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ChAiNz.2da's W.I.P. ...w00t!...


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so... she gets to wear the uniform under her robes :lol:


And that's exactly how I had envisioned it too. I know it must seem like a minor thing to most people, but since you were already changing her look with every equippable robe, it really would've stuck out in my mind if it hadn't been done.


Everything is proceeding as I have forseen...Ha ha ha~!


*cough* Everything is really shaping up nicely, and while I wasn't too thrilled over the Darth Traya robes at first, I'm really curious to see how they'll be worked into the game now. And I have a feeling that's not the only surprise you have waiting...I really can't wait to try it now, I want to see it as much as TSLRP. :urpboun:

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*cough* Everything is really shaping up nicely, and while I wasn't too thrilled over the Darth Traya robes at first, I'm really curious to see how they'll be worked into the game now. And I have a feeling that's not the only surprise you have waiting...I really can't wait to try it now, I want to see it as much as TSLRP. :urpboun:
Kewl, I'm glad you're liking it so far *whew*.. hehehe..


Yah, I had mixed feelings about Traya as well, but when oldflash provided the model he had, I had to put it in there.. they look 1,000 times better in the game as well :D


Since I'm adding it (and other things) in the game as "optional", those that aren't interested in the Dark Shroud shouldn't have to pursue it if they don't want them.. for those that do however, I'll try not to let you guys & gals down :)

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It was part of the Mod Request ;) hehehe...



I wanted to give Kreia a normal female body + her head.. but well, that didn't go so well :o


I got half of her head there.. but... the entire back half of her head is gone in the model...


so... she gets to wear the uniform under her robes :lol:

Another excuse is seeing she is an old lady she likes to be modest and seeing the miners uniform seems to be clingy she doesnt want to scare anyone :king1:

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@oldflash, If you'd rather not want me to use your original skin, please let me know and I'll re-skin a new one. I used yours though because frankly, it kicks ass! You will, of course get full credit for anything that I use

:) If you can use-it I'll be glad and what can I say... I like what you do with kreya. It is the most important NPC and he deserve too look good.

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this is great chainz! very nicely done. just one thing/request: i remeber a mod which "converted",so to speak, the movie that has visas talking to nihulus (sorry but i didnt found a link to it). they were able to do this because the movie had been made with the game engine. now what i would like to know is this: can you do the same with the movie when

sion beats up kreia at trayus core

with kreia wearing that wonderfull dark shroud? i know im asking a little too much but it never hurt to ask... :) thanks anyway and continue with the great work

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can you do the same with the movie when

sion beats up kreia at trayus core

with kreia wearing that wonderfull dark shroud? i know im asking a little too much but it never hurt to ask... :) thanks anyway and continue with the great work

Are you reading my mind or something? ;) hehehe...


I'll let everyone know once I'm done "playing" :D


Thanks for the feedback everyone, and please be sure to give oldflash a big hearty Kudos.. the Dark Shroud is all thanks to him :clap2: I just tinkered with it.. he pretty much provided me (us) 110% of it hehehe...

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this is great chainz! very nicely done. just one thing/request: i remeber a mod which "converted",so to speak, the movie that has visas talking to nihulus (sorry but i didnt found a link to it). they were able to do this because the movie had been made with the game engine. now what i would like to know is this: can you do the same with the movie when

sion beats up kreia at trayus core

with kreia wearing that wonderfull dark shroud? i know im asking a little too much but it never hurt to ask... :) thanks anyway and continue with the great work


That is an excellent idea. If you guys could pull that off it would be FANTASTIC!



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by the way can you post a link to that mod i mentioned above? i've searched in pcgamemods but couldnt find it... if you cant thats ok
Hmm.. I know that the TSLRP Team did one. You can download it here:




But I'm not sure if the High Res Movies Patch does the same (though it's a much larger download and wasn't quite worth it to me)...


If you're just interested in the Visas / Nil movie.. go with TSLRP's version :)

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Ooh..awsome Chainz! But ..there seems to be a flaw with the Dark Shroud robe, Kreia is supposed to look old and wrangled, but when she is wearing the Dark Shroud she looks young , so ..maybe u could retexture her face too look a bit older ? .. and also does Kreia hand also looks robotic when she is wearing the Dark Shroud ?


- Dream Evil :vamp1:

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Ooh..awsome Chainz! But ..there seems to be a flaw with the Dark Shroud robe, Kreia is supposed to look old and wrangled, but when she is wearing the Dark Shroud she looks young , so ..maybe u could retexture her face too look a bit older ?

Hence why I put in the description that it physically affects her, almost in a "rejuvenating Dark sense".. I re-did her Dark Face to make her "veiny" and give it some raised dimension... but yeah.. I think I can make her more hag-ish if everyone would prefer that route :D hehehe ..


Face Detail:






and also does Kreia hand also looks robotic when she is wearing the Dark Shroud ?

That unfortunately I don't think I can do without completely re-mapping her model. The skin uses the same area for both of her hands.. and since I'm already 4-5 weeks into this, I don't want to have to go through and re-map her, then re-skin her over... :whacked:


I will however probably release the Master files I've done for his mod (once released) as a seperate download so that people can tweak the robes however they see fit :)

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can you do the same with the movie when sion beats up kreia at trayus core with kreia wearing that wonderfull dark shroud?

