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ChAiNz.2da's W.I.P. ...w00t!...


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The Darksword Project


^^^^This mod is now available for download


The link now points to the revised version (2), but if you have already downloaded version 1, be sure to download this fix:




"Mighella is the bodyguard of a Black Sun Vigos, Master Lex. She is also a Nightsister. A witch of Dathomir, skilled in the use of the Dark Side of the Force. She utilizes a millenia's old weapon called a darksword. This weapon preceeds the lightsaber used by ancient Sith. It is essentially a saber made from duranium and plasmetically charged." source link


Now that I have your attention ;) hehe...


During my USM "downtime" (my models have been 'handed over'), I've had a chance to play with my next mod. Though my version won't be Mighella's actual blade (hence the different look) it definitely shares the "history" as to it's origins.


I got tired of all the melee swords, basically looking the same but with different colored hilts... so I decided to add this to our TSL melee arsenal.


I'm currently experimenting with the "activation" method, so I'm torn between some options. I can get the effect using an "electro" mesh (force pike), but the description says "upon activation", thus, I'm wanting to make it a mesh that isn't 'always on'.


I do aready have a working effect, but it needs a few tweaks, so in the meantime, here's some screenies of the model itself. (without effect)


More to come! :D


Darksword - MAX model


Darksword - Render, skinned


The skin has a few adjustments to be made too, but you get the idea ;)

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Originally posted by Shadow Blaze

I didn't know you had a WIP thread ChAiNz. Anyways the sword looks good. Can't wait to download it.

oh yeeeaahh... from way back hehe

It just tends to get lost back into the archives between projects ;)


I'm working on a movie capture at the moment to show the Darksword effect. Stills just don't do it justice (just my luck) :rolleyes:


Hopefully I'll have something up either today or tomorrow... but right now I'm trying to get Camtasia and TSL to play nice together... (damn framerates).... :D

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@C. Skye

Truly! I was tired of seeing the same design... so this is one of my answers to the "problem" hehe...



hehe... I know what you mean man. Took me forever to find mine... then I realized it was in my sig :rolleyes: So much for that "easy to find" idea :lol:


Thanks everyone for the feedback so far! I'm glad you're liking it so far...


Here's more treats!


Below are some video previews of the Darksword "activation". They're in .mpg format. Windows Media should open them, mine did. Though if you have Quicktime, it may try to open them once you click the link (you can right-click and save as if you'd rather use WM and be able to loop the playback).


Of course to get them down to even the size they're at now... well.. the quality kinda rubs. BUT, they're good enough so you can get the jist of what it looks like.


Just use your imagination to picture it faster and not choppy... heheh


I killed the individual preview links to save space and bandwidth on my site. Though I'm not at any risk at the moment, I have plans for that bandwidth in the future ;)

I left the "All previews" download link and file for those still curious.. but admittingly, the entire mod itself is only 1/4 the size of the preview hehehe...


I have a few more visual tweaks, and of course the .uti builds and placement.. but so far everything is going smoothly... w00t!

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Okay that does it, this has to stop right now... why are all these cool things with modeling happening and flying right over my head, mark my words I'll get to the bottom of this :D


By the way the sword looks awesome, and I'm sure the choppy-ness of the .mpg don't do it jsutice, trully outstanding work ChAiNz, I know Mono_Giganto is going to want to check this one out for one of his gun model ideas.

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Originally posted by maverick187

By the way the sword looks awesome, and I'm sure the choppy-ness of the .mpg don't do it jsutice, trully outstanding work ChAiNz, I know Mono_Giganto is going to want to check this one out for one of his gun model ideas.

To be honest, the lightning effect uses the very same .txi trick that T7 posted for Mono to try out...

(with a few number tweaks ;) )...


Messing around with those numbers can really give you some funky effects... trust me :eek:


Hopefully this will be released soon. I'm almost done tweaking the skin, but I'm still not sure on the placement. But hey, I've got all day to figure that out hehehe...


@Mav (and others)

This electric effect and model is very simple once you know what I did. It's not going to be a big secret once it's released, so...


-Basically, I created a sword model using a lightsaber's base. This model allowed me to get the "activation" effect I wanted to have.


- T7's animated .txi trick is what I used to get the strobing / flashing effect... along with my custom blade color that uses a blend of alpha tricks and non-conformed color array


- The downside is, it uses a lightsaber's upgrade system. So, I had to come up with a description to suit the situation. Luckily, mine already had a decent description to build off of... whew...


