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Mav's WIP for TSL


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Mav's Work In Progress

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Welcome to my W.I.P. thread, seeing as I don't have my own website, this is Mav's mod central, this thread will be hosting all of my projects up until their release so stay tuned, and I will also try to keep this post as up to date as possible. So check back often.


KotOR mods:

Saber of Beholder Model: gmax Screenie Download Here


TSL mods:

Prestige Item Pack: Download Here

Crystal Expansion Pack:Download Here Find Screens here

Megido and Avenger Saber Models: Megido Screen Avenger Screen Download Here

Unreleased Mystery Hilt: Screenie

Jedi Weapons Master Mav's Saber(unreleased): Screenie

Non-releaseable "Sunrider" version; The Unattainable Collection

Edited Head Model:Screenie ; Download Here

Melignous Hilt:Screenie ; Download Here

All mod credit goes to Darth Melignous General Kenobi, I simply made the model

Ancient Sword:Screenshot ; Download Here

Mav's Shop and Workbench:Download Here

Ion Hold Out Blaster:Screenshot ; Download Here




Direct Links while PCgamemods is down.


Megido and Avenger models

Edited Head Model, PMHA05

Lightsaber Crystal Expansion Pack, Darkkender, Jetstorm, myself

Melignous' Hilt

Ancient Sword

Mav's Mod Shop & Bench

Ion Hold Out Blaster




Huge thanks to ChAiNz.2da, who had all of the TSL mods that I made by myself.



However, mods that I worked on in collaboration with others are not available from me at this time. But again, big round of applause to ChAiNz.2da for reviving mods previously lost.

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I like the design accept for the emmitter. It just needs something to go along with the base of the hilt. What I mean is the top looks too simple compared to the bottom.

Also working on re-doing my How to make a Custom Saber Upgradeable tutorial.


That would be good. But you know your gonna have to make another for TSL :p

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

That would be good. But you know your gonna have to make another for TSL


yea I know, lol, I'll probably update the one I made with pictures and jsut aadjust it before TSL comes out I guess.


I agree about the emitter too, but initially I was concerned about the poly count, but I have a good 150 to work with, so I'll update that too, I'm thinking about making a regular saber, doublesaber, and short saber, but they'll probably be either both for KotOR and TSL or just TSL it all depends, on how much time I have this week, I do still have school.

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I'll be working on the model, fixing the emitter, maybe add a few more switches and the like.


The tutorial is complete I sent a copy to T7, he'll edit whatever needs to be edited and then post it when/if it's ready.

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Skinned Hilt - Not the Final Skin - img = 176kb


Hopefully it is obvious that this is not how I want it to look in game.:nut:.:nut:.. The black wont be sooo heavily contrasted, so you'll actually be able to see some edges unlike my last hilt, the red will be the same but the gray areas are going to be a very shiny metal, I'm thinking ohh maybe svösh's custom shader, CM_Manun.tga with his approval of course, but other than that this is basically what the saber will look like, I still haven't put any thought into the .uti or the stats, or the blade color so don't ask yet, but you can post suggestions :D. Oh and you probably shouldn't expect it to be released until this weekend, initially I was going to make a pack, but I'll hold off on a pack until I've thoroughly played through TSL.



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If your searching for ideas for what color to make the blade you can do what Chainz.2da did and make 1 for each color. If your afraid of tackeling this I could lend a hand. Or your welcome to adapt my guardian of the force saber & crystal in my new mod, The re-texture of the existing skin that I used sucks anyways and it would be cool to have a awesome hilt such as that being spawned from inserting that crystal into a default hilt. But then I don't know how you feel about a purple core with a blue glow lightsaber.


[edit]I'm refering to my light purple handled saber not the Segan Wyndth adaptation that I did.(Those sabers don't suck)[/edit]

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@ Mono_Giganto


Green, I was thinking about that, I think that it would make a "good looking" match to the hilt, I was also thinking violet would look good, but I was also thinking yellow, because not many mods use yellow, that would be the only reason. What I'm wondering is... how does green have anything to do with monkeys Mono?.... j/k :nut:


@ Darkkender


The one reason I don't want to make all of the different colors for the saber is that it would take up too many model numbers i.e. w_lghtsbr_007, 008, 009, 010, etc. etc. you get the picture. I was thinking about making sort of 5 mods in one and just let the downloadee??? choose which color to install, but I'm too lazy so I'll probably stick with either green or violet.


Which brings me to my next question:







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I like the hilt, very cool design with elements from a few film sabres in it ;) Between your two colors, I would say Green over Violet. It would fit the saber nicely. Although I would say Orange or perhaps Yellow just because as you said, it is not used much. Now if I could only figure out why my own saber is not working....:o

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Originally posted by maverick187

The one reason I don't want to make all of the different colors for the saber is that it would take up too many model numbers i.e. w_lghtsbr_007, 008, 009, 010, etc. etc. you get the picture. I was thinking about making sort of 5 mods in one and just let the downloadee??? choose which color to install, but I'm too lazy so I'll probably stick with either green or violet.


Which brings me to my next question:









Hehe, been there done that with the saber model hording. It never occured to me that we have always had the simple route available. I just completely forgot till just now.


ie - Say your saber is green "w_lsabregren01.tga" If you wanted it a different color (say red), just extract the red tga "w_lsabrered01.tga" and re-name it to the gren01 filename (or whatever the exisitng color filename is).


:headbump: Man that would've saved me so much trouble ;)


I'm feeling like Jolee everyday...heheh

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ChAiNz, believe it or not, right after I finshed that post asking about the saber colors I realized that I could just plant 6-7 saber colors with the same file name into the mod and have the downloadee choose, but I don't think it would have worked for your mod because you offer the player the choice of being able to use them all.


The upgrade crystal could be an ordinary "prism" allowing the reflection of all the colors, the explanation.... the crystal within this emits a color that varies with each different user and their affinity with the force.. not bad huh?


Anyway thanks to ChAiNz suggestion, you will now probably be able to use any color that you want, blue, red, green, violet, yellow, orange, cyan, pink? wink, wink, ChAiNz, umm and anything else I can come up with before the end of the week.


Estimated release.... 02/13/2005

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