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Mav's WIP for TSL


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Originally posted by maverick187

It depends, whether or not the response is good or not, I should have 4 or 5 models W.I.P.'d up, but I've been busy with school, it the response is good though, I'll UV the sucker, correct me if I'm wrong, but a box UV should be better than an cylindrical map right?


Edit: I was thinking about thining the blade though, what do you all think?

Mainly I was asking that if you don't have a UV built yet (otherwise changes to the model becomes more of a heartbreaker ;) ) add some serrating "teeth" to the lower blade near the hilt would make this thing look doubly menacing :D


But if you're were already building (or had built) the UV, I didn't want to suggest model changes... hehehe and yes "box" UV'ing would probably work better for the blade portion (but it can still be done in cylinder if you start to have probs mapping the hilt & such) :)


In any case, leaving it just the way it is now is enough for my "dowloading finger".. hehehe

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@ DM


Right now there is no texture on it that is why there is no "chrome" look to it, plus it is in gmax, but fear not it will look metallic.


@ ChAiNz.2da


I like the serated teeth idea, but not for this sword model, maybe for a future one though ;)

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This update is more of a lesson for all of you kiddies out there. The lesson is... if at first you don't succeed try, try and try again. You'll probably fail, fail and fail again, but you'll get it eventually. Ahhh so right now you are all searching for relevance aren't ya? Well, I tried to model a sword, failed, tried again and well as you will see I "sort of" failed :D. Basically there are 2 problems, 1st of all the texture didn't wrap right... reason - I was too lazy to detach faces :p...lol and the 2nd problem comes from an enormously oversized sword...lol just need to scale it down a bit more :D


Rack of Lamb anyone?? - 153kb



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Big and menacing. In other words, perfect. Looks nice, hope to see it up for DL soon. One small question, is that the final sword model or are you going to edit/texture even more? Looks good to me, much like what Jason or Freddy would use.

Peace out

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Well, you can't see it in the screenie, but the handle texture is all messed up, but I need to fix that and the handle at least if not the whole sword is way too thick, so I'll need to fix that but after that I should be all set, give me to the weekend or so and it should be up I'm busy and lazy right now... lol

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Mav, I have two words for ya man "Hassan Chop" :D


I love this man. :) It reminds me of a bugs bunny cartoon that has the man chasing bugs through the desert and they go to the cave of Ali Babba (sp). I just had that flash in my head and I'll say it again: "Hassan Chop"


I'm a big fan of these types of cool models being put into game. :)


Can't wait to download her :)

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Well, I've been working on a head model adjustment and I got this , I actually did what I wanted to, but I got a little bit of a bonus with the extremely large horizontal mohawk. I assume it was a mistake on my part so I'm going to start from scratch, but if anyone knows what I did wrong please let me know before I mess it up again... lol



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Now I decided to do something new and slightly unique, I edited head model using Taina's Replacer tool, and it's not displayed in these screens, but DM (Darth Melignous) is doing me a favor and working on a re-skin for it, anyway see if you can...


Guess what was changed... - 140kb


Well did you get it? Well here it is revealed for your astonishment...


Revealed!!! - 161kb


Yea, yea it isn't much of a difference, but I just thought it was something that needed to be done. ;)



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Well, this is sort of a lack luster update, but I've once again scrapped the sword model, don't worry, I will build it again, but at a later date, there were just too many things wrong with this one for me to be able to release it and not feel guilty about it... lol. The good news, the adjusted head is done and will be released in some way, and I've taken on a new saber project, so just stay on the look out for that :D



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Hey Mav :) What saber? :D;)


I agree peoples Mav has finished off this "lacking" model for us and taken off the ever so horrid "billy goat" chin. :D


This looks really good Mav. It was a nice idea to get rid of that horrid feature. I avoided using this head for the exact same reason.


Regardless: Good Job Mav, will be watchin' for updates.

:elephant: :elephant:

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  • 3 weeks later...



Yes, contrary to popular belief I still do mod and model a sorry goes out to those who'd wish I'd vanish... Now as always after my sarcastic openings I have an update for you all... what is it you ask?... well I've been hard at work learning new things in gmax that I probably should have learnt a while ago, but better now than never I guess. Now presenting.... a sword model that I am actually satisfied with... please lend me your insight in the form of comments, complements and suggestions. If you used to follow my W.I.P. thread you'll notice that this is drastically different from the original idea, but I hope you like it so far.


