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Mav's WIP for TSL


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This is just another little in-game teaser collage, of screenies of the new double saber hilt, to go along with the Megido hilt, and the name of this saber is:


"The Avenger" - 465kb


yea, yea I know it wasn't one of the suggested names, but I think it fits the saber well enough. Well as always let me know what you all think. The models will probably be released on Sunday, but if not then they will be released on Monday, I still have to create the .uti files, the icons, the crystals, an all of that annoying stuff, oh and the upcrystals.2da file will have limited compatibilities i.e. whatever my current one is compatible with, however, i will be making a rather detailed upcrystal.2da editing tutorial for the models ;).


Now besides all of these reasons the other reason I can't release it sooner is because I'm on vacation in Vegas right now, but I can't even gamble... it sucks, but the other reason is I am working on a hilt for someone elses mod as well, it's a secret, but I'll offer screenies when they are ready, and if the modder allows it ;).


Let me know what you all think,



Edit: For those interested: UV color map

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Oh yea I forgot to mention, that the tribal design on the hilt shaft, was googled again, lol, I still can't get it to look good with the stretching, but I'll try somethings and see how it looks when it gets released :D



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Originally posted by maverick187

Oh yea I forgot to mention, that the tribal design on the hilt shaft, was googled again, lol, I still can't get it to look good with the stretching, but I'll try somethings and see how it looks when it gets released :D



Mav, you could get the original to the look you want as another layer and then make a new blank one and then freehand the tribal design. If it looks "odd" to what you want try taking the design and "adding" say another curve in between two originals to "lengthen" it without messing up the look of the designs feel. Just a thought :)

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Originally posted by maverick187

Oh yea I forgot to mention, that the tribal design on the hilt shaft, was googled again, lol, I still can't get it to look good with the stretching, but I'll try somethings and see how it looks when it gets released :D



I'm telling ya' man, Photshop Shapes will be your savior. They're completely vectored so you can scale them in any direction without quality loss. Plus with the option to make the shapes either solid, paths or selections... you can't lose ;)

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

I'm telling ya' man, Photshop Shapes will be your savior. They're completely vectored so you can scale them in any direction without quality loss. Plus with the option to make the shapes either solid, paths or selections... you can't lose ;)


Don't suppose you would be able to convert any of those to a non psd format and send them to me would you Chainz?

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Originally posted by Darkkender

Don't suppose you would be able to convert any of those to a non psd format and send them to me would you Chainz?

The .zip includes a layered .tiff format & .jpg as well. Are you using GIMP?


Let me know what format and I'll see what I can do :D




err... I'm on crack. I was thinking of a different thread...


I don't think I can convert them.. proprietary stuff and all

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@ Darth Melignous


Thanks for the tip ;)


@ ChAiNz.2da


I was trying to get to that site you posted up earlier with the designs and everything, but for some reason I can't get into the site, ah well I'll try again I suppose.


@ Xcom


Thanks :D

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Originally posted by maverick187

@ ChAiNz.2da


I was trying to get to that site you posted up earlier with the designs and everything, but for some reason I can't get into the site, ah well I'll try again I suppose.

Hmm.. you may have to create an Adobe ID before you can access Adobe Studio Exchange (don't worry, it's free and open to everyone ;) )

I forgot I have my machine to auto-login into Adobe ... frequent visits what can I say? hehehe...

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

I forgot I have my machine to auto-login into Adobe ... frequent visits what can I say? hehehe...



I think you can say you have a serious illness. It's called "Hackeritis". Unfortunately the only known cure is to lock the patient in a padded white room where he can never see a computer again. It's not pretty for the first 12 months. Those infected begin to foam at the mouth after the first week without seeing a computer and begin having sezures after 2 weeks. Alcoholics have it easier in detox.:D

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Well, now that the above models have been released, I've already started an am well under way on my next model!!!, it is obviously a lightsaber model and is once again for another mod... :lol:, so lets see this upcoming model will be my 6th model, all I can tell you right now is the model is already made and ready to be UVmapped, and that it is a single blade hilt. Other than that I can't tell you much more yet. Screenshots will be posted when I feel necessary :p(yup that means I already have screenies). Well I'm done teasing you all, it's back to work for me ;).

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Originally posted by maverick187

Well, now that the above models have been released, I've already started an am well under way on my next model!!!, it is obviously a lightsaber model and is once again for another mod... :lol:, so lets see this upcoming model will be my 6th model, all I can tell you right now is the model is already made and ready to be UVmapped, and that it is a single blade hilt. Other than that I can't tell you much more yet. Screenshots will be posted when I feel necessary :p (yup that means I already have screenies). Well I'm done teasing you all, it's back to work for me ;).


Man that is just so Wrong! And just so friggin COLD!!

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Originally posted by Darkkender

Man that is just so Wrong! And just so friggin COLD!!


What can I say... it just must be Jedi and their secrets... hehehe. Even us headstrong Weapons Masters have secrets you know ;)

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*Important Note*


Well this is more of an announcement/request for people planning saber mods. I am planning to use .mdl/.mdx numbers 55 and 87 for a couple of models, let me know if you already have a mod out or have a mod in production that uses these numbers, otherwise I plan on using them.




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Well, since Darkkender thinks I am " COLD" I've decided to let you have a little sneak peek at the model I have been making for someone as part of their mod, this screenshot comes with their permission for all of you to view... if you want that is. Anyway I know you all hate it when you have to read what I type so here is the screenie.


So and so's hilt :p - 258kb


If you know or think you know who this was made for, what project etc. please keep it to yourselves and don't ruin the surprise for others. Thanks


Enjoy the teasing ;),


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