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President of the Swamp 2004


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Originally posted by InsaneSith

If I was president I'd ensure LF be shutdown for 3 weeks so you bastards won't know what to do and get excercise. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


and judging by your most recent pic in the 'post your pics' thread, I'd say you would benefit from this too, chunkybum..... :D



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Originally posted by sabretooth



I'd give my ability to see colors to make sure that doesn't come true.


sabre, pick a different running mate... :D

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Originally posted by sabretooth



Multi-Personality Disorder rools!!


Sabre, join us, you can become the general of our Forces of Darkness..... and you should know that runnin with DG is gonna get you up the ganges with no cricket bat :p


Vote 666 Cap/Astro 2004......



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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Vote ET Warrior / Insane Sith because.....it'd probably be fun to vote like that...and we're probably awesome. And stuff.


I believe mods arent eligible, really, who'd vote for a mod, theyre already wickedly corrupted with power :p .... unless its Siv and/or Jed, who are still cool :D


ET/Sithy....he he he... bringin Dune and Hentai to the swamp....oldskool ! *cough*dontstandachance*cough*





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Originally posted by Doomgiver

i see people aren't going to vote for me, since they have something against me... Fine, drop me. Only: What is it you have against me?


If you vote for the Cap/Astro combo, I will like you... :p


see, now I'm lying like a real politician...... :D


:p j/k


dont be too down DoomG, theres a place for you in our sick and twisted campaign...vote for us !


"Vote Cap/Astro 2004.....Proudly Polluting the Swamp since 2002"



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Originally posted by Doomgiver

i see people aren't going to vote for me, since they have something against me... Fine, drop me. Only: What is it you have against me?


What is it I'm holding against you, you ask? Well son, that ain't no banana in my pocket. Pressed ever so firmly against you. Wait...yeah, I guess it is a banana afterall. Dammit astro, quit stuffing my pockets full with nanners.

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Haha. So very funny. Well, if nobody likes me, i'm not gonna vote for anyone. Not that it'll be decisive or anything, but who cares, it's just me...


EDIT: mostly, my question is now: Why doesn't Jed like me?


Double EDIT: and why is it a bad idea to ahve me for VC? if Sabre likes it, let him...


Now you guys ruined my only chance at power...


Triple EDIT: and you guys hopefully know that you just insulted me? And how heavily i take insults? Astro asks you not to post flashy pics because he has Epilepsy or something like that. I ask you not to insult me. It's not a very clever thing to do when you're trying to get people to vote for you...


And another EDIT: And i'm no worse than any of you. And if you don't like me, help me improve it instead of insulting me over it. Cause you know i do things like this when i'm angry. Waht is it? My spelling isn't that bad, i don't spam, double post or anything. What the **** is it? Everywhere i go people always hate me for no reason!

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

Haha. So very funny. Well, if nobody likes me, i'm not gonna vote for anyone.


Are you looking for sympathy? Are you looking for someone to sasy "Oh, no, we LOVE YOU." ?


If you're looking for that, then you're in the wrong place.

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Oh, thanks. That's just what i needed. Haven't you read anything else i just said? Guess you guys are just a bunch of stupid computer geeks without a life, waitng for someone to show up that's just a little different from you and than chase him from the board. No wonder i didn't fit in. No wonder you didn't like me. I'm better than that.


Fine: you succeeded. I won't return in quite a while.

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

Oh, thanks. That's just what i needed. Haven't you read anything else i just said? Guess you guys are just a bunch of stupid computer geeks without a life, waitng for someone to show up that's just a little different from you and than chase him from the board. No wonder i didn't fit in. No wonder you didn't like me. I'm better than that.


Fine: you succeeded. I won't return in quite a while.


Mmmkay. Bai now.



EDIT: On the geek test, I only got 2%. Which made me a poser. Boo-yah.

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

Guess you guys are just a bunch of stupid computer geeks without a life,


Yeah, you pinned me down with that one. But something you should think about is the fact that you've been here five months and have more posts than I, a person who's been here two years. So don't try and come off like you're some kinda Mr. Hip, with way better, funner, cooler things to do. I don't buy it. And, and one last thing. Grow the hell up. It's the internet. You'll have to search far and wide to find someone that gives a rats ass that your precious little feelings are hurt. Later!

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Doomgiver i thought that you said that you'd stop being so "serious" after that ninja topic. They didn't attack you, nor hate you (i can read minds, fear my psychic powers! (and cause of that i already know who's gonna win)). Seriously, that attention beg from you was asking for such responses. This is not a valentine board. Well be stubborn and stay away then (2003 newbies have no chance of winning!) KTHXBAI

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Originally posted by CapNColostomy

Yeah, you pinned me down with that one. But something you should think about is the fact that you've been here five months and have more posts than I, a person who's been here two years. So don't try and come off like you're some kinda Mr. Hip, with way better, funner, cooler things to do. I don't buy it. And, and one last thing. Grow the hell up. It's the internet. You'll have to search far and wide to find someone that gives a rats ass that your precious little feelings are hurt. Later!



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