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What Is Your Favorite Jedi Gear?


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Based upon actual characters you've played with, what has been your favorite combination of robes and other gear for your jedi?


Here's mine:


Ossus Keeper Robe - not as cool looking as a Jedi Master or Sith Lord Robe, and kind of a goofy color, but for pure force boosting power, it can't be beat. CHA +2, WIS +4, INT +4. It's Upgraded with Armorply Mark 2 (+2 Stealth, +1 Reflex) and Biorestore Mark V (Regen +3, CON +3)


Jal Shey Perception Gloves - Good for a +1 boost in both WIS and DEX. Sometimes my Sith Lord gets tired of electrocuting opponents from far away and likes to jump right into the fray with his saber, and a reasonably high DEX + Finesse Saber + Master Speed + Master Flurry is a pretty devastating thing.


Jal Shey Mentor Belt - +2 WIS and +20 Force resist. Can't think of a better belt for a Consular class.


Akuja Devouria's (My) Armband - +1 CON


Ludo Kresh's Armband - Strength +1, Defense Bonus +1


Bindo's Band - +3 CHA


Mental Boost Implant - +2 WIS, +2 CHA, +1 INT


Now all I'd like is to get my hands on a pair of Jal Shey Meditation Gloves and a Mental Boost System, and I'll be totally set to kill absolutely anything without much of a problem.

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My lightsaber. :saberg:


Jedi Master Robes ~ I prefer looks over statistics. I love the Prestige which these robes resonate. :ben:


Jal Shey Menor Belt or Aratech Echo Belt(stealth+10, DEX+4).


Jal Shey Meditation Gloves or Improved Automation Gloves(DEX+5)


Mental Boost Implant. If only I could wear that Universal D-Package...:o


No ugly headgear. Ever. Makes'em look less Jedi-ish.

Unless I REALLY need them for battle purposes(Circlet of Saresh or Force Focusing Visor).

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I expect you mean K2, I didn't get the feeling there was much of a choice in K1.


Zeison Sha armor (can cast Force Powers with it on, and I like the looks as well, especially warrior robes) with the Best regen underlay I have and an overlay to prefent damage. I also wear my armband. The best breath mask (works in the Nar Shadaa tunnels as well, very usefull in that case)I can get, but when fighting Force users I usually equip something that prefent stunning and stuff like that. The rest depends on class.


Jedi Guardian, 2 sabers and as much strenght as possible.


Jedi Sentinel, 2bladed saber and focussing on skills and strenght, don't need stun prefenting.


Jedi Consular, 1 single saber, focus on wisdom and some strenght.

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  • 5 months later...

Charric rifle, with the following upgrades:

Accuracy Scope MkIV,

Precision Chamber MkII,

Pure Rylith Power Cell


A double bladed lightsaber, with the following installed:

Qixani Crystal

Hurrikaine Crystal

<Player> Crystal

Enhanced Byronthsis

Expert Fencing Emitter

Ultimate Diatum Energy Cell


Nomi's robes with a biorestorative underlay upgrade,

Circlet of Saresh,

Vao and Nomi's armbands,

Physical Boost D-Package implant,

GNS Strength Enhancer belt.

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Jedi Knight Robes: I'm a traditionalist

Force Mask: Great for using against Kreia (16 Force Resist)

Jal Shey Perception Gloves (can anybody go the entire game w/ out wearing a Jal Shey something?)

Any belt is OK for me though I like: Jal Shey Mentor Belt

My armband and Nomi's

Strength Implant

2 Lightsabers (both blue)

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Eh, it varies on how much bling I want... sometimes I use a Jedi Master robe with 2 silver bladed lightsabers with master fencing emmitters and ossus lense's, maybe some <Player> crystal now and then & some super mega crystals. For the misc stuff I usually wear Jal Shey mentor gauntlets & Jal Shey mentor belt... my personal armband and maybe a verpine prototype sheild and if I am about to go into battle I wear some force headgear but that all varies. The above is for LS



But if I feel a little more sinister i use a dark jedi master robe or grey jedi robe, dual bladed red lightsaber or single orange saber... again personal armband+verpine sheild, usually use dominator gaunlets or Jal Shey mentor gaunlets... sometimes I will use a strength D pakage or a regen pakage for implants and for headgear I use stabilizer mask (cause it looks cool ;P) or Avol's jedi robe hoods (mod) :D

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I like the Norris robes, with the belt that is immune to mind attacks, jal shey meditation gloves, skills implant and two single hilt fully upgraded lightsabers. When I'm going up against the bosses, I put on the Jal Shey Warrior armor with bio restorative underlays. I like the funky pink visor which adds to your skills too.

