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Your Coolest SWB Gameplay Moment


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The most humoristic moment was to be seen on 'gammo', a television program about games.


First they praised the hugeness of the map Geónosis. Second they started shooting with a pistol on a gian speeder. They ended their preview with shooting with shotguns on AT-ATs, and did they same thing with a sniper rifle, just after a snow speeder towed one down :D

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Aye AT-AT sorry. I will get a screenshot up after I get my new computer. (my old one is the one with photoshop and that computer aint working atm) I made it the first time, failed the second and made it the third.


I was however dumb enough to try flying through an AT-ST's legs as well :p.


OK again only bots but my kill record now stands at 187, again on the dune sea by concentrating on killing the sand people rather than the enemy.


Another moment, playing on hoth with a freind, needed to take out the AT-AT's, we were both in seperate speeders. Didn't have a bot gunner, couldn't be bothered stuffing around trying to rope it as I wasnt used to the xbox controller, said as much to my freind, he said "why dont we just blast it", "I said nah that will take ages". I said that while swooping down strafing the AT-AT just for good measure. 2 seconds after I said that the AT-AT blew up from my straffing, I hadnt realised it had taken so much damage and was ready to blow, just marvelous timing.


As far as I know you can run over anyone (on foot) in any walker. I've stomped a few bots in my time, just this morning a dark trooper jumped into my path and was made ready for recycling by my at-at. Usually they are pretty good at avoiding the feet though.

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I just had an amazing cinematic end on bespin-cloud city. the score was 54-1, we had all the CP's and there was one clone trooper mowing down droids with a steady stream of fire. I made it a perfect ending by leaping off of one of the walkways as an assasin droid, landing on the ground in a crouch, then shot the clone in the back of the head. it was beautiful....

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Must have been when I killed Luke. i drived an AT-ST and shot luke so he flyed right down in the sarlacc pit or maybe when i was a dartktrooper and threw a grenade at a group of rebels behind a ruined wall then i jetpacked amongst the group of rebels and they all started to fire on me i thought I should die but then my grenade detonated and i flew away from the because of the impact and survived:D

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Can't... wait.... want.. game!! :D


Still havent gotten game but played it with a friend.

I got into a geonosian starfighter, and takes off (this is on PS2).

Since I hadn't gotten the hang of it yet, I started driving with the nose in the ground lol.

When I finally gets the nose up (used wrong stick for accel, and vice versa :D ), I start crashing into the black towers like ping-pong, before I crash into a rep gunship and blows both of us up :D

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Originally posted by Imperialdude

My coolest moment was definatley when i was on hoth, and I was playing rebels, and my friend was empire and he sent 2 :atat: :atat: at-ats at me, and then my luke rushed up and cut off on of their legs and :lsduel: and that one fell. The other one killed luke, but i just took it down with a snowspeeder. :awing:


luke cutting down an atat??? not sure that is possible?

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My buddy and I were playing a LAN game with bots on hoth, and owning as the rebellion, so we like to switch back when the Imperials are down, we were down 2 to 5, I was in the AT-AT, and he was in the AT-ST, and I drove to the hanger, turned around, then climbed the mountain, and OVER ther base, stepped down, without a hitch! Good fun!



In case you didnt notice, here is a screenshot below...


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Originally posted by bobylon5

My buddy and I were playing a LAN game with bots on hoth, and owning as the rebellion, so we like to switch back when the Imperials are down, we were down 2 to 5, I was in the AT-AT, and he was in the AT-ST, and I drove to the hanger, turned around, then climbed the mountain, and OVER ther base, stepped down, without a hitch! Good fun!



In case you didnt notice, here is a screenshot below...


That's pure genius! :p

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i was on hoth in an at-at and i shot a snowspeeder.

if you get a direct hit they're gone but it's pretty hard.


also 2 snowspeeders were trying to wrap me up and they were on fire and wobbly. i was trying to blast them but they were going in opposite circles. as i follow the first one to the right i see both coming at each other hitting the hills and stuff and then...




they plow into each other blowing themselves up!!!

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My friend was playing on Bespin plats, and I think it's his first time on this map (and probably mine) and he goes "oh my god. Cloud Car!" and he runs to it and quickly gets in. Only deal is that some1 else is driving. So he's just gunning away and out of nowhere the pilot falls out and now he's just trapped in the gunners seat as he slowly desends to the ground. Desperate he manages to jump out of the cloud car and land back into the pilots seat to fly all the way (quite a was I might add) back up to continue the battle. It wasn't until a couple days later we learned by pressing "f" we could have just switched seats.:p

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Rhen Var Citadel


Playing as the Empire in SP and got my score reduced 1 to 15 against me...so the 15 freaking rebels started chasing me so I killed them one by one...attacking and hiding and there was a moment when I threw a granade and killed 5 of em...hahaha...


Very funny to killed them with depredator style.


I won.

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I had... I was playing in the Hoth level and i Get into a snowspeeder. With a player running to the gunner... We fly to the atats and blow up both in one try. Then i flyed him to the ground and took of... He ran on the ground and shoot everyone... i covered him in the speeder... when the atat came again i landed and he was my gunner again. Agaim and again... i think if it wasnt for us we hadn't won... when i joined they had 30 more reinforcements as the rebels(our team)


... i know he wasnt a bot cause there was a name on him and i couldnt switch to gunner

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We were finishing up the Endor level as the Empire when one of my fellow stormtroopers begins to brag about how he is going to kick all our a$$e$ in his snowspeeder on Hoth. We all exlpained to him how "frightened" we were by his self proclaimed piloting skills.


So we get to the next level and sure enough, this guy is flying his speeder, doing his best straffing runs on us.


I took a darktrooper, made a bee line for the command point connected by tunnels to the shield generator. Once taken I grabbed a taun-taun and headed for Echo Base. It was empty, so I launched to the top of the Falcon, crawled forward far enough to trip the command point and claimed Echo for the Empire.


Which leads me back to our "friend" and his speeder. He realizes that the base is being captured so he flies through echo base twice trying to shoot me, but he doesn't realize I'm on top of the Falcon (lying down). He just fires aimlessly at the floor of the base.


Now comes the best part, three Rebels storm across the base and begin to take it back. Before I have a chance top lob a grenade, our pilot "friend" makes his third straffing run for me, this time he team kills his three guys trying to take back the base.


For some reason he didn't come back a forth time, but by then my own team had captured all but the Shield Generator and I was on the move for some quality kills before it all ended.


This ones for you "Terminator", Thanks for the laffs!

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I got a few more. I was playin Hoth (single player) as the Imperials and I was in an AT-ST protecting an AT-AT, and Luke runs infront of me, I blast him and he goes flyin gets up runs into the path of the AT-AT im protecting and SMASH!!!! The AT-AT smashes Luke into the ground, Then a speeder crashes into my back and I survive.:D 2 minutes later im in the AT-ST still blastin away at the shield generator, and one of stormtroopers throws a Thermal Detanator at the SG, and it bounces off it explodes and kill the guy who threw it, then I wonder where is the AT-AT I was protecting, then look towards Echo Base and see a speeder wrapping it up, I rush over blow the speeder away just in time.:D Then I was protecting a pair of AT-ATs next to each other and it took me a few shots but finnaly killed my third speeder in an AT-S.:D

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