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Crazy Theory about Revan...


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Do you think that it is possible that when Revan left the Republic and headed towards the edge of the galaxy, he was going because he found evidence of the Yuuzhan Vong? There is an obvious and blantant reference to the Yuuzhan Vong in KOTOR 1 when Canderous talks about the "asteroid" the Mandalorians chased out of the galaxy.


Perhaps Revan knew that if the galaxy didn't start strengthening for that conflict now, then they'd never be ready.


An interesting twist...


Although that is all moot if there is a KOTOR 3 that deals with Revan's story.


Just a thought. :cool:

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Oh no, please, no more Vongs. :(


Let's keep it "Star Wars clean", for the love of God. :D



Um... as far I am concerned, the NJO series was fine. The only part I didn't like was when

Anakin died.



At first, the Yuuzhan Vong did creep me out quite a bit, but were very cool in design and well-thought-out for a completely new species if you ask me.

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Hell, why don't they just bring in the Borg.



All that NJO shows me is the profound lack of understanding the people that created it had about the Star Wars universe. It's not all about sci-fi, it's largely about myth and they totally blew that off.


The space setting is a backdrop to a much larger and grand tale but they ran with it and made a story just like any other sci-fi trash tale and one that doesn't really fit into the SW universe at all.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Hell, why don't they just bring in the Borg.

Must... resist... urge... Oh who am I kidding! :D


*Big cube shaped ship seen from the viewport of a MC-80 Cruiser*


Calamari LT.: Sir the alien ship is hailing us... (sluurp and breathe sounds)


Calamari Adm.: Put in on audio Lieutenant... (more sluurp and breathe sounds)


*Electronic noise* We are the Sith... lower your shields and surrender your ship... we will add your technological and midichlorianal significance to our own... Resistance Is Futile!!!


Calamari Adm.: (sluurp and breathe sounds) It's a trap!!!

Originally posted by Boba Rhett

All that NJO shows me is the profound lack of understanding the people that created it had about the Star Wars universe. It's not all about sci-fi, it's largely about myth and they totally blew that off.


The space setting is a backdrop to a much larger and grand tale but they ran with it and made a story just like any other sci-fi trash tale and one that doesn't really fit into the SW universe at all.

Makes me glad I didn't read the NJO stuff! :D

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No Vong! No!

Oh no, please, no more Vongs.


Let's keep it "Star Wars clean", for the love of God.

I hate those guys.

Umm yeah, I'll have to agree with these people.


& I was under the impression

from Kreias convo with the Exile, that Revan went to find the "true sith" that came to the Mandalorians to start the war with the Republic. The sith Canderous spoke of in K1

Or maybe I just misinterpretated it....

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Well, to each his own.


I think it was a good series EXACTLY because it broke the mold of Star Wars story arcs.


To be blunt, I was tired a new wanna-be Sith lord trying to resurrect something or someone, or some new tyrant trying to overthrow the galaxy with a new superweapon. This was an all out war against a threat and species that almost no one saw coming, and it changed the face of the galaxy forever, especially since Coruscant was Vong Formed.


It was the only Star Wars book series I've read since the X-Wing series, and I totally enjoyed it.

Except for when Anakin died.


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Originally posted by ClumsyClayson

Who are the Vong? What is NJO?


What is NJO=="New Jedi Order" it is story plot line that picksup late in Luke skywalkers life.


Who are the Vong==short for "Yuuzhan Vong" they are the Star Wars equivalent to Star Treks "Borg", Starcrafts "Zerg", Warhammer 40k's "Tyranids", Battletech's "The Clans".


Basically summarized the Yuuzhan Vong serve the purpose of SciFi's great unknown a Advanced Alien race from outside of the scope of know space thats sole purpose is to conquer and destroy. See also the movie "Independance Day". Despite the fact that this could be considered a cheap ploy in the Star Wars universe. But the truth is it was bound to happen eventually in any long term SciFi themed Storyboard because there is only so much you can explore within a known sphere of space even the most rugged before it becomes more of the same. While an outside invasion force provides spice to any long term story board as well as whole new challenges for your hereos.



Now As to Revan and dealing with the Vong highly unlikely because we are talking about 2 story boards 4000 plus years apart.

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Originally posted by Darkkender

Now As to Revan and dealing with the Vong highly unlikely because we are talking about 2 story boards 4000 plus years apart.


Ah yes, but the Vong's forward advance scouts have been in our galaxy for an untold amount of time. Nom Anor (one of the main Vong spies) was in our galaxy for at least 10 years or so before the first book in the series I believe.


I don't think Revan found evidence of the main invasion force, but perhaps he found evidence of the scouts suggesting an invasion from outside the galaxy's edge.


This is all a theory of course. :cool:

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