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Who do you want to return for KotOR3? [SPOILERS]

Overthrow Jack

What NPC should return to the party for KotOR III?  

68 members have voted

  1. 1. What NPC should return to the party for KotOR III?

    • Reowroreararrrrearrreerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! (Hanharr)
    • Mira, because there just aren't enough redheaded man hunters in the universe.
    • Bao Dur, to see whether losing your Remote leads to the darkside.
    • Answer: HK-47, you worthless meatbag.
    • I've got a Fettish for Mandalore.
    • Mission Veo - assuming we can pry her off her pole at the Cantina.
    • T3-M4, because all those unintelligable beeps and whistles somehow reminded me of my mother.
    • The Handmaiden. Hubba hubba hubba.
    • Atton: He's not as annoying as the disciple, but still 90% more whiney than Carth.
    • Tenth party candidate (write in, but know that you're probably throwing your vote away)

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We got to see a few old favorites from the first game in TSL, and assuming that George Lucas still likes money, there will be another sequel. I'm sure there are a few new favorites that we'd like to adventure with again - so, who are they?


Personally, I really enjoyed Bao Dur. He's the closest thing to Christopher Walken Star Wars will ever get. His voice and his appearance really distinguished him - lure him to the dark side and put some Bothan Perception Goggles on him, and he looks like he's ready for an Episode III cameo. All that quiet anger and inner turmoil really got to me, and I think he deserves more attention than he got this round.

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well it is true that bao-durr is very christopher walken and I would like to know more about him, he is such a murky character.

But all that aside I would like to see HK-47 keep going on strong in KOTOR3 (just give him to us in one peice this time around;) )



would be another pick for me because well...he is just so dam cool. Plus


due to the ending of TSL, both sides, you learn that candy boy has millions of battles ahead of him and even though the mandalorians slowly die fighting he is their last and greatest leader. also he becomes as we all wanted, the suppoused future general for Revan in his battle againest those damned unknown sith in the outter rim and great beyond.

also with all the lil easter eggs in TSL, I would like to see one of Canderous/mandalore (a.k.a candy) getting caught by your PC baking cookies in a pink apron. oh just imagine the comedy for that lil easter egg.



PC: uh, mandalore?


Mandalore: *taking cookies out of the food maker thingy, w/e the hell they use in star wars* oh crap! uh...its not what you think!


PC:are you...? are you baking cookies?


Mandalore: all warriors need to learn how to prepare rations before battles *cough* uh ya thats it...*ahem*


PC: ya...right...ok...im gonna go over there now


*as your PC walks away*


Mandalore: your not...uh gonna tell anyone about this..are you? look take the choclate chip, trust me its good.


PC: no...I think everyone needs to know about your...other ways of "battle preparations" infact im gonna tell them all


Mandalore: you bastard


*influence lost: Mandalore*

*darkside points gained*

*que dramatic music*


Edited by Darth333: spoiler tags modified. This is an "official" warning according to the forum rules. Mentionning that


is a MAJOR spoiler.

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Revan,as a girl would be sweet... bad kicking-ass Jedi beauty general!!!!


HK-47 baddest than ever... and Mandalore!!! all leading on a cathaclysmic battle against the bad guys!



And handmaiden Did you know her true name is :

Brianna. hehehehee.. no, It is the truth.


I mean, her name is Brianna, not Truth



I don't know who said this, but I agree with him:

Silver Lightsaber RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Where is Visas? I wanted her to return. Personally, I found the fact that she was classy enough NOT to wear the slave uniform, her wisdom, and the fact that she doesn't throw a bitchy fit like the Handmaiden, make her more attractive over all. ;)

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I would like to see


, HK-47, Bao-Dur, Atton, Disciple (Although my character was male)Handmaiden, T3-M4, Zalbaar, Hanharr, and GO-TO, Carth and Visas return. But especially Bastilla... She's one of my favorite KOTOR characters... I'd also like to see her in the dancer's outfit! I would like Jolee, Mission, Mira, and Kreia to return, but

They were all killed, since I chose the Dark Side for KOTOR 1 and 2. Kreia won't return no matter what your alignment is, such a pity. I liked having a "mentor" character.



Basicly, I want all KOTOR 1 and 2 party members to return. (except Juhani!)


But most of all, I'd like Revan and the Exile. Maybe you could choose both of their appearences at the startup menu, and choose which one will lead the party. The other one could be a party member, but with no voice for the dialogue... You could mentally insert a voice.

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Originally posted by Darth333

Bastila did not survive Kotor 1 90 of the time in my case :D

Well she survived 100% of the time in my case... :xp:

Originally posted by Darth333

I say they better start with a new main PC. How would you explain starting up with no powers? It also leaves more freedom for the storyline and character development.

Agreed, I'm seeing our main PC being an apprentice to either Revan or the Exile in the beginning of KOTOR III. Starting some point after the Exile finds Revan.


This would start us out at the desired level, and be able to have us progress and influence the story. :D

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Originally posted by Darth333

Bastila did not survive Kotor 1 90 of the time in my case :D


I say they better start with a new main PC. How would you explain starting up with no powers? It also leaves more freedom for the storyline and character development.


How'd you manage that Darth333. I mean you never get a chance to actually kill her as I recall. Unless there is a dialogue option I've missed that allows you to just give in and strike her down if your lightside.



But I pray for a return of Revan and HK--"Die meatbag" of course without Darth333 I wouldn't have one mod in my permanent overides that makes HK a happy assasin droid by killing that worthlesss piece of ^%@# Yuka %$#$ Laka.

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Originally posted by Darkkender

How'd you manage that Darth333. I mean you never get a chance to actually kill her as I recall. Unless there is a dialogue option I've missed that allows you to just give in and strike her down if your lightside..

You can kill her if you are playing LS

When you meet her on the Starforge, you can choose to strike her down.

I actually managed to get the LS ending while being DS more than a few times :D

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