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Look at this!!!!


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If it makes you feel any better, those fool Xbox-ers are walking into a trap, set by tricky microsoft. Heh, they're going to be paying big cash for stinking updates that we PC-ers don't have to worry about:p . MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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You may want to wait a bit before infiltrating LA, unless you want an untested game....

Once LA announced that the PC version would be coming out in Feb, they stopped QA'ing the PC version to focus on the Xbox QA'ing. This means that the PC version hasn't been getting tested for the last two months or so. As a result, we won't be turning in the PC version at the same time we turn in the Xbox version. This will technically give us time to do some things with it that we won't have the time to do with the Xbox. I can't say with certainty what will come from this additional time though.


PC testing will probably start up sometime real soon, likely within the next couple of weeks, which means that I'll be working on KotOR2 for a good while yet.




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