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If Your team from KOTOR were to return, what would they do?


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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

I'll censor a certain word with "puppy" to avoid offending fundamentalists.


See, it is common knowledge that puppy can be less enjoyable after years of marriage. You see, puppy is something that must always be stimulating. For some couple, puppy has become boring. I hope for Prime that the puppy's good.


But some people leave it to a certain type of cyberpuppy...


Isn't a cyberpuppy a robotic dog toy or was that only in that episode of futurama (that depresing one with frys dead dog).


any way most of us are proberly geeks so we take "puppy" where we can get it... or is that just me


also we get anykind we can colley, poodle, bulldog.... I took this too far haven't I?

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My crew...hmm...they'd be doing something like this:


Bastila- Can't type this here, not fit for the wee ones

Carth- hopefully dead, I never really liked him

Jolee- probably dead, I never thought much of him, besides Master Valor

Juhani- also dead

HK-47- :D With a couple nice blasters and the Baragian Flamethrower...

T3-M4- rolling around in heavy armor

Mission - probably dead or somewhere far, far away from me, Mission is just too weak for my play style.

Zalbaar- He'll be at my side, that boy is a TANK.

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Originally posted by boinga1

My crew...hmm...they'd be doing something like this:


Bastila- Can't type this here, not fit for the wee ones

Carth- hopefully dead, I never really liked him

Jolee- probably dead, I never thought much of him, besides Master Valor

Juhani- also dead

HK-47- :D With a couple nice blasters and the Baragian Flamethrower...

T3-M4- rolling around in heavy armor

Mission - probably dead or somewhere far, far away from me, Mission is just too weak for my play style.

Zalbaar- He'll be at my side, that boy is a TANK.

You forgot Canderous! (One of the rare NPCs who survived last time I played :rolleyes: )

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I'm guessing Jolee is dead regardless. He's just too darn old! As for the rest: I'm guessing they're all dead too, except meybe Carth, Bastila and Canderous, being the other main NPCs. If Carth survived, he'll probably be a lot different (depressed, darker, ect.).

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Originally posted by CaptainSkye

If Carth survived, he'lll probably be a lot different (depressed, darker, ect.).


I think he pretty much hit rock bottom in KOTOR. I can't imagine him being...more depressed...or more annoying.


One thing I'm sure, Juhani can't come back.


Interesting thing though...maybe Kreia has something to do with Jolee if you know what I mean :naughty:


Ok that somehow is a bit frightening but you can't say Jolee and Kreia aren't made for each other. You know, being both old and Jedi...after he got a divorce from his wife, who knows what he did...

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Originally posted by Nichpo

I know this seems to disagree with public opinion but i actually liked Carth...


Could someone tell me what is wrong with him? :p :p :p


:eek: He keeps whining... And if you're a female he dumps all his petty worries on you such as how he can't remember his wife's face... But even though I play as a male, he's still annoying... I hope he gets brutally tortured and then slaughtered by Revan :D

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Being male, I don't really have a problem with Carth (ducks the flying debris). I think it's completely understandable to loose all trust when your mentor betrays you, destroys your home, & murders your family, not to mention a hell uva' lot of your people. Yeah, he whined & cried some but I think the majority of players whine & cry more about him than he does for himself.

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Originally posted by FiEND_138

Being male, I don't really have a problem with Carth (ducks the flying debris). I think it's completely understandable to loose all trust when your mentor betrays you, destroys your home, & murders your family, not to mention a hell uva' lot of your people. Yeah, he whined & cried some but I think the majority of players whine & cry more about him than he does for himself.

I completely agree, and a very good point FiEND, with all the Carth character has been through, if we think about it, he is actually handling it all very well.

Originally posted by Darth333

Me too :p join the club! (this club may have only two members :rolleyes: but it's a start! )

Me three! ;)


I have no problem with Carth, fact is I have only killed him once. He has some of the best interaction of all the NPC's in the game, even more than Bastila in some areas. :D


*Gets ready to do a Force TK version of Neo with projectiles hurled this way*

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I liked carth two. sure he moaned, but what do you expect, his homeworld was destroyed, his wife died in his arms, his son joined the sith and this was all caused by his mentor who betrayed him.... i think he has the right to moan. what do you think he should do... go line dancing?

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