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Does anyone remember the good old days?


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Originally posted by acdcfanbill

look at teh people coming out of the woodwork to post :) i think there are only a few people who even played during the good ole days. to some that might even be jk2 :s

Originally posted by Prime

Only to silly people :)

Well, quite frankly, I consider people who refer to JK/MotS as 'back in the day' to be silly ... heck, calling Doom 'the good ole days' seems silly to me ... but then I'm a certified old fart ;)


As for gaming time, I agree - I want to make every hour count ... so I don't even bother with MP anymore ... for *any* game.



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What TK said hit the nail right on the head. I can't find a good server to play in because majority of them are saber only, force and guns disabled. This is utter bullcrap. Force and guns are part of the game, and idiots are wasting it away. Honestly, what fun is using saber alone? Killing people with a saber is so slow and boring. I want to be able to throw people off pits, and to blast them with a rocket launcher. Saber? I'll use that when I get close enough to the person to finish him off with a swing or two. People just get good at saber, and think they're the elite. They fail to realise that they have to be good at force and guns to be entirely good at the game. What good is a saber if I have guns? Come charging towards me with a lightsaber and I'll just dodge and blast you. Instead of asking 'how do you do that', they WHINE. Nowadays, whenever I kill someone with force or saber, I have to put up with their whinings like 'duel me noob' or 'that takes no skills'.


I didn't even have a chance to experience the good old days... x_x

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Originally posted by Druid Allanon

What TK said hit the nail right on the head. I can't find a good server to play in because majority of them are saber only, force and guns disabled. This is utter bullcrap. Force and guns are part of the game, and idiots are wasting it away. Honestly, what fun is using saber alone? Killing people with a saber is so slow and boring. I want to be able to throw people off pits, and to blast them with a rocket launcher. Saber? I'll use that when I get close enough to the person to finish him off with a swing or two. People just get good at saber, and think they're the elite. They fail to realise that they have to be good at force and guns to be entirely good at the game. What good is a saber if I have guns? Come charging towards me with a lightsaber and I'll just dodge and blast you. Instead of asking 'how do you do that', they WHINE. Nowadays, whenever I kill someone with force or saber, I have to put up with their whinings like 'duel me noob' or 'that takes no skills'.


I didn't even have a chance to experience the good old days... x_x


Isn't that the complete truth. The only thing left decent of JA online is siege mode, even that is questionable. My biggest grip is 90% of servers are running an admin mod, and the problems become apparent. I don't need to repeat what TK and Druid said because they stated it better then I ever could. JO was fun when it first came out and there were no such things as admin mods or any of the problems that are so comman with JA these days.


I played JK for the longest time, probably the single game I played the longest of hours. Everything was straight forward, you wanted to play a mod you really like? No problem, just set up a room and people should join in no time. There was nothing that felt frustrating in JK/MotS, it was all in great fun. JA doesn't give me such a rush as these games did because most fights are saber fights and you waste half your time jumping around holding the attack button in hopes that the opponent has his back turned. RIP JA, for you have been replaced by "JA+" the new kid on the block, and unlike JA, JA+ has a pocket knife, so all the kids think he's cool!

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Siege is getting stupid now. Everytime I join a game, the teams are balanced 9 to 3, and there is usually at least 2 "lamers" (people who grab the objectives and run away) doing stuff so stupid I feel like running to their house, rip JA from their CPUs and shoving it down their throats. What do I call good Siege? A game where everyone plays fair, where the teams are even, where people are united and follow good tactics, where people don't whine and bi*** about "LAMER! HE LAMED ME!" and "OMGWTFBBQ HAX0RZ!". That's what I call a hell of a good game.

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In my opinion, JA is, or rather was, better than CS. CS only have guns, whereas in JA, you have guns, saber, and force. It would be fun, except that majority of the servers only allow saber, which makes CS better in comparison. If only the honor noobs will understand that this is JUST A GAME, and NOT A ROLE-PLAYING GAME, then I believe JA would be one of the top games played in the world.

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Originally posted by Druid Bremen

Siege is getting stupid now. Everytime I join a game, the teams are balanced 9 to 3, and there is usually at least 2 "lamers" (people who grab the objectives and run away) doing stuff so stupid I feel like running to their house, rip JA from their CPUs and shoving it down their throats. What do I call good Siege? A game where everyone plays fair, where the teams are even, where people are united and follow good tactics, where people don't whine and bi*** about "LAMER! HE LAMED ME!" and "OMGWTFBBQ HAX0RZ!". That's what I call a hell of a good game.


