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Is it worth it to buy JA, if I already own JO? (NOT JK2 vs JA, no flames please)


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I'm a veteran Jedi Outcast player, I own Jedi Outcast, and I'm just wondering is it worth it to buy JA, or should i just stick with what i got. ALso, tell me about the Sarlacc Pit. I saw a screenshot of it but is it really in the game, I would buy the game just for that reason. Are there any bounty hunters in the game? Thanks:fett:

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Worth a buy to play around with, but with all the crap mods these days, it's hard to have a really good session.


However, since you would be new to the new system, it wouldn't be so bad. We who have played since the beginning have seen how it used to be and how it is now. It wouldn't be a bad experience for a newcomer.


Gameplay wise, it's just like jedi outcast except 2 more saber types, a lot more moves, and a few toys like jetpacks and grappling hooks (from a mod).


There are also some mods that make classes like droids, bounty hunters, and clone troops. Very cool stuff. I recommend downloading and trying ForceMod III and MovieBattles.



Is it worth a buy? Sure.


I played outcast, and bought academy, and I doubt I'll be reinstalling outcast anytime soon. Academy has a lot more to offer.

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I suppose it all depends on what you're looking for in a Jedi Knight game. If you're looking for more JO style action with some enhancements, you'll love JA. If you're looking for a radical overhaul of JO, you might want to look elsewhere.


Personally, I'm glad I bought the game. I really like the SP mode, despite the fact that the plot isn't nearly as intriguing as JO. MP is a mixed bag; I like CTF and Power Duels, but Siege left much to be desired, particularly if compared to other games that specialize in objective gaming such as Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. In all, I would say it's nearly a tie between JA and JO, but I happen to like JA a little better.


One very good reason for getting JA is this: the Dark Forces Mod team is nearly finished with a killer three-level demo for SP mode! Check it out!


Oh yeah, I almost forgot. There's no Sarlaac level included with the game, but I seem to remember that someone made one for MP. I'm not entirely sure, so don't quote me on that.

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I'd say it's worth the upgrade. Saber combat is much more balanced with the revamped saber system. Download the demo and see how you like it.


There are bounty hunters in the game. I'll let you find out which one it is (you'd probably be able to guess right off the bat, though). :)


The MP maps IMO aren't as good in JA as in JK2. I didn't like the CTF maps for starters, but there are plenty of downloadable maps.

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Originally posted by Gerardo

I'm a veteran Jedi Outcast player, I own Jedi Outcast, and I'm just wondering is it worth it to buy JA, or should i just stick with what i got. ALso, tell me about the Sarlacc Pit. I saw a screenshot of it but is it really in the game, I would buy the game just for that reason. Are there any bounty hunters in the game? Thanks:fett:



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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

I haven't been playing JA very long, but the SP for JA is not as good as it is for JO (JA is a lot easier), but who plays these games for SP?

The vast, overwhelming majority of people who buy them - which is why they sell in the hundreds of thousands, but the MP community at any time is in the ~1000 range.


Remember - these *are* SP games with MP added on. Better MP than most in the same vein, but still secondary to SP.



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Originally posted by txa1265

The vast, overwhelming majority of people who buy them - which is why they sell in the hundreds of thousands, but the MP community at any time is in the ~1000 range.


Remember - these *are* SP games with MP added on. Better MP than most in the same vein, but still secondary to SP.





hmmm, I got a different impression from the people I know who play. But that sure makes me feel a lot less abnormal for playing primarily the single player myself

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Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

hmmm, I got a different impression from the people I know who play. But that sure makes me feel a lot less abnormal for playing primarily the single player myself

Yes - and I'm sure that they are MP players, right?


You might get that impression from many people here as well, but don't let that fool you ...


Remember what our president said - fool me once ... shame on .... um ... me ... fool me twice ... um ... can't get fooled again!



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Originally posted by txa1265

Yes - and I'm sure that they are MP players, right?


You might get that impression from many people here as well, but don't let that fool you ...


Remember what our president said - fool me once ... shame on .... um ... me ... fool me twice ... um ... can't get fooled again!




Where is the evidence for this.

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Originally posted by iamtrip

Where is the evidence for this.

Evidence for what? That most people buy 'story' and 'movie' oriented games for the single player experience? I think it should be pretty obvious - otherwise the MP community would be, or would have been at one time, proportionally sized to the sales figures.



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Originally posted by Neverhoodian

I suppose it all depends on what you're looking for in a Jedi Knight game. If you're looking for more JO style action with some enhancements, you'll love JA. If you're looking for a radical overhaul of JO, you might want to look elsewhere.

I'm not sure where else you could look. JA is really the only other option. :)


Originally posted by Neverhoodian

Personally, I'm glad I bought the game. I really like the SP mode, despite the fact that the plot isn't nearly as intriguing as JO.

I agree. The story is pretty much the one place that I was disappointed with JA.


Originally posted by Neverhoodian

MP is a mixed bag; I like CTF and Power Duels, but Siege left much to be desired, particularly if compared to other games that specialize in objective gaming such as Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

I assume that most players who played Seige have moved on to Battlefront?


Originally posted by Neverhoodian

In all, I would say it's nearly a tie between JA and JO, but I happen to like JA a little better.

I think it is a tie too. JA has more features and lightsaber options, but JO had the better story. As for MP, I like JA MP better, but that is because I play for fun and wanted a MP game that to some extend reflected the SW world. Flip kicks and the like didn't appeal to me because of that. But I wish JA MP had the fan base of JO. I remember fondly the first days of JO MP, when everyone was new and it was complete chaos. Everyone seemed to be having a blast. :)


Originally posted by Mistwaver

Download the demo and see how you like it.

