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Originally posted by GothiX

Gold looks ugly. Silver > gold.


Oh, and I find the idea of bone rings quite odd, but I can imagine why one would want to give it to the one he/she loves most.


Ok so silver looks better, but it is traditional (at least in the UK) to use gold.


I just find the idea of bone rings creepy, mind you you would never cheat on your wife, you would feel that she was there the whole time!

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Originally posted by Pie™

Or possible a prehensile reproductive organ, like some animals have developed.



And I thought the BONE rings were desturbing!:eek:

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

So does that mean I can have a ring fashioned from 3 fetus'?


Or perhaps a ring fashioned out of a fossilized marijuana plant.


Or blue tack, or a hula-hoop (the potato ring snack), or wax, or air, Air now there's a good one. If you were out on the town no one would know you were married...

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Originally posted by GothiX

Due to the way your nerves run, you're capable oflosing all feeling in your finger, hadn, wrist, arm and shoulder if your tattoo is placed incorrectly. Would that really be worth it?


I think it'd be best to just use a permanent marker. Then you could make it like a weekly ceremony with your spouse to darken your rings :D

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