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WIP: Homer Simpson


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Originally posted by CortoCG

If I didn't care about your modelling, I would tell you "hey, nice Homer, keep up", but I would be lying. Notice that I'm not bringing down you methods for free. With every crit from me you'll get a modelling advice.

You and Lightninja know that better than anyone, since we worked together on a couple of things.


Meshsmooth is there for something, and I said what is it for, to turn mid poly models into hi poly models, and not always with good results.


The point of my anti-meshsmooth tendency is to get better in hadling polygons, edges and vertices, and not get used to meshsmooth to smooth out your models.

It depends which model I'm doing. Homer has a simple round body. If I'd do some model which is more rough, I won't use mesh smooth. I know every polygon personally. I won't let a useless polygon be there, trust me on this.


No one said anything to IG-64 when his Super Mario model had 11000 polys...


Matt, I'd continue the model the next time I'd feel unlazy.

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Originally posted by LightNinja

Well i have to say corto is right, if you restart the body it would be pretty easy, just do 2 different spheres, then cut'em by the middle or where you want; and then just weld them; the same with the shoulders (homer t-shirt) and with his ass

Easy, yes, but what's the point? That's the part that I still don't understand.


If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

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listen to smart man ^------------- Corto

neways i posted something but it didnt seem to come up so ill just post it again, so what i had to say: You guys just go ahead with your lives, corto keep trying to punch some brains in these guys, i wish you good luck, though they are VERY stubborn, Light ninja keep doing whatever you do, TFP go ahead go model homer i'd suggest dont using meshsmooth, but hey its your own f***in choice, i mean if u wanna be noobie, go ahead. you all just have fun with yer life etc etc,

( TFP im not accusing you of being a noob btw, just that ur using the noobie method)

so herez what i gotta say

- TFP Just Go ahead And Keep Using The Noobie Method

- LightNinja Keep Making A Monkey Outta Me (i love monkeys though:rolleyes: )

- Matt, appolgy accepted and i have to appologise 2 u as well, i mean im just felt hurt deep inside when u said i didnt model :( Moddeling is 50% of my life 20% is my sleep, 10% fun 9% eat 1 % skool or sometin :)

- Corto I wish you allot of luck (call me if u need back up :p)


conclusion: Do What You Wanna, Read Ma Lips: I DONT CARE! HAH! I NEVER EVEN SHOULDVE READ THIS FORUM!!! HAH !


next time when i say ppl something smart, and they make me feel hurt or like a noob, im just not gonna reply anymore or make a reply like this wich bassicly says : F*** you and have a nice day :)


see yaz :jawa

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Originally posted by Shady-D

next time when i say ppl something smart, and they make me feel hurt or like a noob, im just not gonna reply anymore or make a reply like this wich bassicly says : F*** you and have a nice day :)


Thats the Lucasforums spirit! :D

Theres hope for you yet!:p

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Originally posted by Thrawn42689




Can't say I didn't see that coming :p


Well, homer is not exactly the poly by poly type. Maybe the face, but the body is very simple. I prefer making a simple shape and move polys, I see poly by poly as something a machine should do, not a human. That's also the reason I hate math.


Shady-D, MeshSmooth is not n00bish. It simply divides every polygon by the number of side it has, and bends them to the direction of the next polygon. It's not like it does the whole model...

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lol now thats a real pro way.... lol.... poly by poly...lol... oh btw this is my very very last reply in this thread , lololololol poly by poly, nice mwuahahahhahahah now thats gonna take some years to finish, neways TFP say what you wanna i still think and will think that meshsmooth noobish, maybe its not noobish but its just n00bish IMO, moddeling aint that hard at all man, you dont even need meshsmooth, for example if u wanna create uhmm a .... gun barrell, create a cilinder, edit mesh > go move the verts in place, tadaa done not that hard at all? maybe just a tad more work but it beats poly by poly (well it doesnt with quality)

its just the way i model > moving verts :p and extrude and weld, yknow just a few basics etc etc, neways thats my method, maybe its also very noobie, but hey it works and its not meshsmooth ^^ :p:)


This Time Fo Real Yaw!


See Yaz!


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Originally posted by Shady-D

lol now thats a real pro way.... lol.... poly by poly...lol... oh btw this is my very very last reply in this thread , lololololol poly by poly, nice mwuahahahhahahah now thats gonna take some years to finish, neways TFP say what you wanna i still think and will think that meshsmooth noobish, maybe its not noobish but its just n00bish IMO, moddeling aint that hard at all man, you dont even need meshsmooth, for example if u wanna create uhmm a .... gun barrell, create a cilinder, edit mesh > go move the verts in place, tadaa done not that hard at all? maybe just a tad more work but it beats poly by poly (well it doesnt with quality)

its just the way i model > moving verts :p and extrude and weld, yknow just a few basics etc etc, neways thats my method, maybe its also very noobie, but hey it works and its not meshsmooth ^^ :p:)


This Time Fo Real Yaw!


See Yaz!


Incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic.


I think I know how to move verts and extrude...

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well this is an amusing thread!


Oh well i would say TFP keep doing what ur doing, by experiementing with meshsmooth u ll learn another part of max and its pro's and cons. Thats gotta b a good thing right?


I have to agree that Meshsmooth can b very nasty to use altho i did use it ontop of a low poly cage on my newer med poly models...c my thread... but i used MS on a car not so long ago and it was a horrible experience, the creases insteading of staying straight want to turn into a big ball!! But i eventually defeated it :)


Everyone has their own techniques and im sure they have developed these through experimentation.


/ramble over


Hinch MIA

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Originally posted by Hindy

well this is an amusing thread!


Oh well i would say TFP keep doing what ur doing, by experiementing with meshsmooth u ll learn another part of max and its pro's and cons. Thats gotta b a good thing right?


I have to agree that Meshsmooth can b very nasty to use altho i did use it ontop of a low poly cage on my newer med poly models...c my thread... but i used MS on a car not so long ago and it was a horrible experience, the creases insteading of staying straight want to turn into a big ball!! But i eventually defeated it :)


Everyone has their own techniques and im sure they have developed these through experimentation.


/ramble over


Hinch MIA

I know what you talk of. The MeshSmooth is be a powerful ally, and a terrible foe. I learnt how to control it correctly while doing the Kaadu.
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Originally posted by Shady-D

I never said poly by poly was nooby, in fact i said it was real pro way! SO STFU! omfg stop MAKING me reply!!!!:mad:


Stfu, you didn't have to reply to this thread.


I agree with Corto, rework it and take your sweet sweet time. ;)

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Tfp have u tried modeling Homer with primitives? Geospheres etc?

I can knock up a quick one if u would like? maybe it would help in ur approach to ur Homer...


I can make a quick headfile up over the weekend maybe and mail it to u so u can browse it at ur leisure and maybe in corparate some of the techniques.


Only a suggestion, not knocking u...feel u may need some helpful encouragment lol



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Originally posted by Hindy

Tfp have u tried modeling Homer with primitives? Geospheres etc?

I can knock up a quick one if u would like? maybe it would help in ur approach to ur Homer...


I can make a quick headfile up over the weekend maybe and mail it to u so u can browse it at ur leisure and maybe in corparate some of the techniques.


Only a suggestion, not knocking u...feel u may need some helpful encouragment lol



You mean the body, right?
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