That is probably the best advice.


Originally posted by Shok_Tinoktin

but who plays these games for SP?

I'd say the majority of people. Which is the case for most games from what I have read.


Originally posted by iamtrip

Where is the evidence for this.

Well this isn't so much evidence, but here are a few polls that show SP numbers are at least on par with MP numbers. Also remember that at least half of North American gamers still have dialup, and so likely don't play much MP or post on forums such as this.


What are you hoping to get out of JA?


What are you hoping to get out of JA?


Also, at one point Jedi Outcast was the top selling PC game in the US, UK, and Germany. Was JO ever the top MP game in terms of players? I don't have the numbers, but I bet you'd find that the number of copies sold is far higher than the number of MP players.

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If you are a die hard JK2 MP player who hates any kind of change, don't buy it. The gameplay is not hugely different but a few things are different and if that is important to you, then read up on it.


But if you want to see vehicles and objective based gameplay with classes in MP, prettier graphics, and more editing options and a bit more open-ended single player, then by all means. SIEGE mode is where it's at, with new gadgets (cloaking devices, jetpack, vehicles), and the Concussion Rifle returns!


It's well worth it (even if you play only SP), considering how cheap it is, I've seen it in stores for like 20 bucks new (JK2 for 10).


Check out the site in my signature for some more information about the (MP side of this) game...


The only trouble now is that too many servers are running JA+ which really ruins things. But the same is true of the JK2 community. If you can put up with/avoid admin mods that are abusive, you can enjoy this game just as much if not more as JK2.


And there are GOOD mods out there like OJP and Asteroids Mod which do improve the game and have fun aspects. Plus most of the skins and things from JK2 will work here (albeit not all perfectly). Raven released a Bonus Mappack for it too. There are lots of mods to cruise through at sites like lucasfiles.com and pcgamemods.com...


Try the Demo, but keep in mind it's SP only.


Don't think of this as a JK2 Patch, if you do, you'll go insane. Think of it as a new game released one year later using the same engine, which is what it is. Some say it "feels" just like a big expansion pack. Judge for yourself...

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As has been stated, if you want a major overhaul of gameplay, look elsewhere. This is much more of a refinement of JK2.


I bought the game when it was around the $30 mark and it never really satisfied me, but that's after JK2 had left a really sour taste in my mouth. I'm talking MP here, of course. SP is still good in both JK2 and JA (just a little different in JA).


The one great disappointment to me is the sabre combat which feels highly prone to button mashing and not terribly realistic. I know you can mess with cvars and such to adjust this, but I still just don't like how the game handles it. That said, i'm not sure that ANY game could give me a satisfying simulation of sabre combat because of the nuances that go into any kind of bladed weapon combat which just can't be reproduced in a video game using current technology.




My personal take is that this is far more than "just" an expansion pack. It includes enough single player content to constitute a full-fledged game in and of itself, albeit one that is decidedly less linear and connected than the previous editions. Also, there ARE a number of refinements to the combat system in the game. If ALL the game was were the combat refinements, it'd be just a patch. If it was just those refinements and the addition of the various new game modes and maps for MP, it'd be an expansion pack. But all of that coupled with the SP game takes it to "new game" territory for me. Whether you LIKE that new game or not, though, will be up to you.


Me, I give it a 6.5/10, but that's based on how it WASN'T different enough to me from JK2 to warrant higher, and chiefly based on the problems with the sabre combat as I see them.

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Originally posted by Solo4114

That said, i'm not sure that ANY game could give me a satisfying simulation of sabre combat because of the nuances that go into any kind of bladed weapon combat which just can't be reproduced in a video game using current technology.

It will be very interesting to see how the saber combat turns out in the Episode 3 game. I wonder if only developing for a console controller with two analog sticks will make things harder or easier...
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I don't think it'll be much better than any other system, just different. Swordplay involves a LOT of nuances that just don't translate into video games. To me at least, sword fighting of any kind is alternatingly slow and blindingly fast. A good fight in a SW game would involve TONS of blocking, with one clean hit killing your opponent outright.


Even if they could code an adequate control system that didn't feel like so much button mashing, I doubt people would like tons of blocking with the fight being over in one hit. Plus, blocking shouldn't be a matter of "hit the block button". It should involve almost a counter attack which, again, people probably wouldn't much like.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Prime

It will be very interesting to see how the saber combat turns out in the Episode 3 game. I wonder if only developing for a console controller with two analog sticks will make things harder or easier...


I need to try out that Omnisashu (sp?) game with the "Sword hilt" controller (in arcades and PS2).


Bushido Blade 1 & 2 (PSX) are very good melee combat games btw.


I hear tell that the Episode III game is console only and has no online play. That's not to say that it won't be good but PC users looking for this mythical "Jedi Simulator" need not get their hopes too high, IMHO...


Personally I prefer Siege to battlefront. The FPS gameplay is just much deeper. The game is also more stable and more option-friendly. While SWBF is unique in its "two armies clashing" atmosphere for a Star Wars game, the general combat level is just better in JA.


Putting aside any anti-Jedi feelings and the small level of maps, I think most people who've played both enough can see that.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I hear tell that the Episode III game is console only and has no online play. That's not to say that it won't be good but PC users looking for this mythical "Jedi Simulator" need not get their hopes too high, IMHO...

I'm definitely taking a wait-and-see approach, although it looks like it might be fun.


As for Seige vs. Battlefront, I really can't comment since I've only played a few minutes of BF. I thought it was pretty weak, and by most accounts it leaves a lot to be desired. The fps cap is ridiculous for starters. I never really got into JA Seige, mainly because back when I played no one really know what they were doing.

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