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How will you play kotor2 TSL?


How will you play kotor2 TSL?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. How will you play kotor2 TSL?

    • If you only knew the power of the dark side!
    • Turn away from the dark, it will only etc, etc
    • Im just gray.(neutral)
    • Crazy.
    • Other

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You havent played kotor lightside?


You sure have missed something important, its fantastic!


But myself i will play darkside first in TSL (I read that the darkside options would be more EVIL instead of just stupid.


Like RedHawke said: Lunch credit stealing punks...

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Originally posted by Darth333

A true Dark Lord of the Sith is no common street thug and wouldn't even bother with those petty crimes. :dev11: Think big! This is not evil enough for Sith Lord :devsmoke:


Exactly! :D A Lord (Or Lady) of the Sith would plot to control the Galaxy (or at least the large important parts of it) and certainly not bother strong-arming some whelp for 100 lousy credits.


If you need anything then that is what these are for... :vsd::tied:

And these... :trooper::snow::speeder::atpilot:

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Excactly! Why would a sith lord bother wasting time on picking up a few credits when they dont need credits...they need power.


Edit: But the beggars going past the dead body will be happy.


Edit: (because of the credits)


Edit: Hey! I've been promoted to pit droid!

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i hope in tsl that when u do follow the darkside u dont have so high n mighty jedi prattling on about how u shouldn't miss use the force


that was so annoying in kotor


so what if i didnt want to pay 100 credits every time i landed


and what if i want to force persuade someone to sell me there droid for less

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Your dam right it does.

Hey, just so you know im not darkside.

I feel more like...Neutral.

But i gain more money being evil!

Then i dont have to pay guys cash because they loan money from, lets say a crime lord named Davik Kang.

Then i can save my credits.

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Originally posted by TheKnife

Your dam right it does.

Hey, just so you know im not darkside.

I feel more like...Neutral.

But i gain more money being evil!

Then i dont have to pay guys cash because they loan money from, lets say a crime lord named Davik Kang.

Then i can save my credits.


Ahh yes, but with the light side you get...ummm...a warm fuzzy feeling inside?:rolleyes:

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