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Garbage from 'Firefox 1.1'

Boba Rhett

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Originally posted by Pal™

I'm sure theres some swampies here who wouldn't be very pleased with that picture.

Yeah, well they can stuff it. :)


Getting offended by a joke on the INTERNET, is stupid. Plus it's true, Hitler uses IE.


Originally posted by Pal™

Eek, I'm telling an admin what to do, bannage!



Originally posted by Astrotoy7

you cannot dissociate IE from a windows platform... which I think is sorta scary :(

You can, but it takes hard work, and breaks a few laws because it violates the agreement thingy.

<_< clicking email thingy also pops up in firefox. Looks you got something screwy going on...

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

Getting offended by a joke on the INTERNET, is stupid. Plus it's true, Hitler uses IE.


But as anyone knows, a joke can quickly turn into an argument. Plus saying that Hitler uses IE is going a bit too far, the browser isn't that bad.

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Originally posted by Pal™

saying that Hitler uses IE is going a bit too far


Maybe but I bet you 10 bucks Bin Laden does.


I'm with astro though, I use firefox now, but I really don't think it's that drastic.





Btw, haven't watched Tin Tin and Snowy in forever. (Yes, I know it's a comic too)

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Close the only fun thats been in the Swamp for the last few months? I hope not!


I fail to see how this is fun. Since when has posting pictures of a man who is responsible for killing millions of men and women fun?

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Well, if Hitler uses IE, I think I should go back to using IE!








Originally posted by Pal™

I fail to see how this is fun. Since when has posting pictures of a man who is responsible for killing millions of men and women fun?






I think it's fun. *shrugs*

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Originally posted by Pal™

Plus saying that Hitler uses IE is going a bit too far, the browser isn't that bad.



I'm sure he does (Bush!!).


Anyway, the browser of IE is that bad. I'd like to strangle the person who made it. IE guarantees one virus, trojan, Spyware infection, Adware infection, or other malicious software per computer that runs it often.


Just to let you know.




FF users, hail us!! FF users, go into Help, then choose For Internet Explorer Users to shove the facts in some of these IE lovers faces'!!



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In 2017 George Bush becomes a building sized cyborg, travels through time and sells the entire human race to the Morlocks which will have been brought about by that time by the, as yet unknown, mutagenic properties of McDonalds french fries. I seen it on my tv box and so did Acrylic, apparently. *blinks at Acrylic*





Anyways, what happened here? Did some people forget their daily funny injections? :tsk: Lucky for you guys I have some emergency funny enemas. They laugh going in.


Hitler wore pants too. Do you wear pants? :eek:




Err oh yeah, uhhh, Firefox! It also has so many great extensions. :)

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Anyways, what happened here? Did some people forget their daily funny injections? :tsk: Lucky for you guys I have some emergency funny enemas. They laugh going in.


Hitler wore pants too. Do you wear pants? :eek:


A)Ow :(

B) Who wants to know :¬:

C)McDonalds french fries are teh suck. Farm Basket fries are teh pwnage :p


OMG, I just used 3 smilies in a little post. I'm starting to feel like Astro *rimshot*

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