New sword model - 93kb

Note: model has a MeshSmooth on it, giving the smoothed look.


Lend me your complements & criticism (constructive)



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Wow Mav that is great. Now it needs a equally great skin texture. The classic silk wrapped hilt, etching on the blade, & that look on the guard of indentations and holes through the guard. Especially if you give it a few different silk wrapped color schemes with different engravings that would be even cooler.

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Originally posted by Darkkender

Wow Mav that is great. Now it needs a equally great skin texture. The classic silk wrapped hilt, etching on the blade, & that look on the guard of indentations and holes through the guard. Especially if you give it a few different silk wrapped color schemes with different engravings that would be even cooler.


Blade etching huh... hmm if the poly count is low enough, I bet I could even model the etching into the blade... hmmm I'll look into it later on tomorrow. I'm not sure what you mean by holes in the guard though... you mean the handguard?, you don't happen to have a pic of what you mean do you? Anyway thanks for the input DK.

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It looks good, but to be honest I don't think the blade and hilt match up very well. By that I mean it looks as though the blade should be a bit longer or the hilt a little thinner and maybe a little bit longer. That's just my opinion though, it your work so do it how you want to. Either way I'll still download it and use gladly use it to slather the evil sith. :D:swrd2:

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Originally posted by Nodakrattler

It looks good, but to be honest I don't think the blade and hilt match up very well. By that I mean it looks as though the blade should be a bit longer or the hilt a little thinner and maybe a little bit longer. That's just my opinion though, it your work so do it how you want to. Either way I'll still download it and use gladly use it to slather the evil sith. :D:swrd2:


It could be the angle of the sword in gmax, but I think you're right, however I have the blade and handle as seperate objects so it will be easy to fix ;)


Edit: I just looked at it again and the handle definetly needs to be downsized.. I'll fix it later ;)

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Originally posted by maverick187

Blade etching huh... hmm if the poly count is low enough, I bet I could even model the etching into the blade... hmmm I'll look into it later on tomorrow. I'm not sure what you mean by holes in the guard though... you mean the handguard?, you don't happen to have a pic of what you mean do you? Anyway thanks for the input DK.


What I mean about on the hand guard is this. On most Katana's classic or crappy knockoff. The hand guards are rarely solid. Usually they have holes through them in some pattern or another. Some are big enough to catch the tip of a blade. The holes large enough to catch the blade tip is used properly could be used for either breaking an opponets blade or disarming your opponent. Also with the holes through the guard it gives it a lighter weight and adds to the speed by allowing air to pass through.


As to the etching I would recomend leaving off an etched pattern in the model itself. Make that a part of the texture. Especially if you were to make more than one blade to be found in game you could have completly unique patterns to each blade. Also you can make use of those extra polys to give your blade more of that look of depth along it's side when you apply your texture.

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Is this what you had in mind DK?... also I adjust the size of the handle and the length of the handle... does that look better Nodakrattler?


AS far as conceptually... right now for the skin I'm seeing... A pure shiny metallic blade with etchings near the hand guard. The hand guard itself will be all black except for some sort of echani design emboss in gold... and for the handle itself the traditional overlapping fabric look..... yea I don't know how I'm going to pull it off, but it'll get done... which brings me to my next question...


Does anyone have or know where I can find, or if one even exists... an echani font??? or designs as a base.. to my own design?

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Great model I really like it ..but I wonder what your count jumped to . mesh smooth subdivides your entire model and is not low poly friendly ;) example: I have an extruded 6 sided N-gon extruded once with a beveled flat top , vert count is 18 I apply mesh smooth and my count sky rockets to 62 verts :eek:

Then if I use 2 Iterations it jumps to 242 verts :eek: , u can actually fake smoothness using smoothing groups that’s how the default 5 sided N-gon hilt looks like it’s a smooth pipe.


To use smoothing groups you select specific poly’s or faces only, lets say your handle, now way down below you modifier stack you find [Polygon Properties] and a group of buttons with numbers on each one often 1 is your best bet . Most models I make, I assign group 1 to all my vertical similar polys I assign group 2 to my horizontal poly’s and my odd ball ones if there are any I assign group 3, .. 4 ect ..


As for etching, 2 words “ps magic” layer effects > inner bevel with the right angle of lighting and either soft or hard carve. Smooth will be to smooth to look right.


I hope these tips helps man :) try keep the count low so u get great FPS.



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