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Your fav way to kill Heavy Mercs


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Whats your favorite way to kill Mercs? I decided not to post a poll because there are so many freaking ways I kill them :D . But I want to hear from the other players whats your favorite way to blow them away?

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I dont know about anyone else but have you tried the anti-armor before.

In kashyyy (Correct my if im wrong) when the heavy mercs came along I just got a few head shots with my anti-armor and then let my squad lob some grenades at him and he was gone.

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  • 2 months later...
  Rebel Merc said:
Flash Bang then the sniper rifle in one shot (just wish it worked with the SBD)


Yea this is what i like to do to, just to save heavy weapons ammo, and also because it always seems like sev is running up to the thing and trying to beat it down so if you use grenades it hurts him. and, rebel merc, when your fighing ONE super battle droid, hit its feet with an EC grenade. then run up to it and keep punching it with your gauntlet vibroblade. if you naded well, it will die before it starts moving again. for a lot, use one or two ECs and a couple thermals, or stun them with EC and snipe them fast.

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  • 2 months later...

On The RAS (Ghostship) What I Did Was I Got Me Sniper Rifle Out, Then Got The Sh**y Trandos Attention,Then Legged It And Crouched Behind One of The Tanks/Boxes And Waited Till He Walked UP. Then I Started Sniping His leg (That Was Fun, It Looked Like He Was Having A Spaz Attack :lol: ). Then When He Was Dead I Jacked His Gun, Blew Up The Debris, Found Scorch And Blasted The Other Heavy Merc With The LS-150 Heavy Repeater I Had Just Jacked Off The Other Heavy Merc. Then I Advanced To The Bridge. But I'm Not Gonna Go Off Subject So If You Want To Know How I got Past the Bridge You'll Have To Look In The Thread 'Ur Methods Of Getting Past The RAS Bridge Level' :D

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