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How to become a Jedi

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Vlada said that only through science could people be resurrected . Science is nothing. People, using scientific thought and experimentation, were the ones who made nuclear weapons possible, discovered the polio vaccine, and put man into space. Science, on its own, did nothing at all. Science is a tool, like a wrench to a mechanic or a lightsaber to a Jedi. The Force and science are both just tools.


About being a Jedi, it depends on whether you want the power of the Force or you want to live as a Jedi lives. If you want to be a guardian of peace and justice or you just want to throw rotten oranges at your little brother telepathically. I believe that people can be Jedi in the sense that they follow the Jedi code and feel the connection with everything around them, allowing them to percieve more than they thought possible. Empathy is being aware of people's emotions and feeling what they feel and wanting to aid them in whatever way possible. Empathy is a part of being human, everyone can empathize, but some are better than others. It is not some mystical power.


When it comes to Force Jump, Lightning, or Speed, I think that most people want it because it "would be cool." Try considering what people would say if you could do all these amazing things and hated you because they coudn't do it. They becaome jealous and depressed. Yes, you might say you would help others, but would you? After all the excitement wore down, would you still want it?


I'm all for dreaming, but you have to believe in your dream, no one else can believe for you.

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dude I have used that arguement over and over again when explaining the powers of the human mind


sorry i just didnt read the whole thread.


People cannot turn into energy when they use 100% of their minds


its Inestine who said that not me, however its a theory.


Of course, there is no God. But this thread is not about some Gods existence, it's about the Force...


why not?...whatever, you can believe whatever you want.



anyway thanks for your replys on my post,

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Vlada said that only through science could people be resurrected . Science is nothing. People, using scientific thought and experimentation, were the ones who made nuclear weapons possible, discovered the polio vaccine, and put man into space. Science, on its own, did nothing at all. Science is a tool, like a wrench to a mechanic or a lightsaber to a Jedi. The Force and science are both just tools.



No matter, at some point it is true.


I believe that people can be Jedi in the sense that they follow the Jedi code and feel the connection with everything around them, allowing them to percieve more than they thought possible.

Exatcly, that's one of the things that being a Jedi is all about.


Empathy is being aware of people's emotions and feeling what they feel and wanting to aid them in whatever way possible. Empathy is a part of being human, everyone can empathize, but some are better than others. It is not some mystical power.

You are a genius.:D



When it comes to Force Jump, Lightning, or Speed, I think that most people want it because it "would be cool." Try considering what people would say if you could do all these amazing things and hated you because they coudn't do it. They becaome jealous and depressed. Yes, you might say you would help others, but would you? After all the excitement wore down, would you still want it?
When it comes to Force Jump, Lightning, or Speed, I think that most people want it because it "would be cool." Try considering what people would say if you could do all these amazing things and hated you because they coudn't do it. They becaome jealous and depressed. Yes, you might say you would help others, but would you? After all the excitement wore down, would you still want it?

That's why, if we discover and gain these abilities, should hide them from others who do not believe us.


I want force kill



Why would you want to choke someone?:confused:

And even if you wanted it, I doubt it would be easy to gain this, because it is not easy to channel brain waves to seize lungs, the force kill is not nice.


I want force crush and force speed my powers of choice

If you learn and gain the ability of telekenesis (which everyone can), it will be possible for force crush, for force speed you will need to start to practise breathing control and concentration.


I'd like force lightning. I could slowly torture someone before killing him/her.

I think the force lightning is the most likely possible, because you just have to learn to channel brain electro-magnetic waves through others.


But what is easiest to learn?

The easiest is emapthy. But besides telekenesis I know sites that explain clayvorant dreams and telepathy (If anyone asks about these sites, know that I won't post about clayvorance, because it is BU*****T)


If anyone has more ideas, post them please (same for opinions).

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Yes, Vladimir, it would be important to hide those sort of powers, even your friends would laugh at you! For example: one of my friends claims that she is telepathic and can move things aroungd with her mind. She even has her best friend to back it up! But no one really talks about it, because we like to think that she is not crazy.

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Ludicrous. :dozey:

You still don't believe it or you are just trying to make us laugh?:confused:


Yes, Vladimir, it would be important to hide those sort of powers, even your friends would laugh at you! For example: one of my friends claims that she is telepathic and can move things aroungd with her mind. She even has her best friend to back it up! But no one really talks about it, because we like to think that she is not crazy.



