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Xbox 360


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On TechTv they have a show called "Attack of the Show".

Well anyways I was watching it and they had that same picture on there, I think they said some fans with photoshop made how it would look or else they said it was an actually leaked picture. I forget which one.

But I hope that's how it looks because it's freakin' sweet....:)

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I'll have to wait for the price to go down, not gonna buy a thing with a handful of potentially good/bad games for that price. Or I'll wait for my current and standard Xbox original to create a black hole in my living room and suck all my games and my couch into the 7th dimension, ruled by the mole-folk.

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despite my 'not-really-wanting-to-buy-it-but-i-really-wouldn't-mind-owning-it' thing going on with the Xbox 360, i am keeping up-to-date via Gamespot.com on the latest developments.


apparently, MTV is airing a special this Thursday on the Xbox 360, and its supposed to be the big-spoiler-thing that reveals a couple of games coming out for it and what not. Gamespot also has a couple of other interesting news-bits in that article. you can read it at the link provided below. :D


the link: http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/05/06/news_6123821.html


for the rest of today's news reguarding the Xbox 360 (as well as some news on the Nintendo Revolution and the PS: III), i have another link you guys can check out below.


the link: http://hardware.gamespot.com/Story-ST-x-1939-x-x-x

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