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Mav's WIP for TSL


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Well, I tried it again, and 1. The wierd model thing happened again, I have no idea why that red crap shows up, if anybody can help me out here I'd be very grateful, and 2. I'm going to have to scrap the gold characters on the handguard because the way it is modeled the polygons are in random places I tried to fix it, but it looked the same... warped, but in all honesty I really didn't think the characters looked that good so I'm not too upset about that.


Anyway, if anyone knows why the model is doing that crap with the red parts, please let me know.



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Looks great :)

Mav Indeed its left over from the vibro sword. / Blade ;) You see it has self-illumination on it so it’s separated from rest of the vibro swords models mesh, 2 part mesh . Upon close inspection the one part on the front side actually floats in the air and was not placed properly on the original model.


Go in to your gmax scene select your sword then right click your sword and chose hide selection, if u don’t see it .. Go to wire frame mode click the leftovers delete it and your all set. Right click you scene and choose unhide all then export and compile again.


That will take care of pesky leftovers ;)



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Thank You!... svösh, everybody give svösh a hand. I'll fix it the next time I work on the sword. Oh by the way, I don't suppose you know how to delete excess edges?? I mean delete edges without the face/poly going with it??? Thanks for telling me how to fix my sword problem. :D

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Happy to help Mav , lets see well [only] in editable poly mode if you hit Backspace not delete on an edge it will be removed and the existing edges around it will re- triangulate sometimes it good other times it ends up being really bad .


Now lets say u have a stray edge u want gone and an other close to it [ safety first ;) check on ignore back facing ] you could select the 2 verts and collapse them ;) edge problem solved .


If it an odd glitch looking edge you can turn it, you go to smooth shaded mode in perspective, turn on edged faces if it not already by right clicking the view ports name and choosing edged faces. [ safety first ;) check on ignore back facing ] Now you go to ed-mesh subs > edges select the funky edge and below the modifier stack you see turn . Click it once it will turn the edge from one direction to the other the reason you want to see this in smooth shaded mode is you can make a real mess of things by flipping edged blindly.


If that solves the problem great :), if it make more of a mess undo tuning edges.


Try cutting new ones in to ease the burden around it, to cut you have to be in faces or poly subs and select them then cut will be available and ..again [ safety first ;) check on ignore back facing ].


If none if this helps . Can you post a pic of the problem with edged faces on ;)



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Again, thanks svösh, but it turns out that I messed up when I was moving verts, that caused the warping, so I'm goign to have to start from a previous scene and start again... sorry to those who've been waiting, but hopefully it will be worth it in the end, especially since I made unnecessary cuts earlier, so it will be a lot easier now.


However I do have some semi-good news, while I had some free time... (getting bored with the sword)... (haha that ryhmed)... okay anyway... I did a gun tutorial so check it out..


Gun Tutorial gmax - 78kb


So, maybe gun modeling is in the future, but I'll be getting back to work on the sword now...



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Okay, I've just about given up on this, I've tried everything I could think of to fix the warping of the texture on the handguard, I even went down to detaching faces, instead of just detaching polys, heh maybe I should try just not detaching anything. Thanks to svösh I've solved the problem of the red part of the games model from showing up, but I can't fix the damn texture warping even though it looks fine in gmax, so if anyone knows how to fix it please let me know.


texture warping



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Looks like the same deal I’m going through getting my sliver in to k2 as well, also a Katana I found out splitting our blades in half horizontally does not help I’m not sure if you did here as well. Ok from what I can tell you at this point the new graphics engines plays with shaders in a different way, an unfortunate new discovery. One way to get around it, lighten the alpha channel. But I think you have stitching going on .


My first course of action would be to look the UV from the compiled model so decomplie the model that’s in your override. Import the ascii and right away kill the aroura tri mesh drop unwrap uvw on top and hit it’s subs hit edit and check your UV, chances are you have some stitching going on.


Now you take a screen cap , and save this to ps , save it as cap.jpg or something .. then open cap.jpg in windows image viewer , nice and light won't hog memory.


Now back to gmax open your original rigg before you exported your model, don’t save the decomplied one.


If you had some slick smoothing going on It may unfortunately loose some of it , so looking at your stitched up uv pic you notice spots that are still joined so go down your stack hit Hold YES when prompted to. Go to polygon subs select the problem polys and detach them if it like half your handle try to split it in half to preserve what smoothing you can.


Once your sure you have gotten all the nasty stuff save that as a new name to be safe and export + compile rename the original you never know. ;) Test it , if the problem is solved great. If not repeat this time decomplie this version, delete the other ascii first and see if it’s it stitching again.


This should eventually work out with any stitching and is without a doubt the best way to fix the problem trying to fix the decomplied model is an up hill battle and it gets really messy.



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Thanks, svösh I'll follow that to a tee and see if it works out.... it looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me... well thanks again, I guess I better start working.


Edit: Well I took a look at the decompiled version's UVmap and nothing looks awkward on the UVmap, but the hilt has the texture warping problem, so I'm beyond baffled, take a look, also not even pictured is the etchings on the blade have also been warped, so I'm pretty confused...

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Originally posted by ID129

Sorry I cant help but that blade does look beautiful, I am definetly going to use it when this comes out. Out of curiosity what did you etch into the blade/hilt?


Ahhh good question, once I get it working right... it will say something IMO very in-tune with the LS/DS choice theme of TSL...



The blade etching says... "Sword of Wisdom"


The handle design says... "destiny"



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humm odd indeed ok try this, take the uv for the cross guard and scale it up so the design is not so close to the edge from what I can see you are getting wrapping I can see the design showing on the opposite side. So what I’m thinking is your design is right on the edge of the active area in your edit window if this is the case, a rule of mine is to keep inside by at least 10 pixels of the boxes edge to be safe . Try one of these first then the other or then both. If that doesn’t help pm me and send me your model , I’ll take a look at it if you want .



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Update: Success!


Well, after a lot of help from svösh, which I would like to formally thank him for right now, thanks svösh:wavey: and also after a lot of :swear::headbump:swear::headbump... and the like, I've solved my problem and got the sword working in-game....


New Sword Model - 251kb


Oh and for those inquiring minds that want to know how I fixed the problem continue reading ;). Well, originally I had everything UVmapped and it looked great in gmax, but when I compiled it and put it into TSL the texture warped... now I tried all of svösh tips and discovered that, nothing looked wrong when the two UVmaps were compared. SO that started me thinking hmmm that's odd, so as a last ditch effort, I decompiled the new model I made back into ascii format and imported it into gmax, killed the auroratrimesh dropdown, opened up the Unwrap UV map and re-mapped the problem areas, and to my astonishment one of my ideas actually worked. Thanks again svösh :wavey:

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Nope not uploaded, you'll know when it has been. I still have to do the.... you guessed it annoying stuff. There will be only one special stat, a slight as in +2 increase in awareness, and there will be no in-game placement, just buildable at the workbench.

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