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The Official EU Trivia Thread !


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He was cloned via the use of Spaarti cylinders. The host DNA was taken from Luke's severed hand, lukily found on cloud city Bespin. They also found Anakin's lightsaber.


At first, I was under the impression that Luke's hand is the object that falls out of the hatch in ESB. However, it is in fact his blaster that falls out, not the hand. So it is possible that they found his hand, but that's a little odd. Especially since Vader was the only one who knew about the severed hand, and he left the planet in the end. Hrm.....too much artistic liberty methinks.


Q: Who was Aarba the Hutt?

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Q: Who was Aarba the Hutt?


Aarba featured in the Tales of the Jedi/Golden Age of the Comics. Its been awhile, so I dont remember the details intrictaley but Gav and Jori Daragon owed hims some money, which they were paying back mapping hyperspace routes... Somewhere in their travels they crash landed on a sith planet IIRC


I *wont* give myself a point as that sortve wasnt really a full answer. Maybe Jedispy can fill in the gaps :)


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Q. What was the name of the temple housing Exar Kun's spirit on Yavin IV ??



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Maybe Jedispy can fill in the gaps
You were pretty much on. About the only thing I'd add is that after Gav and Jori Daragon stole the Starbreaker 12 from Aarba's dock, he took his complaint to the ruler of the 7 systems, Empress Teta. I'd say Astrotoy gets a point since that's about all there is regarding Aarba in the Golden Age of the Sith story.


What's the main world which employs Firespray-class patrol ship ? (A.k.a. "Slave I")
I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing Malachor V. I believe it was during the Mandalorian wars.


Not sure if I'm correct, so let's keep the question open until Leviathan can either confirm/deny the answer.

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"Dha Werda Verda" are also known as Taungs, an ancient species which controlled Coruscant for several thousand years ! During their conquests, they annihiliated Zhells and many other adversaries... "Dha Werda Verda" was a name given to Taungs after their final battle against Zhells, where a volcano entered in eruption : In effect, a cloud of ashes recovered them during two years...

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Boushh was a Gand bounty-hunter, coming from the Uba system. He worked during a long time for The Black Sun and one day, he asked an important sum of credits to his employer, Xizor. That one refused and ordered Boushh to be killed... Leia just had to impersonate him, knowing that he was dead and used this stratagem to infiltrate Jabba's Palace...

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Close enough. He wasn't a Gand. Zuckuss was a gand. Boushh was Ubese. As well, he was killed by Black Sun shortly before the events of SOTE. Leia posed as Boushh at first to get past the Imperial security and into Xizor's palace. You get the point.


Q: Before the Emperor's New Order, the Republic senate met on planet Coruscant. What was the Imperial homeworld called AFTER the New Order was established.

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Back from vacation :) Just looking over the last few questions, nice work jedispy and Leviathan, those were some detailed Qs and As.


Welcome to Andrelvis. I think ive seen you around AHTO IIRC :) I will give you a point for your "Massasi temple" answer, though the specific answer I was after was the "Temple of the Blue Leaf Cluster" :)


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A. Dengar was originally a swoop racer on Corellia. He suffered severe head/facial injuries after crashing in a race with Han Solo. His damaged structures were replaced with cybernetic implants, including a conditioning chip installed by Imps to command Dengar as an assassin. Somehow, although meant to be devoid of memory and emotion due to the removal of the hypothalamus by the imps- [obviously the EU writers have seen a Discovery Channel special on the brain!!!] Dengars humanity shines through, and although still hating Solo, often shows compassion in his actions, including saving Fett... He even ends up shacking up with the chubby dancer from Jabbas Palace :D Source : Tales of the Bounty Hunters/The Bounty Hunter wars


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New Question


Q. Who was Ysanne Isard's father ? What was his occupation ??



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A. Ysanne Isard's father was Armand Isard. He was Director of Imperial Intelligence before her. He was actually looking to get rid of her by sending her on a near-impossible mission to Darknell, but Ysanne managed to come out of it the better. She then had her own father executed and assumed his position.

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The "Emperor's Sword" was a squadron of TIE-Fighters, especially trained to protect Emperor Palpatine whenever he traveled away from Coruscant. Despite their missions, the pilots of this squadron often flew older models of TIE-Fighters because of their skills and experience with them...

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