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Postlude to Holocaust Part VI: Strangers


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"Simple but comfortable," Tanara was saying as she and Elaina left the ship and headed for the place Elaina had set the fighter down.


"Everything I... Kira wanted is in this," Elaina said. "She didn't want much, so it should all fit in there. But aren't we going to take this along?"


"I didn't ask," Tanara answered. "I think it would be better not to. There's a lot of history behind this fighter, but history is not enough to keep something from being destroyed. I'm afraid that is what would happen to it if we took it along."


"They'll dismantle it if we leave it!" Elaina objected. Tanara nodded thoughtfully.


"I'm sending it back to Coruscant with a message to Corbin," she finally said. Corbin was the man Elaina had seen before she set out to find Tanara.


Within about ten minutes, the little fighter lifted off and sped away.


"That's done," Tanara said, taking up some of Elaina's belongings and turning back toward the Asgardried's resting place. Elaina followed her.



Quite a while later, the ship reached Coruscant and Corbin was delighted to see it coming.


"Ah, Elaina's back," he told himself. He approached it as it landed and was surprised to find it empty. Climbing into the cockpit, he groaned and unwittingly triggered Tanara's message for him.


"Greetings, Corbin. Do not be alarmed at Elaina's absence from the fighter. She has found me and will be staying with me. Look to her instructions for the ring she gave you upon her departure and see to it that the job is done when we return. I know not when it will be. Until then, be careful."


Corbin stared at Tanara's image in silence. Then he nodded and got out of the fighter. Sealing it shut behind him, he returned to his work.

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Drago: Yes I have, they should arrive on this world within the week. While we certainly have the neccessary facilities Hal will not be leaving with me and neither will his armour. While I don't expect he'll be using it in the near future I forsee a time when he will have need of it again.

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((So everyone is aware and a can be a little more patient, Red at the moment has very limited computer access, hence why things are going a little slow.))


Heimdall: In that case have Hal place the pieces of his armor that need to be repaired outside his room. A droid will take them up to the forge and I'll repair them.





Vidar's Stateroom


*Vidar stood in the center of the room while Valda carefully removed his bandages to examine his wounds. Most were healed, but the couple major ones were still open, and bleeding a little*


Valda: I think one more treatment by Idun and you will be healed my lord.


Vidar: There is no need to be so formal Valda.


*Valda smiled warmly at Vidar and nodded her head*

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Heimdall: Thank you Drago, they are going to have a hard time to convince me to allow that.


Oh, before you go I want you to know something. What I said outside ealier was not intended to insult you but to keep some of the more impressionable minds out there open to possibliities they may not have thought of yet. Even that last comment was not so much for you but for Tanara. If you took offense to any of these, indeed it seems that you have at least to some of them, I apologize that was not my intent.




Vidar's Stateroom


*Valda is placing the the old bandages in a bin for disposal when there is a knock at the door.*


Vidar: Enter.


*Idun steps in looks at Vidar and then Valda*


Idun: How are you doing?


Vidar: Almost good as new, just a little tired.


*Vidar's legs suddenly give out on him, and he begins to fall, but Valda is immediatly by his side to support him, Idun a step behind. Together they help him onto his bed.


Idun: I came to finish up healing these wounds of yours, alright?


*Vidar nodded his consent.*


Idun: Alright let's begin.


*Valda helped Idun as she worked on Vidar's remaining wounds. The treatment took just ten minutes to complete, but left Idun exhausted. Vidar who was already tired long before hand was now fast asleep*


Idun: Well, I'm going to go the upper deck and sit down and rest for a little while.


Valda: I'm going to stay here, and keep an eye on him.


*Idun gave Valda a knowing smile*


Idun: When he wakes up, just make sure he rests.

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((What Admiral said. ^^;;


Deac, where IS Orthos? :D))


K'Warra: K'Warra K'laar, at your service. The boy with the big eyes is Cody and the short girl is Chere. I'm happy to see you're alive... My apologies, by the way.


Chere: *glaring at K'Warra* C'mon, Cody. I'll tell you what you missed the past few months. *She nods at Aidan and Marin* You two too. I wanna hear any news you have. *The four move off*


Marin: Actually...we don't have any news. We've been cut off from home since we left...


Aidan: I was hoping you could give us news.

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Drago: You are very gracious, My Lord. It was nothing more than an unfortunate set of misunderstandings. On Allessa's behalf I would say that she and Hal... balance each other. By your leave, I will return to teaching Matt not to cut his toes off.


((Assuming Heimdall gives it.))


*Drago bows again and leaves.*


((He's happy, I'm just continuing the discussion in the other thread because I think its good for character developemnet. That plus I actually enjoy a reasoned debate.))

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((BD: It is not so much of a debate as a interesting look on how two similar but different cultures precieve insults))



*Idona looks at Heimdall*


Idona: That was very kind of you. Going to let Allessa stay?


Heimdall: If they have a good enough reason then yes, but given what we have seen of Allessa so far they are going to need an very good reason.


*Idun walks down the cooridor heading towards the bow turbolift*


Heimdall: Idun, how is my brother doing?


Idun: Well, his wounds are finally healed and he is currently sleeping, Valda is watching over him.


Heimdall: Thankyou


Idun: Your welcome, I'm going to head to the upper lounge anyone care to join me?


Idona: I will in a little while.


Idun: Ok, I'll see you up there.


*Idun leaves the lounge and gets into the turbolift.*

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*Drago goes to the cargo hold and picks up a couple of practice swords, he then leaves the ship and stolls over to Matt.*


Drago: Come on boy, I think its time you moved on to a live target, I'll go easy on you.


*Hal and Allessa walk slowly towards the ship.*


Hal: So how arre we going to convince them?


Allessa: I could shave Heimdall's beard with my lightsabre.


Hal: Not even my father was that good.


Allessa: Well he always said I was his best pupil.


Hal: Oh? Really? He told me the same thing.

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*The ring Heimdall had placed on the table finally stopped pulsating*


Idona: How long until the ring is finished?


Heimdall: Tomorrow at the earliest, if these interruptions keep continuing it will be longer though. At least for now it has to rest for an hour.


((Well, I'm done until Hal and Allessa get to the ship))

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((Oh, oops))


*K'Warra chuckles at Drago's exchange with Matt and turns to Orthos*


K'Warra: So, Orthos Starkiller, was it? Does the host have a name?


Raschel: That is his name. Orthos.


K'Warra: What's that I detect in your tone? A hint of resentment? *K'Warra stretches and cracks his neck, and a few other joint* Gods, am I glad to get out of that little box. Spending eleven months in a cage that you can't stand up in? Not something I'd recommend. So, Starkiller, how have you been these past thousand years?

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Elaina and Tanara returned to the ship, but as they approached it, Elaina stopped, noticing Matt and Drago.


"Are they going to fight?" she asked. Tanara glanced in their direction and shrugged.


"Probably," she answered. Noticing her sister's surprise, she laughed. "A training fight, Elaina. You and I will be doing the same thing in not too much more time."


"Can we watch?" Elaina asked, still wide eyed. Tanara laughed again and gently pulled her sister toward the Asgardried.


"Let's get your things situated first," she said. "If they're still going at it when we come back out, then you can watch."

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K'Warra: *After pausing for a moment to surreptiously listen to Drago speaking to Matt, indicated outwardly only by an inclining of his ears* Gotterdammerung? What exactly is that? Any relation to the mass slaughtering of sentient beings I've heard tell of? And what do you mean by 'stuck here'? I don't recollect any difference in your current situation with my memory of you, except... *He glances over at Raschel* ...that you seem to be inhabiting a host who actually has ties to the world around him. Interesting.

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