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Postlude to Holocaust Part VI: Strangers


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Drago: *To Heimdall* No I don't know why he did it but I can't see there is ever a good reason to enslave a whole planet. *To K'warra.* All the magic went for a holiday, however its recently been rearing its ugly head again. *Gesturing to Orthos.* You've met him before, after a fashion.

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Heimdall to Drago: It is very foolish of you to make judgements based without knowing the whole story and his reasons. What if he was tricked into doing that or was forced to? Would you still judge him the same?


Afterall, enslaving a world is hardly as bad as what we did, but we had, have very good reasons for our actions a year ago. Now if you all will excuse me I have some work I need to attend to.


*Heimdall gives a brief nod at K'Warra and the other freed captives, and heads back to the ship.*

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((JM: What do you mean specifically? If it's long, ask in the discussion thread :D))


Aidan: I can't think of a good reason to enslave a world. Mercy killing I can understand...


K'Warra: ...A year ago? Eh? What did "they" do? Mercy killing? Oh and Jiyle? I remember that name...I remember someone by that name abandoned Elizabeth to the clutches of the Vampire Kvana Clare when Shunaria captured me. Someone named Jiyle and someone named Drago the Barbarian...*K'Warra taps his chin* Great-great-great-grandaddys of yours?


*Raschel walks up shortly into the conversation and now speaks up*


Raschel: *to Drago and K'Warra* What exactly are you all talking about? Since when did "Magic" ever exist except in myth, and in other dimensions? And why have I never heard of you people if you did all this stuff? *to Orthos* Who are you channeling now and what is it talking about?

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*Heimdall stops and looks at Aidan*


Heimdall: Consider this Aidan, don't answer just think about it. You have a father and a brother both are cruel and enjoy watching people suffer. Your father has decreed that a world is to be taken over and the populace enslaved, either you or your brother could do it. If your brother does it the people will be brutalized, if you do it while these people may be slaves they will live out decent lives and not have to fear that strange men will torture them for no reason. If you try and oppose your father you will be killed and the people will still be enslaved.


This is such a circumstance that enslaving a world would not be an evil act but one where your trying to protect the population.


*looks at Raschel*


Heimdall: This is all long before you were born. Before I was born as well actually.

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Matt: Sorry. Too used to talking to people who have been here for everything. A couple of weeks ago we were on the Aesir's home planet. We had to do a couple of things that would take a while to explain, basically get a key or something, then fight in a battle if we wanted to, but anyway, midway to or from getting the key, I don't remember which, we were attacked by a couple of people and a lot of strange creatures. They were after Guy, you're probably about to meet him, so he'll be able to explain things a bit more clearly than me.

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"Sounds... interesting," Elaina muttered. Then, she slipped forward until she could see what was going on. She could see Tanara, but Tanara was not paying attention.


"I don't mean to interrupt," Tanara said hesitantly. She paused there, unsure if she wanted to continue.

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Drago: If he was tricked then he would merely be a fool, I make my jugements based on what I have. Besides your example is over simplistic. There is always a third way.


My Lord, if I have arrayed my forces on an open plain and sent scouts to warn of the enemies approach but then I see soldiers bearing their colours approaching on my left flank in marching formation and my scouts do not return do I do nothing?


They may be a parley, they appear to be no immidiate threat but does that mean I should not turn my forces to face them?


My example is also simplistic.

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Heimdall: It was suppose to be simplistic Drago, and it still serves to prove the point that even though you may not be able to see a good reason for an action one still may exist. You should also know that there is not always a third option, sometimes there are no options at all.


As I said I do have work I need to attend to, goodbye.


*Heimdall again turns to the Asgardried and begins to head in.*

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((JM: Is Matt following Heimdall and Tanara? I'm asking since they are the only ones heading back to the ship at the moment, and if he wants to talk to K'Warra, Chere, Cody (the three that were in the cages) he would be going the other way))


*Heimdall stops and turns to Tanara, hoping this wouldn't take long, he really did need to return to his forge and continue repairing the armor.*


Heimdall: I'm sorry, but unless there is a very good reason to take your sister along the answer is no.