THIS ladies and gentlemen is why I miss Meatgrinder II Siege. It was very nearly the last thing that kept me solidly hooked to JA. Me and Kurgan took no bull**** like that. You hold something like Korriban staff to hurt the offensive team, you were kicked and banned. You unbalanced the teams unfairly and refused to correct it, you were kicked, and if it was excessive you could very well find the map restarted.


It was awesomeness incarnate.

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Originally posted by TK-8252

But don't get me wrong about this - I support servers if they want to set up rules, as long as it doesn't turn into the typical whining and abusing that most servers have. If a server wants to set rules against chat-killing and saber-down killing that's entirely their business and any decent person should understand this. Those people who take it upon themselves to "lame" any server with these rules for the sole purpose of ticking people off and seeing them whine to the admins for help are not helping the situation at all - instead are making it worse, worse because this only makes admin abuse more common, seeing as admins get used to it and players expect that "lamers will be punished."


TK, don't you see that "setting rules" about "chat-killing" and "saber-down killing" inevitably leads to all of the problems you properly decried earlier in your post? It follows like night follows day.


Think about it: if you are going to have these artificial, made-up, contrary-to-the-very-nature-of-the-game "rules", they have to be enforced, and enforced constantly and consistently if they are going to be fair. So who is going to enforce them, and how? It means you have to have one or more "admins" to act as enforcers, constantly patrolling the server, watching the "players" like prison guards watching the prisoners in the exercise yard, and responding to and ajudicating every cry of "so-and-so lamed me". Pretty soon, some of these "admins" look upon being "admin" as their "job" or career (*cough*M.Chrono*cough*) and start taking themselves way too seriously.


And how will they enforce these made-up "rules"? Admin mods of course! People don't like giving out rcon, so they use admin mods, which leads to the popularity of jetpack-grapple-rancor spawning-amabuse noob-magnet mods like JA Plus. Jetpacks and grapples in Siege? Why not, it's "fun". Just don't lame me!


All of this angst, and for what? All of this to prevent what horrible, terrible "crime"? Chat-killing? Saber-down killing? Who cares, what's the big deal? So someone gets one easy point in a videogame, who cares? Most of the people on "honor" servers aren't trying to win anyway, so what difference does it make? And so what if the "lamer" gets the highest score on one insignificant map on one insignificant server in one insignificant game? Who cares! It's just a video game!


There is only one way to avoid all of these problems, as I and others have been shouting to deaf ears for ages: play the game the way it was meant to be played, because adding fake made-up "codes" inevitably leads to stupidity, abuse, and the death of the game. As we are seeing and discussing here.

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CTF was the last refuge of fast-action, full-weapon, full Force, no silly made-up "honor" code gaming in Jedi Academy. My CTF server still has 10-22 people 24/7 playing fast and furious CTF, including many "pure" FFA refugees who were disgusted with the no-guns, no-Force, 0 forceregentime, kata-spamming, jetpack and grapple enabled, chatting-and-whining, JA Plus amabuse-enforced "honor" code servers that infest Jedi Academy.


But, as Yoda would say, now "There is another".


I ran a small ForceMod III FFA server and was pleasantly suprised that there are still some FFA players out there who actually want to PLAY, instead of chat, play-act, "saber dool" (rhymes with drool), and whine and nag about "laming". So I am now running a 24-player ForceMod III, all kills are legal but no killtracker spam allowed FFA server.


Thank you Azymn for reviving "real" FFA in Jedi Academy. JA Plus Mod may have suffocated it but ForceMod III is bringing it back to life.

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I got it! How to save JA:


All we have to do is... wage war. Hear me out:


Maybe 10 people at a time, join a server (with random names)

and lame the crap out of it. The admin and all the players would be so angry. We keep doing it to different servers. We keep using RANDOM names, so no one will know when there server will be "targeted"


The IP ban list will have to be cleared eventually, so... then we keep doing it untill they give up.


They did it to us.. really, Amadala, don't honor n00bs join chopshop and cry when a gunner shots them down. How about when an actual 1337 saber master cuts them down to size? They invade your server don't they? Of course they quickly leave, which is the point of the above plan. They invade all the servers, even normal REAL FFA servers.


Isn't that what happend when JA first came out? They joined the servers and cried because they couldn't play how they wanted. Now they "took over"


Of course they have the help of admin mods. Thats where numbers come into it. We get like... 10 people and the admin (normally theres one or two) will get overwhelmed. While it is possible that they will ban everyone, it will cause a lot of "commotion" in the JKA community. Not to mention, it is fun to join a server and cut everyone up. Lets do exactly that. Lets make all the JA servers a playground for lamers.