When you develop telekenesis or telepathy (telepathy doesn't exist, emapthy and telekenesis do) you don't just go around and say it! Those are things that the person that claims this must take this seriously, and not do: *Immitating people who think about cool stuff * "Dude, I just developed tele whatever, I COOL man"



SO I DON"T BELEIEVE ONE BIT, until I see a video or something.


Anyway let's continue our disscusion.:D

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I never said that I believed it, she is still crazy in my mind. She says that there will be a special time when she and other poeple like her will show off their talents. I am quite skeptical about it.


What about the Healing Force powers? I think that I would really like to have those, so I could cut a lot on doctor bills. It doesn't seem as difficult as Lightning or Choke, and it has practical application in this present time. Yeah, I think I would go with Healing.

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

When you develop telekenesis or telepathy (telepathy doesn't exist, emapthy and telekenesis do) you don't just go around and say it! Those are things that the person that claims this must take this seriously, and not do:


Anyway let's continue our disscusion.:D


telepathy does exist and scientists have proven that it does expecially in identical twins so saying that it doesn't isn't true any who how do you think 2 people can seamingly communicate with out words or any noticable body language so it does exsits


and as my highschool spanish teacher says that she is convinced it does exsit cuz there are a lot of twins where i live and they will get the same questions wrong but are in different classes and it happens consitantly so how does that happen I as you

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I never said that I believed it, she is still crazy in my mind. She says that there will be a special time when she and other poeple like her will show off their talents. I am quite skeptical about it.



Talk about arrogance and shovinism...




Man, I am bullied too at school, but I don't think that I am better than anyone, because ALL are EQUAL (I have a complex of lower value, I think). She thinks that just she has it, well it's not true, everyone has it:D (Yes, Devon, even you [Devon: :dozey: ]).


What about the Healing Force powers? I think that I would really like to have those, so I could cut a lot on doctor bills. It doesn't seem as difficult as Lightning or Choke, and it has practical application in this present time. Yeah, I think I would go with Healing.

That's about concentration and developing the immunity system (Devon: :dozey: ).


telepathy does exist and scientists have proven that it does expecially in identical twins so saying that it doesn't isn't true any who how do you think 2 people can seamingly communicate with out words or any noticable body language so it does exsits

Oh, yeah, I forgot about twins. They do have telepathy (but only between themselves).


This discussion makes me cry. Really. Anyway, go back to believing in UFO and the such.




Another one to make a laugh out of me (or anyone else, that has shown his/her opinion ot this thread), don't worry Devon (or Prime, whoever is running the prove-that-Vlada-is-wrong movement) you're getting more support by the minute, soon I'll close this thread (if you prove that I am wrong that is, which you never will for this one HA!:D ) and I won't ever mention this at all. But there is still hope:D .


If anything what I said in this last paragraph isn't true, know that I didn't mean to insult anyone, I just wanted to make a joke.:D


P.S. I might start the prove-that-Kreia-is-wrong movement.:D

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Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

don't worry Devon (or Prime, whoever is running the prove-that-Vlada-is-wrong movement)


That would be me. :D Prime appears to have stopped posting in this thread.



Originally posted by Vladimir-Vlada

you're getting more support by the minute, B]




About your empathy... You said you are bullied at school. Use empathy to predict why the bullies do that, which will (or will not) prove that this empathy of yours works in real life.


Don't you all love this smiley? :dozey::D

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That would be me.


So it was you?!:D


About your empathy... You said you are bullied at school. Use empathy to predict why the bullies do that, which will (or will not) prove that this empathy of yours works in real life.

I tried emathy on them and realised the reasons:


1. They hate me because I get a lot of As (yes, a hell lot of them [Devon: :dozey: You're lying])


2. I am different than most people, I think different, I dress different and I am interested in different things.


3. They have complexes of lower value (most of them, some are just born evil)


These reasons would have never appered in my or their lives or on this forum if they would just take at least a word out of me seriously and LISTEN to anyone, and stop proving thwir strength, intelligence and agility on me.


They only respect the same thing and only want what they want, everyone has a the same point of view like them (NOTE: A lot of them willingly have the same opinion), for example, they support the dynasty which was overthrown after World War 2, and hate the system that rulled in Yugoslavia from 1945-1992. That system is Communism. And I support it (as well as true Democracy[Greek Democracy]).


