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Matrix Reborn

Darth NeoVenom

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(Out of Character: Can you please delete the post then Jokemaster? :D Also, can all out of character comments go on the discussion thread from now on. :rolleyes::D Thankz. If it'z confusing, please tell me what'z confusing. Maybe the amount of characters makes the RPG confusing. :lol: I'll post on the highway when Rogue replies.)


Rufio looks over his shoulder and sees the door being opened. He quickly grabs the suitcase in which the sniper rifle was in and jumps off the edge of the roof with the sniper rifle still clutched in his hand. The Security officer opens the door and looks around. He then closes the door behind him. Rufio lands on a couple of garbage bags and keeps up without hesitation. Taking out the cell, he marks a bunch of numbers on it and puts it next to his ear. "Operator..." Thatch voice says. "I need an exit and fast. I did all I can to help the others. Only fate will tell now."


Inside the subway station, Agent Thompson comes across the payphone that NeoVenom last use. Seeing the receiver slowly swinging, Agent Thompson puts his right hand next to his ear. Miles away an elderly woman morphs into Agent Thompson. He takes out his desert eagle as he waits for the car that Arcon, Shadow, Wire, and Jokemaster are in to appear.

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The car that Rogue was in swerves to the side and hits the oncoming traffic to its right. As the car that Arcon, Shadow, Wire, and Jokemaster are in exits the ramp, several bullets hit left side windows, as well as popping both tires. Arcon quickly ducks and catches a glimpse of Agent Thompson extending a desert eagle clutched in his hand. The swerving of the car causes Rogue to slide of the car and to hit the sidewalk to his right. Airbags deploy as the car hits a street lamp head on, cushioning Arcon and Shadow and preventing them from hitting the dashboard in front of them. The blue civic makes it way to the street as Arcon and Shadow push the airbags out of the way and exit the car thru the right door.

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Beth jumped out after Jokemaster and started running as well. If they'd been in a better situation, she might have joked about what Jokemaster had said. Instead, she took a more serious stance on it.


"Just be glad it's not your leg," she told him.

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"Ten blocks north and then right. There's an old building there and on the second floor, there's a phone." Radar says to Tepe.


Meanwhile, Agent Johnson and Agent Jackson exit the blue Civic as the remaining of the police car stop themselves next to the Agents. "I have..." Arcon stops talking to Shadow and picks up his cell. "Head down five blocks north and then turn right. There's an old building and in the second floor, there's a phone." The call is dropped and Arcon pockets his cell. "Everybody, follow me." Arcon says to everybody around him. He sprints off far away from the three Agents and the police officers as possible. Bullets can be heard hitting the wall and ground as Arcon continues to run into an alleyway. Other bullets hit the car and skim above and around where Shadow, Wire, and Jokemaster are at.




(Out of Character: Darth Tepe, you're character is more father down than Arcon, so that'z why you’re ten blocks away. Curt-Man, have Rogue follow Arcon, since Rogue is closer to him. And since Rogue hit the wall, I think he won't be able to get up right away. Remember, Rogue hit the wall at about half the speed the car was going, so he'z in pain. Just rephrase your post into him hitting the wall and getting up rather slowly than quickly.)

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Rouge ran as fast as he could after Arcon but was slowly slipping behind.

"go ahead, i'll find another way" rouge said as he veered away from the group onto the street, he ran around for a while then foudn what he was lookign for, he jumped into a convertible and punched the guy out and started driving around to find the group again.

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Tepe hung up and corrected his sunglasses, walking throught one of the more crowded streets, the people leaving a path infront of him, the path closing again right behind him. He smirked a bit as he got to a corner. He was far from the exit, and this would be much longer trip if an agent would pop up. He still limped the leg a bit, not caring anymore of the minor pain at short times. He looked around and continued, speeding his walk to get there faster

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All three Agents follow the group into the alleyway. Arcon checks behind him and sees Shadow, Beth, and Jokemaster who is clutching his arm. Far behind them are the Agents. Various bullets hit garbage tans and walls adjacent around Jokemaster and Beth. "Quickly...Turn here." he says as he makes it to the other end of the alleyway. "We gotta lose them..."


To Tepe's luck, there is no sign of any police officer or Agents around him. Around the street Rogue is at, he could see some police officers around the corner, but they don't see him.

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"Loosing agents... not an easy task," Beth muttered. She was almost complaining, but knew that this was hardly the time to whine. She swore as a bullet whizzed past her left ear and zagged to the side.


"Never run in a straight line," she muttered. "Never run in a straight line, never run in a straight line, never run in a straight line, never run in a straight line, never run in a straight line. Oh dear God help me!" This last bit was added when a bullet hit the wall right next to her.

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Arcon looks back and is glad everyone is still behind him. "Keep running...we're almost there." Arcon continues to sprint towards the other alleyway's entrance. Agent Thompson makes his way to the alleyway Arcon and the others entered and opens fire. Agent Johnson and Jackson appear next to Thompson and open fire as well.

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Beth ducked into the building just ahead of Jokemaster, not even stopping to look back. She was entirely unarmed and would be of no further use in the matrix. Now, she couldn't wait until they got out so that when they went back in, she'd be armed again.



"Just a little further," she muttered. Then, she moaned. "Why did we have to attract the agents?"

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(Out of Character: Back tracking a bit.)




Jokemaster's fire delayed the Agents as they ran after Arcon,

Shadow, Jokemaster, and Beth. Running and looking around, Arcon spots the old building to the right as he exits the alleyway and runs up to the entrance. Once reaching there, he kicks the boarded up door and runs across the building's hallway and reached the stairs first. Quickly, Arcon pulls of his pistol and reloads the gun with his last clip. "Go on, run upstairs." He said as Shadow approaches, as well as Beth and Jokemaster. "I'll hold them off so all of you can jack out." In the distance, off to the left of the building, Rogue caught a glimpse of Arcon entering the building. Further down, to the south of the building, Tepe almost makes his way to the building.

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Tepe could see a flash on the alley on the edge of his eye, but didn't care that much of it. He looked around and stepped to the door, kicking the door in. He walked in calmly and headed towards the phone. He smirked, as he took his sunglasses off, and started running, hearing gunshots somewhere nearby. He cursed and ran as fast as he could up the stairs

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