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Mav's WIP for TSL


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Thanks for the compliments, I thought it was going to be a bit too extreme.


@ coaxmetal


Thanks for the compliment. Any ideas for the skin? It seems like you might have some :)


@ Uchiha Itachi




@ Darkkender


Thanks, and I'll try to be more positive :p.. lol, as far as making the outside clear/glass like, I was thinking about it but decided against it, because if I chose to do that then I could not have any mettalic textures and that is why I deleted some polys to create windows instead of making them transparent which I originally intended. Fear not I have a few skinning ideas ;).


@ MattColejk, Shadow Blaze, Lion54, and Darth Melignous


Thanks for the compliments.


@ Mono_Giganto


Thanks, and I'd definetly like a few PMs about gun modeling, as far a UGM that might have to wait... I have a lot on my plate right now, maybe after ChAiNz.2da and I learn how to make some guns... lol

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Sorry folks, I was planning on having a screen of the hilt with a texture mapped on it, but it is proving...not difficult but.. ackward trying to Uvmap the inner hilt without selecting faces from the outer hilt :headbump:, I will try to get some new screens up tomorrow, and for those who don't know what screens I'm talking about check the above post on this page ;)



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Originally posted by Darkkender

I wanna see a in game uvmapped version.


But honestly I was hopiny you would do something even more exotic.:D


It took long enough to UVmap with trying to select just faces from the inner hilt, but remeber this is jsut a primary skin, I was thinking about putting another tribal or maybe alien language type design on the visible parts of the outer hilt's shaft, though, what do you think about that idea?

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Originally posted by maverick187

It took long enough to UVmap with trying to select just faces from the inner hilt, but remeber this is jsut a primary skin, I was thinking about putting another tribal or maybe alien language type design on the visible parts of the outer hilt's shaft, though, what do you think about that idea?


Sounds cool. I was kinda hoping you might try making portions of it transparent to the skin underneath. Kinda like svosh did with the upcoming atris saber.

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Originally posted by maverick187


Since this will be my last saber model, it will be a corny one, not the model, but the idea behind the model, what I mean is I will be constructing Jedi W.M. Mav's lightsaber, I would like to have a quest planned for this and everything, but we will see about this later. For now I'm just going to work on the model, I'll have gmax screens up within the next few days.




@ Shadow Blaze




@ Darkkender


I think I explained it before, but I was originally planning on doing that, but if I did that then I wouldn't be able to use a shader, and that means no mettalic parts of the saber, and thats not what I want, so instead of transparency, I just deleted a few sections to make "windows" if you will.

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Well, this is just a preview of things to come:


In game preview of W.I.P. - 190kb


The hilt is almost done, but not quite, you see I was hoping to get away without having to detach the faces on the inner hilt, because they are a freakin' pain to get to and I should've detached them early on, but oh well. However, the well trained eye can clearly see the texture warping on the inner hilt, so I will have to fix that by detaching the faces, and although most people would not notice it during normal gameplay, I am somewhat of a perfectionist and these little things really get on my nerves. Well, I'm a little tired so I'll pick this up again tomorrow. :), till then enjoy the "little less than perfect" eye candy.



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Originally posted by maverick187

I was hoping to get away without having to detach the faces on the inner hilt, because they are a freakin' pain to get to and I should've detached them early on, but oh well.

Great looking saber man!


About your hard to get to faces... try selecting the poly / face of your hilt that's blocking your view and "hide selected", this should open up your path to get to the hidden ones. Once you're finished "unhide all" to get your hilt back to normal (be sure to go back and hide the original saber & base you imported)...


see if that helps :)

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Originally posted by maverick187



Well, this is just a preview of things to come:


In game preview of W.I.P. - 190kb


The hilt is almost done, but not quite, you see I was hoping to get away without having to detach the faces on the inner hilt, because they are a freakin' pain to get to and I should've detached them early on, but oh well. However, the well trained eye can clearly see the texture warping on the inner hilt, so I will have to fix that by detaching the faces, and although most people would not notice it during normal gameplay, I am somewhat of a perfectionist and these little things really get on my nerves. Well, I'm a little tired so I'll pick this up again tomorrow. :), till then enjoy the "little less than perfect" eye candy.




Mav, This looks awesome. :) :) :) I love the hilt design and can't wait to use it in-game. Just when I thought I had found my fav. saber in the Avenger you top it :) Very nice indeed.


If you ever take saber requests I'd personally like to see a Nomi Sunrider saber with the yellow core and green glow. :) Just a thought :)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Great looking saber man!


About your hard to get to faces... try selecting the poly / face of your hilt that's blocking your view and "hide selected", this should open up your path to get to the hidden ones. Once you're finished "unhide all" to get your hilt back to normal (be sure to go back and hide the original saber & base you imported)...


see if that helps :)


As usual the small things seem to slip past me, dammit it would've been so much easier if I thought about hiding faces and polys from the beginning, thansk for the awesome tip ChAiNz


@ Darth Melignous


I've never seen a picture of a Nomi Sunrider hilt, but I could easily make a yellow core, green glow saber, way back when in the beginning of K1 that was all I did, make saber blade retextures, if I'm not mistaken I was one of the first to make two color blades. I'll make a little yellow core, green glow one and snap a couple of screenies for ya.


@ Uchiha Itachi


Sorry bud, but I wont be releasing it, dont worry you'll be able to get it, just it will be part of someone elses mod, just like the last model I made.


@ Shadow Blaze


Glad to see you like it :D

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Well, the hilt is finally done, textured, no more texture warping that I can see, if you see some please let me know. The only thing left to do is make all of the "annoying files" as I like to call them :p, the .uti's, the .2da work and so on. Oh and ChAiNz, I'll have the .2da info up ASAP I just need to make the .uti files and it'll be done, expect the .2da line up and posted here within the next 5-10 minutes, I just hope I'm not too late ;). Anyway on the the screenie, what everyone came to see.


In-Game Collage - 573kb (most of you should recognize the writing ;))


Now to those of you who follow my W.I.P. thread I know you are wondering how I am planning on releasing the saber, and if you've been following another thread on the forums you probably already know. It will only be attainable through Xcom's module. So that is what you'll have to wait for ;)


@ Darth Melignous


I'm working on a little Sunrider adaption, just for looks mind you not for release ;)


Edit: Scratch what I said above ChAiNz I'll shoot you a PM instead.


Edit2: I forgot to tell you guys that I plan on using .mdl number 087 if anyone is currently using that number let me know now please, you've been warned.. lol

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Originally posted by Lion54

WOW. Now that I see it with the textures, It looks great!!!! This just makes me want the USM even more!!!


ChAiNz- How groovy, Like Bruce Campbell? Cause that would be groovey....



EDIT: This is compatible right? Or is it in the pack?

Mav's saber isn't part of the USM, but it will be compatible ;)

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The following screenie is just something I was playing around with for Darth Melignous, it's basically the same saber with a new paint scheme ;)


Nomi Sunrider Hilt Adaption - 281kb


Keep in mind that both the textures, hilt and blade were done in about 30 seconds combined so, if I were to actually release this I would have to figure out a way for the yellow writing to be a little more visible against the metallic parts of the hilt, and the green glow would need to be changed it looks too much like an easter pastel color right now, anyway, just somethi0ng to look at :), besides these are very simple changes that could be made by anybody with photoshop or another .tga supported paint program anyway, so I figure you guys and gals do what you want to it after I release it anyway, I know Darkkender is going to make it purple and blue... lol


Oh and @ Lion54,


ChAiNz is 100% correct, not part of the USM, just compatible... if he chooses it to be ;)

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