stuck on the ship for months, at least give me a chance to stretch my legs.


Greer: Any chance the spice may have been forced on Santago, or injected without him knowing?

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SSD Executor, Docking Bay


*Starr looks at Irvine somewhat suspiciously, then waves guards over*


Starr: *to Chavo* You can explain yourself later. *He gives Irvine a look, then glances back to Chavo* In the meantime, you can stretch your legs in maximum security. *to the guards* Take him to the barracks equipped with ysalamiri.


*Chavo is dragged off*




SSD Executor, Prison Garrison


((OOS: Cracken, to hurry this up, I'm going to have Starr enter the interrogation as well, since he knows what questions to ask Luthen. If you have a problem with this, or you want Starr excluded, IM me or post in the discussion thread. :)


By the way, if someone has no apprehension about what will happen to them if they answer, they still need those specific questions to answer. Without apprehension, they won't be hiding anything, so there is no obvious place to start when asked "tell me what you know. Everything" ;)


Note: If you want, this interrogation can be taking place after the time skip.))



Luthen: *without moving, or even raising her eyes to look at Cracken; voice totally devoid of sarcasm, despite the words used* You wish my knowledge, Lord Cracken? All of it? Where do you want me to start?


*Starr enters the room*


Starr: You called for me, Master?


((Will post on Coruscant/Kioet's ship later, need to get home ;)))

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*Cracken looked at Starr*


Excellent timing, my apprentice. You said Luthen had knowledge which we require. Question her, get what you need. She'll be very... cooperative.


*Cracken stepped back into the door way, arms folded, with a smug grin on his face. He was beginning to enjoy this...*


Executor Simulator Bay


*Alysara climbed out of the TIE simulator cockpit, the sim run over, and bee lined it staright for the 3 flight simulator group. As they climbed out, they looked very anxious and nervous.


They screwed up, getting them killed and risking the sucess of the mission. Alysara was not pleased.*


Alysara: Can anyof you please explain what the H--- that was all about?!


*Three flight snapped to attention, and gave a resounding "No Ma'm". Mistake one. They all flew back, pushed through the Force.*


Alysara: I don't care about your damned ego's, or you quest for glory. You WILL follow my orders in battle to the letter, do you understand!?


*They all nodded, slowly pulling themselves up, and they nodded.


Mistake two. Once again, thet found them selves sprawled out on the floor, this time with problems trying to breath.*


Alysara: I'm sorry, I didn't HEAR YOU.


*Bearly able to breathe, they yelled as loud as they could "Yes Ma'm!". Satisfied they understood her, She released them, and realized she was using the Dark Side.... She breathed deep, trying to calm herself. Her anger cooled down, and she turned to the rest of the squadron, who was watching with apprehension*


Alysara: Let this be a lesson. Those who don't follow orders will be treated like those who fail my father. And he doesn't like failure.


*The squadron nodded*


Alysara: Thanks to your friends in 3 flight, we will run this again 3 more times.


*Dissapointment reverberated through the squadron, though they dared not show it infront of thier new leader.


Alysara climbed back into her simulator cockpit, and did Jedi breathing exercises. She needed to control her anger more... before she fell completly*

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*The Medic shrugs.*


Medic: The stuff he took was the real thing, the stuff Imp Intel used to read minds, that has to be taken orally, it was solid. He had some of it in his stomach when we pumped it. I would have thought you would have had to lever his mouth open if he didn't want to take it. I didn't see any marks.


*Shrugs again.*

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*F. Irvine smiles then shifts his eyes to the 'drones'. They silently walk off to the side.*


F. Irvine "They are not going to fight, they have no need nor the desire to nor even the will to. You're fight is with me, besides I'm alot mroe then what you three can handle anyway..."

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