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  • 4 weeks later...



I like the Gray Jedi Robes....seeing as your character




Is a Jedi Outcast (Exile)




and also my Lightsaber OR Lightsabers. :dsaber::slsaber::saberg::saberg::saberg::wan::duel:


Also the Sith Mask is pretty cool. Gotta love that 'Immunity: Mind Affect'



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Mmm... let's see.


For Isan who is a Jedi Consular/Jedi Master I prefer the Grey Jedi Robes, they just look better on her with her dark hair. Improved Automation Gloves, Force Focusing Visor, single-bladed silver lightsaber (fully upgraded with specialized crystal), and Tech Specialist Belt (love those skills).

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ossus keeper robe with a biorestorative underlay for a guardian, zeison sha/jal shey armor with strengthening underlay for a consular...basically bolstering whichever stat doesn't get a bonus through light mastery. (i don't really enjoy playing dark-side characters, just doesn't suit my playing style)


with a sentinel i'll go either way, typically starting out with whatever i can find or buy early on (usually zeison sha armor or a baran do novice robe). norris robes are great too, gotta love 20% energy immunity.


jedi robes look great and feel more apropos, and force point regeneration is a nice bonus...i don't typically find any in my color though ;) mostly dark and gray ones show up for me =\


for gloves and belt though, it usually ends up being good ol' dominator gauntlets and a gns strength enhancer... <3 +9 strength with that combination.


i used to be all about the circlet of saresh, but the force focusing visor is really a much better choice, especially if your character's wisdom is an even number (including other bonuses and all that) since they wouldn't benefit any more from the circlet's +5 and the visor also adds 2 fp regeneration into the mix.


as for sabers...i'll usually start with a double-bladed one, whatever color crystal i can find, since they're more economical in terms of parts, but by the middle of the game (if not specifically for the endgame) i'll switch to two single blades. i never, ever, ever use short lightsabers, i hate even getting them (even if they offset the two-weapon fighting penalty). i go through phases...sometimes i like using the class colors (consular green, sentinel yellow, guardian blue), sometimes i like mixed pairs: creamsicle (silver and orange/bronze), cyan and bronze was nice (except the damn cyan saber stays on all the time), a couple other combinations. occasionally i'll go for a single saber, especially for a guardian with master flurry using the juyo form =D i *always* use adegan lenses, expert deflection emitters, and telgorn jolt cells; i haven't found a superior combination that doesn't depend on massive criticals for a big effect. (i'll also swap in a pontite lens if i have enough components, but that added +1 attack usually isn't worth the 300 components necessary to build it)


right now i have a weapons master with specialization in melee weapons and sabers with a tricked out-zabrak vibroblade offhand and a silver saber in the mainhand =) an ostrine edge, vibration cell mk IV, and superior zabrak grip will give pretty much any lightsaber combo a run for its money.


obviously, i've put way too much thought into this.

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My lightsaber. Its all I need, well, except for a couple of Sith to take down. I am going to post a full list from K2 once I finally get the chance to get into it and play it.

Knights of the Old Republic

Two full length blue sabers with a Solari/Upari and Jenraux/Sapith combination (not counting HotG and MotF).

Ulic Qel-Droma robes (5+ defense and something else, bonus to WIS).

Cardio-Power System (4+ CON) or Navardan Regenerator (2+ Vit. Regeneration).

Dominator Gauntlets (5+ strength) or Adv. Stabilizer Gloves (3+ DEX, 5+ BBD).

Verpine Proto. Shield and Echani Dueling Shield.

Circlet of Saresh (5+ WIS)

Calrissian's Belt (3+ Computer Use, 3+ Repair, 3+ Demolitions, 3+ Security)

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