So that's why hey hate me.


P.S. I have tried this a long time ago, and I was right, but I really never talked to anyone about it (except everyone on this forum).:D


P.P.S. Just because Prime doesn't post on this thread anymore, dosen't mean that in the shadows he isn't planning and executing the next move.:rolleyes:


P.P.P.S. Where is Korfredonn? Where is Kariudo? Where is Bastila? Where is Jedi Jess? Where is Ristan? Where is jedigoku?

Where is Crying_Fate? Where is Darth333? Where is tk102? Where is Prime? Where is jedi3112? Where is Luke Katarn?

*sighs * Oh, well. I guess if they don't show up, we're going to have to continue the disscussion without their opinions (they could have been handy, useful and smart).


P.P.P.P.S. No one uses that smiley ( :dozey: ) like you Devon.:)

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whoooa dude slow down I was bullied alot in middle school and highschool cuz I thought different than other and mostly cuz I have ADHD which isn't any reason to bullie anybody but most of all I always was smarter than them in class and had a tendancy to become teacher pet without trying( and yes I didn't have to try) and if any of them could see the stuff i can do now none of them would believe it even ig they saw it them self oh and I was always honest in my opinion and never followed fads and i still don't I me and most people have problems excepting other people that are different than them and so I just stayed with the few friends that i had


and Emporor Devon WTF are you doing don't dash this poor fella's dreams for your own enjoyment thats just evil

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and Emporor Devon WTF are you doing don't dash this poor fella's dreams for your own enjoyment thats just evil

There is no need to it, he is just joking and making a laugh out of me like lukeiamyourdad, I am used being wrong, and used to losing. Looks like that I have reached an all time low with this thread, even though I believe in the Force, I'll never be a Jedi. I'll go just into the other 4/5 of my goals and live my life.


To end this, just bring up the evidence, Devon, that the Force doesn't exist, and I'll close this thread. It's not that hard. Just type in google: "Proof that the Force doesn't exist" and post the web-pages.


P.S. If all of you (except Piece of metal) have been posting on this thread out of pity and laugther, then you have insulted me and cutted me deep in the back, like no one else before you.:mad:


P.P.S All those who have subscribed to this thread out of interest in scientific discussion and belief, should stay on this thread (if they want to). The rest of you, either start behaving seriously and start discussing scientificly, or get out of my site (eye site):mad: .

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first off I never said the force didn't exsit but I do beleive anything is possible and the fact that we only know of 3% of what the human race is capable an I like that though of the force exsiting and if it did the only thing i would use it for is to put an end to war hateride and violence so we can live in peace and if you haven't noticed I've been trying to support you and everybody else that believes in the force it is just i can't stand it when people who don't believe in something that set out to distory the believe's of other and I stumbled apon this thread alittle late other wise i've been suportive and I know what Devon was doing I though it was alittle harsh

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first off I never said the force didn't exsit but I do beleive anything is possible and the fact that we only know of 3% of what the human race is capable an I like that though of the force exsiting and if it did the only thing i would use it for is to put an end to war hateride and violence so we can live in peace and if you haven't noticed I've been trying to support you and everybody else that believes in the force it is just i can't stand it when people who don't believe in something that set out to distory the believe's of other and I stumbled apon this thread alittle late other wise i've been suportive and I know what Devon was doing I though it was alittle harsh

Then you are added to the list of those who can stay, and what you just said is genuine, original and good.:D Continue to post your opinions and proofs.


Hey Vladimir, have u tried telekineses? If u meet any bullies just throw them to the side with your powers.

Believe me, I thought about it over, and over, and over, and over again for about a1000 times. How I could with telekenesis develop Force Push, Force Pull, Force crush and Force lightning to throw items at them with the first two. But to CRUSH their bones into calcium dust and FRY them to carbonised state or ash, until they start screaming: "Stop!! We are sorry, let us go, We're BEGGING you!!!!!"


This is one of the things that would give me a lot of plesure (that they say that they are sorry, not their suffering).


And I am sorry about what I said earlier, it's just that I hate it when I'm not taken at least a bit seriously. So I'm withdrawing my earlier statement.


P.S. I have figured it out Devon. You are treating me like a child, so I'll be watching you.:mad:

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