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Why did Lucas make 456 first?

Evil Dark Jedi

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Whats the main difference between 1,2,3 and 4,5,6? Whats what people think is so bad about ep 1 2 3?


Yup, the special effects.

He knew that for 1-3 he needed tools that didn't exist back then, OT is mostly about story and 1-3 is action packed with massive battles. Hoth is a big battle, but its nothing compared to naboo or geonosis effects wise.


I'm not sure if this is entirely sure, i just remember it like this.

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on the thx vhs versions of the trilogy there's a 3 part interview.

lucas basically says (and the rough drafts really reflect) that 456 were the first idea. he then made up the back story and when he knew he could make a film.


he originally was going to make the entire 456 story line in one film but it was too much. so he did the first act (ep 4) and had to extend it and play around with it. he never thought he was going to make any sequels. he didn't think star wars would do good at all.


that's why when he got to ep 6 he had originally planned to have kashyyyk (the wookiee world) very primitive but chewbacca was already shown as a pilot and very intelligent. so he changed it around to endor and as he says "cut the wookiees in half and called them ewoks". you can even see ewok is almost wookiee spelled backward.


while he was making the ot he conceived the prequels most important elemnts like anakin being vader etc. so by the time he made ep 5 he had the prequels in his mind.


it's also vey cool that he's coming back around to his original ideas in the prequels, like mace windu was a dude's name in the rough drafts and utapau, mustafar and the wookiee world kashyyyk will now be in ep 3.

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*sighs* the reason why Lucas named it 4 5 and 6 is because he wanted it to look like it came from a bigger story. Originally he had just written short notes about where the Original Trilogy characters came from but he never intended back then to make a 1 2 and 3.


It's a style thing. Lucas wanted the audience to feel as if a lot had gone on before we get to this point so the story he created would look much bigger than it was back at the time.


When he did decide maybe it'd be nice to make a 1 2 and 3 he waited until the technology was just right before he started so he could take advantage of all the things that didn't exist back in the days when he made 4 5 and 6.



Remember "The Star Wars" was originally one big script which was then split up into A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. But the prequals only existed as notes of the characters past.

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My 2cents...


Soon after Star Wars was released Lucas said that there would be 5 more to come. There was a long wait between each release because he had to write the script for each movie before filming.


Some of the charaters in 1 and 2 didn't exist until he started writing the scripts...

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he did have an outline concerning the prequels a long time ago. on the ep 1 dvd he shows the notebook he has the outlines written in. he says he also wrote american graffitti in it as well.


he didn't have any fleshed out stories yet. but the basic plot was in his mind. once he went to write the ep 1 rough draft in 1996 or 7 (i forget), he made the basic story arc. but certain things like anakin and obi-wan's relationship/ the big duel etc. were already thought of back in the 80's because several of the spoilers are very similiar to the original novel version, ala lava etc.

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My 2cents part 2...


I agree he had a basic plot in mind, he would not have been able to write ep 4 without it.


I think what alot of people don't relize is that ep 4 introduced all of the major charaters and alot of special effects which was very important if you wanted a hit movie back in 1977.


What Lucas did in 1977 had never been done before. No one had ever seen special effects like that.


I was 10 in 1977 when I first seen ep 4, it blew me away...

I went to see it 10 more times after that. I had to mow alot lawns to pay for the tickets.

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Lucas has said that he was a big fan of the serial movies that you'd go to see in movie theaters. Like cartoons/sitcoms for us. Parts in a series. If you missed one, you just had to see the next one and hope you could keep up. So he wanted to make you feel in the middle of an Epic story and you were only seeing a slice.


It's pretty simple really. Good idea.

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*steals Vortexx's money*



Lucas didn't have a general plot, he had character notes just outlining what happened in their past. After the success of the Original Trilogy he decided to take those character notes and use them to create a plot and story from. Basically he's using the character notes to make the pieces fit between the OT and PT.

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Originally posted by Vortexx

*trying to steal 1cent back from Link*


So, he wrote the scripts based on charater notes with no plot.

Hmm... he must haved failed his creative writing class. :eek:


*looks and Greedo/Han Solo scene*


I dunno, he certainly seems to have the concepts of revision and re-revision down... :p

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But there's no reason to assume that the entire galaxy would be sent into a 'dark ages' simply because the old republic fell.

One thing I noticed when re-watching Episode 4 lately. Ob-Wan says the time of the Old Republic was a "more elegant age" and that the Empire is during "the dark times"


Now I scoff at overanalyzing a few lines and making out like there's larger significance. But Lucas did want to establish that the Empire was basically the Roman era or the Nazis. The badguys in the old west movies. They take away everything good. It created a historic depression much like the Dark Ages.


But R2D2 having rocket boosters was for "wow" effect to make the audience cheer. But it was completely stupid. Lucas has lost his touch and should just make normal movies.

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