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*K'Warra spreads his arms in an expansive shrug*


K'Warra: Why waste time trying to remember the little details of events that lost their relevance thousands of years ago?


Raschel: Great. More immortals? Just how many immortal creatures are there in this universe?!


K'Warra: I don't know. I seem to recall there was a small race of Immortals on Mrear.

*Looks at Drago* Is that what your non-judgemental friend is? *pointing off to Heimdall* He doesn't smell like you, but...


Chere: *looking off in the surf* Are those...dragons?


Marin: They're called Drakes...they're the friends of the Aesir here...they're the ones in the dark blue armor. Like the man who just left.


K'Warra: Ah, so a race of immortals called the Aesir, and allied with alien Dragons.


Cody: *turning around and staring at the Drakes as well* Wow...


Aidan: Hang on, "K'Warra". There's still the issue here about you trying to kill Chere.


Chere: Yeah!


K'Warra: Come now, you two are being ridiculous. I don't intend to kill your short friend. She's far too entertaining. Besides, as I explained to her eleven months ago, I was working off false information and mistook her for someone else.




K'Warra: *grinning at her* So you would like to think. Besides, if I really wanted to kill you do you really think I wouldn't have tried already?


edit: Aesir wear dark, not light blue armor

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Marin: Hal, Allessa...these three are other people from my dimension, Cody, Chere and K'Warra *pointing to each*. The people that attacked us were holding them prisoner and left them behind. *to Cody, Chere and K'Warra* The man who just left was Heimdall. The others are...*She introduces everyone present [with the exception of the Aesir whose names she doesn't know]*

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((In response to Admiral's post...))


Tanara sighed out of irritation and disappointment.


"Given only a little time and training, Elaina would make an excellent fighter," she told Heimdall. "I could train her as we go."


Elaina was close enough to hear this, but far enough away to be ignored by her sister.

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((Marin told Hal and Alessa what was going on, didn't she? ;)))


K'Warra: So. What are you doing here? I have to wonder what made our captors go through such lengths to attack you...in such ways they did. A bit odd for a small group of immortals and their sidekicks.


Aidan: "Sidekicks"?


Guy: You were told nothing by your captors?


K'Warra: C'mon, Jonathan - that is your name, right, not "Guy"? You know all about Shadows. They're not stupid people.


Guy: Not every one of your captors was a Shadow.


K'Warra: I got the strong impression that the non-Shadows of the group had no idea what was going on, except the two mercernary leaders. They were just following orders for lots of money. Going to explain? I'm just curious.

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((Actually I was waiting on WJ to post :), and Hal/Alessa could at least of said hello.))


Heimdall: I'm sorry Tanara, that is not a good enough reason. It takes time to train someone, and until that person is trained they put everyone around them in danger during combat. You also need to consider this, we will be heading into very deadly situations, do you want to expose your sister to that? Plus, how much combat experience do you have? Can you actually train her?


Think about these, and if you decide you still want her to come along, can properly train her, and have figured out a better reason for us to take her along come talk to me again. I'll most likely be in the ship.




*A drake stands up in the surf, spreading his wings a little, and walks onto the beach heading towards everyone gathered around K'warra, Chere, and Cody.


When K'Warra made his comment about sidekicks the drake let out a deep laugh, and sat down near the gathering.*

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Tanara turned away, frustration flooding her face. Somehow, she had known this would be the response, but it caused her some irritation. In this moment, Kira's voice began taunting her and she began to loose control.


Even from a distance, Elaina could tell something was wrong. Without really even thinking about it, she covered the distance between herself and Tanara in one great Force-aided leap.


"Resist her, Tanara," Elaina whispered, gripping her sister's hands. Tanara growled softly and pushed Elaina away. With all the strength she could muster, Elaina lunged into Tanara, taking both of them to the ground. Elaina ended up on top of her sister and placed her right palm on Tanara's forehead.


"I may not be able to resist her myself," she whispered, "but I can help you do so!"


After a few minutes of struggling, Tanara went limp, staring in shock at her sister. Elaina bent forward and kissed her sister's forehead. Then, she sat up again. With a light touch, Elaina sent Tanara into a deep, Force-aided sleep.


"Rest," she whispered, making herself comfortable at her sister's side.

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