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T7nowhere's WIP


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Awesome t7! The forcepike is already amazing and now you are preparing all those new models that just look great! Always innovating ! Keep up the good work! You are truly a pioneer of Kotor Modding :)


And I think it is a good idea to change the effects animations, you seem to get nice original effects.

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i bow down to your Benevolent Modeling skills :D:D once you've done those, you and Svosh should team up ... ... ... ... ... just think of the things you guys could do, and if you added Darth333 :D:D oh my GOD!!!! dude, you three would, could SHOULD get together and do one TOTALLY AMAZING MOD(S) :p


Good Luck for the Future



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Thanks for the positive feedback guys, it means alot to me , however I don't mind a little constructive criticism. :)


Originally posted by Colja

I would however like to have that version of the armor

I'll send it to you later Colja.

Originally posted by shoseythe wookie blade kind of looks like a batholith

Really, heh. Thats not the direction I intended to go with it, but when I'm done with it you can pretend it's a batholith. ;)

Originally posted by MattColejk

once you've done those, you and Svosh should team up

svösh has given me alot of help with getting the basic modeling skills down.

Originally posted by CirCuSfrEak525the sith vibro sword looks like somthing out of a prince of persia 2 screenshot

Originally posted by LundquistI'm pretty certain I've seen those swords before - I just can't remember where:/

The design of both swords is based on concept art from the game RUNE the sith blade is also based on Middle eastern swords that I have seen in movies. The design really caught my eye. :) Those swords from Prince of Persia 2 look awesome though.

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