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TSL Restoration Project: website up!

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We'd like to announce that the TSL Restoration Project now has a shiny new website! shiny new website!


We've been working on restoring the cut content for about a month now. Among other things, we're extending the ending, restoring the droid factory, and tweaking and restoring other fun dialogues and cutscenes.


Why? Because we enjoyed the game greatly and we'd like to see it in a more complete state. We think that it would benefit greatly from the return of many of the removed scenes and areas.


This is not an officially-sponsored project. We currently know of no other efforts to restore this missing content. The vast majority of the material we will be using will be just as it was intended to be as far as we can tell from developer notes. However, some sections have been tweaked and edited in order to form a more cohesive storyline.


This is simply an announcement of a work in progress in order to inform others who may be interested in the project.

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Good luck to you and your team, But it is sad that fans would have to do this.


I was talking to a friend one night about it and Its almost like the devs wanted it this way and left the content in there to let modders finnish the game for them.

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

Good luck to you and your team, But it is sad that fans would have to do this.


I was talking to a friend one night about it and Its almost like the devs wanted it this way and left the content in there to let modders finnish the game for them.


I have found over the years, in many ways the modding community is just as if not more creative and talented than the developers group. To some degree that is not a surprise as creativity does not respond well to deadlines. :D

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to Darth Khasei,


I AGREE totally with you. I won't go into details but in my line of work I get many a call from developers asking for a "remote" graphic designer due to time constraints. We're usually more talented and get the job done better. Hence why you'd be hard pressed to find a robe one of us has done that doesn't look better than the original. We put much more time into our work. :)


I checked through the website for the Telos Restoration Project and the sites awesome and every thing you guys are working on WILL become the most downloaded mods (if you'd insult a project that big by calling them that) I'd call them "Modular Completions." :)

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Originally posted by T7nowhere

Good luck to you and your team, But it is sad that fans would have to do this.


I was talking to a friend one night about it and Its almost like the devs wanted it this way and left the content in there to let modders finnish the game for them.


I agree with you on that. I think the devs were fustrated by the deadlines and left the code in there to leave a hint of what they wanted to do in the first place. I would have rather waited for a month or two and get a more complete ending. Oh well, that is the way of the game development world - it does not sell as much when it is released in Feb then in Dec.


Aurora, good job so far in putting the pieces together. I can not wait until your team releases a revised ending! I wish I had more free time and I could help out!

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This is most excellent news! It looks as if your team's made some rather large strides since I last saw mention of the project. You fellows have definitely come a long way towards earning the eternal gratitude of this wayward jawa. I anxiously await further updates. *jumps up and down in excitement*



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Originally posted by T7nowhere

Good luck to you and your team, But it is sad that fans would have to do this.


I was talking to a friend one night about it and Its almost like the devs wanted it this way and left the content in there to let modders finnish the game for them.


Couldn't agree more T7...


Nice work so far Aurora. I'm glad this will finally have the true ending that it should have.

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Originally posted by FunSolo

umm,.. will it work with other languages as well as with the english one?

just curious. cause i bought a localized version (german to be exact) and im really lookin foreward to / for the release of this :D

Iirc, in most situations (wherever possible), we used existing localized text references (so that text will appear in the language corresponding to your game version), but there are a few instances in which we've had to add in new text for dialogs. In one case, thus far (although it is just some preliminary work, and this may very likely change) we had to add in an edited VO in restoring an incomplete dialogue.


Iirc, we don't have any playtesters with non-English versions of the game at the moment, so I'm not exactly sure how the custom text would appear.

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