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My Reason


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Look, Rp, I know Im not you're fave poster, but I'm really not trying to flame you here, but please read what I say.


Do you think it is just you that suffers heartache or frustration each day ? Do you think it is just you that wishes they could do more for their friends, their children, their families....


I think this is something EVERY HUMAN BEING WHO WALKS THIS EARTH has to deal with. Even people who seem to "have it all", don't. There is always pain, anger and mistrust, it is part of the human condition, and this will *never change*


I am sure you perhaps do alot of work to help others, but many of us do. We're not all selfish or self absorbed. In fact I havent met *too many* people that I would describe as as having absolutely *no* concern for others. I myself am a health worker. I work with asylum seekers, mainly Iraqi and Somalian asylum seekers nowdays, as well as many other members of my local community, some well off, some not so well off. I didnt set out to do this work with a noble mission, or doctrine guiding my way. I do it because it's *what I do*. I dont feel comfortable doing anything else, and it is natural to me. I dont need to publish my 'reasons' to anyone nor make an inspirational video about it.


I hope you can appreciate what Im saying without thinking I am attacking or flaming you...


have a nice day...



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and why exactly are you posting why you would or would not make a video?



You didn't...so why bring it up?


My reasons I made that are for very good reasons, but only a select few would understand...but note, this isn't



"Why did I make this video?"




and I highly doubt even a tenth of the earth's population has this happen to them. You have no idea what I'm even talking about, so don't bother trying to debate it. This is something that means something to me, and to the few who know.

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

.....You have no idea what I'm even talking about, so don't bother trying to debate it. This is something that means something to me, and to the few who know....


man, you're real good at spreading understanding and tolerance... If only a select few know what you are talking about, why are you sharing with all of us.... Its confusing, not to say condescending...





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Originally posted by Astrotoy7

man, you're real good at spreading understanding and tolerance... If only a select few know what you are talking about, why are you sharing with all of us.... Its confusing, not to say condescending...






I sort of agree with you Astro, but he can do what he wants:p



OT: Msn.......*hint hint*

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Originally posted by RpTheHotrod

Just don't say anything.


Seriously, Astro, shut up. I mean, even if it's posted on a public forum, where freedom of speech is a well-known thing, and you are entitled to your own opinion, you really shouldn't say anything! Because if you do, and you happen to be right, Rp's not special!


I'm sorry, but your way of posting is really bothering me, Rp. You say you care for others, but I can't see anything that has the slightest indication of it.

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Well he gets the liberal 3rd degree every time he posts something about his life. Never mind anything about God. I would be a little bitter too if I where him. Perhaps you guys should just...lay off. If you don't have anything nice, constructive, or remotely useful to say, do not say anything at all.

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I have a very removed view from what's going on so I'll try to give an unbiased opinion. If you think it comes off harsh, it doesn't mean I'm biased, just that I'm trying to be honest. If you think it comes off as incorrect, it doesn't mean that I'm trying to make false claims - just perhaps that I'm uninformed or ignorant of the facts.


Firstly, I'll give the opinion and point of a friend of mine who doesn't use LucasForums but had the chance of viewing this thread and watching the video.


"I hate idiots who make people suicidal by releasing such things. I know people who spend time crying over those questions.

What if you discover the "right" way of life, the 100% correct way to live it. Splendid, but who are you showing off to? What are you proving, and are you even happy living it."


Now to focus on the issue going on in this thread.


Astrotoy7 gives his opinion, and plainly tries to explain that he doesn't want to flame and hopes that his post will be read.


RP defends himself giving the answer "My reasons I made that are for very good reasons, but only a select few would understand...".

Well in the first place, Astrotoy wasn't attacking you - there wasn't need to be defensive, however going down the road you chose, might have opened a can of worms.


I for one would like to hear your reasons, it's only fair to get it out in the open so that other people in this forum understand. Otherwise this is exclusive content, if other people won't understand why are you showing it to us?

Hell I probably won't understand either then. Forget it, we don't need to understand other than just to watch and appreciate, right?


Finishing off with "Just don't say anything." was completely the wrong mood to use. There isn't any necessity for "shutting up" Astrotoy just because he disagrees with what you've posted.


GothiX comes in later to the thread and starts off with "Seriously, man, shut up." Wrong direction yet again, however slightly justified as he wasn't the first person to say that.


I just wanted to give you guys alittle insight on what you're posting and what kind of energy this thread gives off with these kind of posts.


I'll end this post to comment the video itself, I think that would make one hell of a hallmark e-card. :thumbsup:

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I'm not trying to attack you either Rp, but:


.....You have no idea what I'm even talking about, so don't bother trying to debate it. This is something that means something to me, and to the few who know....


Then, why don't you just PM it. Couldn't you tell it was gonna cause a little comotion with the people who don't know what you are talking about?


Anyways, the end gave me chills. ;)

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It's a nice video.


But to me, it appeared as if you were making yourself out to be somewhat superior to us.


"Your gift, your curse" I won't say what I would love so very much to say, due to my sarcastic but good natured personality, which one might view as spite. I don't mean it.


I suppose I might as well say it, however I will try and keep this as supportive as possible. You sounded a bit like Peter Parker, and much of your video seems taken from Aunt May's speeches.


This isn't a flame, by the way.



- Hahaha, It's a giraffe.

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

"Your gift, your curse" I won't say what I would love so very much to say, due to my sarcastic but good natured personality, which one might view as spite. I don't mean it.


I suppose I might as well say it, however I will try and keep this as supportive as possible. You sounded a bit like Peter Parker, and much of your video seems taken from Aunt May's speeches.


Isn't "My gift, My curse" The exact line that he says at the end of the first spider man? I think it was. I didn't watch the video yet so I have no comment :dozey:

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Except Spiderman was bitten by a radioactive spider, which granted him superpowers. RP was granted his awesome strength, agility, and abilities, from the insanely difficult trials of working for UPS. :D


No seriously, I based a Superhero off of him, in City of Heroes, I called him The Packager, he gained super strength from being a UPS delivery boy. ;)

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