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Jaden's face?


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Is there any plan of another Jedi Knight game? Because if there is, then what will Jaden look like? At least with Kyle and people they were pre made and looked how they looked, but now it is weird.


And nobady say there won't be a new game, because clearly there will be, have none of you played the dark side ending?

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last time i heard about the next jk game was that it would be made in quake 4 engine and would be out in 2005(i don't believe that will be release in 2005 since quake 4 will be release in 2005)


edit: btw jaden don't exist on star wars universe neither the story of jedi academy so it must be forgotten

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Originally posted by Ace-_Ventura

yeah but jk can't be on doom 3(argh ctf 2 vs 2 lol) so we have to wait until quake 4 is finished


its not limited to that by necessity, its by design. they are leaving mp evolution up to the modding community.

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Originally posted by Ace-_Ventura

last time i heard about the next jk game was that it would be made in quake 4 engine and would be out in 2005(i don't believe that will be release in 2005 since quake 4 will be release in 2005)


Um, but i never heard of such thing? Any links?

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Originally posted by Ace-_Ventura

u want a game made in 1 year? jka was made in 2 and you can see the problems. bugs on maps,bad code and many other things..

I know what you are saying, but I don't really want to wait 4 or 5 years between games...


Just me. But then again, I was happy enough with JA...

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I think they should hand development duties over to the guys who are making repulic commando, that game looks awesome and it looks like they are really spending a lot of time on it to make sure it's the best it can be. Plus what they've done with the unreal engine could be easily ported over to accomdate a jedi game just with tweaks to make for control of a saber. Has anyone seen the long kashyyk trailer? The environments look real.

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It dosen't have to be about Jaden though... Jaden was in one of them and Kyle was in 3. He's relay the hero of the series. Plus JA isn't realy JK3 if I remember correctly from one of the dev. dairys. It's more of a Mots. I'd reather JK3 be on the Source engine that the Doom 3 engine. I get the fealing that Source will be more easilly modded. Still, Lucas knows best. *Major sarcasm here*

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Originally posted by Obi_Kwiet

It dosen't have to be about Jaden though... Jaden was in one of them and Kyle was in 3. He's relay the hero of the series. Plus JA isn't realy JK3 if I remember correctly from one of the dev. dairys. It's more of a Mots. I'd reather JK3 be on the Source engine that the Doom 3 engine. I get the fealing that Source will be more easilly modded. Still, Lucas knows best. *Major sarcasm here*


HL engine = quake 1&2 mixed with additions and modifications.


Source = modified and updated hl engine.


doom3 engine is by far better on the graphics side than source, not to mention it is an id creation (therefore we don't have bull**** bugs like the last client bug in hl engine) and is easily moddable + has great things like strafejumping.

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Originally posted by Tinny

what about if we used ut2003 engine or maybe even q3 but make the maps and missions ridiculously HUGE. like one map would be about 20 % of the death star.


The q3 engine wouldn't be able to handle that and even if it could you would have to walk loooooooooooooooong distances to encounter enemies and that'd be pretty boring and then they'd have to make better net code so it can support more people to make the massive maps enjoyable..... yea, it'd be a huge mess.



Playing a jk game on the Doom 3 engine would be insane. I'm sure the D3 engine will have the same (if not, better) physics system as Source so they could do some slick environmental interations with the force with it. Hell, even 4 player jk game on the D3 engine will be enjoyable (jk1 all over again :p MSN Gaming Zone time ;) )

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Originally posted by Tinny

...ridiculously HUGE. like one map would be about 20 % of the death star.


haha, i remimber the uproar the load times for JK2 caused. if you somehow got the engine to support a map with that much stuff in it, it woudl take forever to load ;) Q3 is old tech, best to move on :D


edit: oh yea, i wish people would stop acting like the Doom3 engine can only support 4 players. Its fully capeable of MP with as many or more players than q3. id said it was leaving big games of D3 up to modders, and of course, Q4 will be using D3 as its engine so i suppose that it will support many players also ;)

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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

haha, i remimber the uproar the load times for JK2 caused. if you somehow got the engine to support a map with that much stuff in it, it woudl take forever to load ;) Q3 is old tech, best to move on :D


edit: oh yea, i wish people would stop acting like the Doom3 engine can only support 4 players. Its fully capeable of MP with as many or more players than q3. id said it was leaving big games of D3 up to modders, and of course, Q4 will be using D3 as its engine so i suppose that it will support many players also ;)


its called people need to get something other than their 5 year old rigs they used for cs to run the game well. i never had any problems with the load times, and they were often less than 10 seconds, hell under 5 for /reconnects and map changes.

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