- another downside is, it also has the lightsaber's sound effects. I think I can remedy this using baseitems.2da, but I still have to experiment.. this is the one thing I'm not very happy with (I'm picky)... hehe


Here's the descriptions of the items just to wet the appetite (and justify the upgrade system) ;)



Rarely spoken of, and even moreso seen, this millenia's old weapon is known as a darksword.


This weapon preceeds the lightsaber used by ancient Sith, but often treasured by both collectors, and those who still find the pleasure in more 'carnal' ways of dealing with their opponents.


Utilizing similiar technologies found in today's lightsabers, the weapon is surprisingly well suited for upgrading.


In it's most simple and elegant description, the Darksword is essentially a saber made from duranium and plasmetically charged.


Darksword Crystal


Upgrade Item, Darksword


Emitter Color: Blue


Because of limited technologies & crystal supply (most mines had yet to be found), the Darksword used a special crystal "fixture" that allowed the weapon to harness the collective energies from smaller crystal fragments.


Less powerful than today's lightsaber, the Darksword was more a symbol than practical. Seperating those trained in the Force (most often Sith) from the common person. Still, because today's lightsaber technologies were based primarily from the Darksword, little has changed.


Darkswords found today, albeit rarely, can still incorporate most, if not all standard lightsaber upgrades. Some may blame the Jedi for their stringent hold on 'tradition', though the more wise know how valuable & practical keeping certain physicalities "standard".


Antiquated perhaps, but no Jedi or Sith has yet complained of the fact that sometimes "discovered" upgrades conveniently fit their own weapon...




p.s. Most everyone knows, but for all the newer members... I've always asked for honest feedback. Trash it, bash it... do what you will, BUT all the "this is crap" comments will be ignored UNLESS it's accompanied by a "why this is crap" or a "to not make this crap, try this". Just wanted to let some of you new guys and gals know that I can take the "heat".. hehe Please feel free to give comments, critiques, corrections (especially)... etc.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not taking the feedback so far as if it's being 'fed' to me (I appreciate all of it :D ), just thought you should know that you can "speak freely" in the confines of this WIP thread

(but I can too, so be warned.. hehehe :dev11: )

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Ahhh I understand now, ;), By the way I don't think you'll get too much criticism on this one ChAiNz and I'm not sure about get rid of the lightsaber sounds, but baseitems.2da sounds like the right way to go as long as it has a "soundset" column I've never really looked at it that much. Good luck

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I think the classic sabre "whoosh" would work with this, but it would seem odd not to have a "clank" sound when you hit metal.


I don't know anything about sound editing, but as far as sujestions for the mod, I think that would be cool. Just my opinion though. :cool:

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Originally posted by maverick187

Ahhh I understand now, ;), By the way I don't think you'll get too much criticism on this one ChAiNz and I'm not sure about get rid of the lightsaber sounds, but baseitems.2da sounds like the right way to go as long as it has a "soundset" column I've never really looked at it that much. Good luck

Well, I figured it out :emodanc:


in baseitems.2da, the weaponmattype defines the weapon's sounds to use. By changing it '2', I was able to make the saber sound like a sword :D


Just FYI, I found the number entries in weaponsounds.2da (duh :rolleyes: ... I really am clueless).


0 = Unarmed

1 = Lightsaber

2 = Blade

3 = Large Blade


Now of course I haven't experimented, BUT one would think some of the sound mod gurus out there could add some custom sound lines in there (weaponsounds.2da), then use the baseitems.2da to define the proper row number via the weaponmattype column... hmmm any takers? ;)



I should add that the weaponmattype column seems to refer to what "material striking material" sounds like, as well as swinging sounds... as to if it would affect anything ranged is beyond me...

I'm sure those sounds are defined elsewhere (such as blasters, grenades, etc.)

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Wow I absolutley love the new sword although I was wondering about one thing. Is it possible to make it emit different colours besides blue? Sort of like when you change the colour crystal you change the colour it emits idea.

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Originally posted by ID129

Wow I absolutley love the new sword although I was wondering about one thing. Is it possible to make it emit different colours besides blue? Sort of like when you change the colour crystal you change the colour it emits idea.

Oh yeah... definitely :)


I made it blue since the source I was working off of was blue. I can 'easily' add additional colors, the only problem however is that it starts sucking up even more saber models (I already feel guilty enough with the USM hehehe)...


I could compromise and place 'optional' colors that a player would add into the override depending on what color you would desire, but it will still limit the Darksword to being one color only (though at least you would have a choice ;) )....


I'll look into it and see if there are other routes I can take. If one pops up, I'll be sure to let everyone know :D

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