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Patch announcement


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Well... until i see what exactly it does, I'm not getting my hopes up. More than likely, this is going to be the English version of the "dialogue" patch released a couple of days ago...


If it's not... then I will Happily state I'm wrong. This game needs some major overhauling :D

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Originally posted by ChAiNz.2da

Well... until i see what exactly it does, I'm not getting my hopes up. More than likely, this is going to be the English version of the "dialogue" patch released a couple of days ago...


I hope not. It shouldn't take them that long to do a simple translation project, especially if they'd already released the first patch in 5 different languages!


I am hoping that they nailed the ATI and Gamma Correction issues, though...



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Originally posted by CTOAN

I hope not. It shouldn't take them that long to do a simple translation project, especially if they'd already released the first patch in 5 different languages!


I am hoping that they nailed the ATI and Gamma Correction issues, though...



Same here :D


I hope like nothing else that I AM wrong. I will freely announce to the world that my pessimism got the best of me heheh...


Please, please, please be a "real" patch... I'm begging to be wrong (moreso than usual) ;)

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i guess this means that we'll be looking forward to multiple patches in the future. :rolleyes:


i'm just hoping that obsidian won't do the same thing that crytek did with the second patch for Farcry and recall it after it was released because it caused more problems than fixed. go figure. :dozey:

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Originally posted by Leviathan

I think that Obsidian would never have a similar annoucement for a simple translation project.

In my option, the SW : KotOR II's developers shall correct several glitches in their game before improving it (By restoring the defensive setting or the cut end)

Simple or not, a patch is a patch and Obsidian or any other company is obligated to announce any released product "upgrade". Their first patch, which was announced was the simple dialogue fix, it just hasn't been released for English versions yet. Which in turn was my original 'pessimistic' view of what's to come..


As I stated before however, I truly hope I'm wrong :D

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Originally posted by Leviathan In my option, the SW : KotOR II's developers shall correct several glitches in their game before improving it (By restoring the defensive setting or the cut end)


I doubt very highly that they will insert the 'cut ending' to TSL unless it was all on the installation CD's and something like a bad line of code kept it from working. I haven't finished the game yet, but it seems like the ending is supposed to be a cliffhanger that sets up KOTOR3.


If it was bad coding, or something like that, I can't imagine how they missed it in the beta testing....



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I doubt very highly that they will insert the 'cut ending' to TSL unless it was all on the installation CD's and something like a bad line of code kept it from working. I haven't finished the game yet, but it seems like the ending is supposed to be a cliffhanger that sets up KOTOR3.

Are you sure that there will be a third sequel to the Star Wars Knights series ? Could you give some "official" URL's (Those of LucasArts.com, for example) which talk about this new RPG, please ?...

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well, just think: there's about 30-40hrs worth of gameplay on TSL. thats a lot of bugs to have to sort through. me guess: they'll hit the major ones in the first patch, then they'll start getting all the minor stuff in the later patches.


all this talk about patches does kinda make me feel for the xbox owners that can't play the pc version......

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all this talk about patches does kinda make me feel for the xbox owners that can't play the pc version......
X-Box live for them. Besides, added content is one of the bonuses you expect from a big PC game title. Seriously - as much room for improvement and expension (I won't say "completion") as there is in TSL, you would think that Obsidian would work on it out of a sense of pride. I also imagine that they would see expansion and completion of the game as a way to keep interest high as the third installment is being worked on.
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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

I don't know if the MP3's are still available there, but if they are,, download them.


It made me cry.



:eek: :eek:

Link please.

..And the patch will pwn!


*Is right! Is right!!!..Maybe.*

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