So yeah, im being a bit of a n00b myself, and chances are this won't happen, but it would be awesome. Yeah, its kinda sad too, but I don't care :-p :D

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Originally posted by old man


jA plus didnt suffocated anything.

people dont play this game because IT SUCKS !

get over it good god. :mad:

... other than the ~1600 people logged in at any given time on servers that show up on GameSpy. No - it isn't CounterStrike numbers, or one of the WWII clones, but for a sci-fi game that is SP-focused, it is very good. In fact there is NO Sci-Fi based, SP-focused game that has done better in the past several years at having a MP audience than JKII & JA (don't talk about UT series - they have *no* SP mode, just disconnected bot MP play).



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Originally posted by old man


jA plus didnt suffocated anything.

people dont play this game because IT SUCKS !

get over it good god. :mad:


When are you going to use proper spelling and grammar? Huh? Or should we just knock you off per Darwin's request?


I'd say something, but I would just rehash the same crap I've been saying for more than a year.




Luke, there's a beautiful thing we like to call a router... That or get a 56k modem. Reconnect to the internet, and bingo. It's like an instant reset button. ;)

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When are you going to use proper spelling and grammar? Huh? Or should we just knock you off per Darwin's request?

Go ahead knock me off do me the favor .


I'd say something, but I would just rehash the same crap I've been saying for more than a year.


at least your smart enough to give it up maybe you can help Amidala

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JA sucked for me first, when I played it for a day, the next day it got much better cause my skills started to come back and it was pure fun to kill someone with a cool move.


Siege kinda sucks I think. It's so bland and not fun at all, servers should allow like 32 ppl to play siege cause then it would be fun. But right now it's nah :p


And yeah, the guns suck too I think, part of why I don't play siege too. But if we would have dual blasters and a Calo Nord model... then it would pwn hahaha :D


Oh yeah anyone knows the minimum requirements for SW: Battlefront, I didn't see them on the official page O.o

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MY,MY Rad Blackrose

Touchie arent we ?

Amidala dont know squat peeps dont play beacuse it sucks aint no fun.

Thank god for the mods or this game would have died sooner.



... other than the ~1600 people logged in at any given time on servers that show up on GameSpy. No - it isn't CounterStrike numbers, or one of the WWII clones, but for a sci-fi game that is SP-focused, it is very good.


Those numbers suck for a online game only HALO pulls in less players.

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I just checked http://www.search.hlsw.net/

84,610 playing Half life

1,702 playing JK3

out of the players on JKA only 349 of them are playing without any mod.

1,012 are playing some version of JA+ mod

The rest of the players are playing some of the other mods.

Like I said thank god for the Mods or this game would die sooner .

The mods are the only thing keeping it alive.

Not for long Im sure.

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lukeskywalker1 STATS dont lie.

Numbers my boy thats all they are they cant lie.


If people were made to download the mod to play JA+ the mod would die fast.

lukeskywalker1 nobody has to download the mod,the mods keep the game alive.

If not for the mods the game would die.

UMM...... die sooner I mean.

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They did it to us.. really, Amadala, don't honor n00bs join chopshop and cry when a gunner shots them down. How about when an actual 1337 saber master cuts them down to size?


Chop Shop's one of my favorite servers; I know exactly what you mean. It's specifically fun to kill a saber-only honor player with the pistol. All they do is run at you swinging their saber, and you're 20 meters away! It's so very funny.

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You missed my point old man, I know you don't have to download the game. But I know, no-one joins a server for the JA+ mod. Its just there. I was saying:


Of course the servers running that mod will have the most players because JA+ is on 75% of the servers!


The stats on the mod part don't matter (even if they are true) because I can randomly join any servers, and there a 2/3 chance it will be running JA+. Most people will randomly join a JA+ mod running server so the stats will look like it is a more popular mod!

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They did it to us.. really, Amadala, don't honor n00bs join chopshop and cry when a gunner shots them down. How about when an actual 1337 saber master cuts them down to size? They invade your server don't they? Of course they quickly leave, which is the point of the above plan. They invade all the servers, even normal REAL FFA servers.


Your plan is fun, but trust me, it won't help. On 99% of the servers out there, there's bound to be 't3h 4dm1n' there having /amsleep, /amslap and /ampunish bound to keys, waiting for a great chance to use all 3 on the 'lamers with no skills'. If we go in and lame, you know what will happen. I'm not saying we shouldn't lame in servers, I always do it too. Because staying on the few no-rules servers isn't enough as hardly anyone goes in there, I go to the honor-infested servers to have some fun. ;) Hearing the whinings never fails to make me laugh.

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