Update: well, flip.. it looks as if that particular movie is a pre-rendered scene..


As far as I can see, there's no cutscene module that I can dissect in order to change her appearance :(


Building the thing from scratch (though possible perhaps) isn't my idea of something I want to do at the moment as it would take forever IMO...


Sorry gang, but unless I'm missing something blatantly obvious (please correct me if I'm wrong).. I don't think I can make this part happen :fist:


I'll try to make it up to ya' in some other way.. but unless someone knows a way of doing it (besides re-building).. this idea may have to be canned...

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Update: well, flip.. it looks as if that particular movie is a pre-rendered scene..


As far as I can see, there's no cutscene module that I can dissect in order to change her appearance :(


Sorry gang, but unless I'm missing something blatantly obvious (please correct me if I'm wrong).. I don't think I can make this part happen :fist:


I'll try to make it up to ya' in some other way.. but unless someone knows a way of doing it (besides re-building).. this idea may have to be canned...


Do you mean this scene? If so, then there is an in-game version of it likely used to make the movie variant. The area used is 907MAL, as said in the above linked thread. (Be warned that this module is used for more than one cutscene when/if you modify it.)

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Update: well, flip.. it looks as if that particular movie is a pre-rendered scene..


As far as I can see, there's no cutscene module that I can dissect in order to change her appearance


oh man that sucks... well it doesn't matter much, it's just a little video after all... as long as everything works ingame im happy :)


keep up the good work

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Do you mean this scene? If so, then there is an in-game version of it likely used to make the movie variant. The area used is 907MAL, as said in the above linked thread. (Be warned that this module is used for more than one cutscene.)

ooooo.. Thanks stoffe!.. I'll look into this for sure.. :D


As long as I can get it to load.. I think I know a way I can bypass any of the other conflicts that might occur.. ;)


EDIT: worked like a charm stoffe! :emodanc: This movie just may be possible afterall..


I've got it to load with Kreia's new appearance, so now what I intend to do is capture the video sequence.. put in proper good music/soundfx... and re-"bik'ing" it.. that way it can be an "optional" part of the mod...


Guess I'll get to put my editing skills to something fun this time hehehe .. :D

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Well.. I'm working on the .bik movie at the moment, but I'd like to get some suggestions before delving deeper:


Apx 2.5mb (Windows Media)



Keep in mind:


- Yeah, half-way through I realized Kreia was holding her "Walking Stick" saber.. oops.. I'll have to remedy that because once she gets slammed to the wall, it "magically" becomes a standard silver tube :fist:

- The Voiceovers are 'meant' to have the "echo" effect.. but the timing may need some adjustments...

- I still have to go back and synch the subtitle text with her VO

- I re-added a particular Kreia dialogue line that wasn't used in the original ;) It's an underlay (secondary voice), but I think some of you may notice it right off the bat :D


As stoffe had mentioned, the in-game movie (not .bik) doesn't have that "storyteller" feel.. so I have a few additional effects to add later on.. however, this movie will still be a higher res version than the standard...


Bink compression seriously kills the quality once it's rendered by the game engine, so I have to play around with the settings until I get something that looks decent and still have readable text...


and finally, the .wmv file is only a third of the 'visual' quality.. it looks pretty sweet on my end in it's full glory (HUGE file).. now I just have to find that magic Bink setting that will translate over to the game .. hehehe My .bik runs at about 40mb (half the high res patch version) but I think I have a solution... but just in case, this will be a completely seperate & optional part of the mod ;)


So now, suggestions? Hate it, like it, what needs changed... let me know :D

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It looks pretty darn good, however, other than what you have already pointed out, the angle when you first see Darth Nihilius seems a bit off, in the .bik it is closer to his feet and the ground. Also, his shadow (from what I can see) looks a wee bit off. Also, if you want to make all of us USM User's happy make sure Ol' Big Bad n' Hungry is weilding the right hilt ;) And just because I like the USM (I couldn't tell from the small version) Was Sion weilding his hilt or something else?


Other than that, its lookin great my man! Keep it up! :D

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I think the new Traya model really suits Kreia, especially for the time in the game that was happening. Any bad assed Sith Lord needs something a bit more flashy than a plain black robe. There were a few minor problems you may wish to address though.


When the camera is close to Kreia's face in one scene, you can see past her veil to her eyes, which are blank white instead of black.


The camera angle on Nihilus' entrance was a bit weird, I think it's supposed to be closer to his feet when he makes his entrance, then it pans away so you don't notice that his walking and cape animations are rushed, like he's walking too fast. Also I don't think he's supposed to be holding a lightsaber in the scene where his arms were crossed.


Other than that, sweet friggin' addition to the mod. It's going to make a great bonus to go along with finding those robes in game.

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Thanks for the insight gang :thumbsup:


1) Yeah, the angle of the in-game Nil entrance is set to that... however, I was able to "slow it down" during editing - fixed

2) Kreia's saber is now a plain silver tube (for the movie) - fixed

3) Kreia's eyes are now solid black - fixed

4) Nihilus originally didn't hold a saber when his arms were crossed.. so now he doesn't in the new version - fixed

5) Yup, Sion is wielding his personal USM saber :D - fixed


Still working on the subtitle synch & the "storyteller" effect.. but I should have a new preview up sometime today...


If you have any other suggestions, keep'm coming :)

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