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Are you Norwegian?


Are you Norwegian?  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you Norwegian?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • No, but I speak the language.

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Originally posted by Mike Windu

Does that mean you're Cambodian, Sabre?


Guess what? No! I'm not Cambodian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Polynesian, Micronesian, Korean, Vietamese, Laosan or Turkish. Amazingly, I don't live in Portugal!


And I'm not Portuguese.

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Originally posted by IG-64

I have noticed that there is an abundance of Norwegians in this forum. People bring up Norwegian news, and if anyone says something in Norwegian, multiple people respond.


So i've been wondering, just how many Norwegians are on this forum?



*wonders why he put a "no" option on here*


Negative, im not norwegian and dont speak the language. I guess some of you should already figured that out long ago. :)

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Originally posted by Astrotoy7 Out of interest, the aussies at LFN that you'll see most often around are Me, Lynky, GonkH8er, BCanR2, Rythe and a few newer dudes that I see mainly see on the swforums part o town :)[/b]


...and Konar :p




Do Norweigans speak French? or just Norwish and English. Cause I speak French and English.

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Originally posted by Konar

...and Konar :p




Do Norweigans speak French? or just Norwish and English. Cause I speak French and English.


Norwish? I think it's Norsk... >_>

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Originally posted by VikingLarz

100th anniversary right?

You really need to sort out your Norway facts. It's the 100th aniversary of the break from Sweden, but this celebrates the constitution, signed in 1814, in the small time Norway was almost completly free. Along came the Swedes.

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Originally posted by VikingLarz

Oh well. I don't concern myself with Norwegian history. Except for their viking history cause vikings are awesome Swedish, Danish or Norwegian.




And the 100th year anniversary IS this year right?


He basically pointed out that it's not. :p

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Originally posted by VikingLarz

Oh well. I don't concern myself with Norwegian history. Except for their viking history cause vikings are awesome Swedish, Danish or Norwegian.


Oy! There were Finnish vikings too, you Swede s***! :mad:


"Jag heter homo Peter, jag tyckar om homo pojkern" :D

That should be the national anthjem of Sweden


~Mesa sorry if I offended any people by this. If the mod's deem it necessary, do not hesitate to either delete this post completely or only a few lines... I leave the decision to you, my dear moderators...

Oh, and ET, do not dare to touch this post!~



Poke ~ET

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Oh, we Scandinavs have plenty of self-irony ;)


Besides, as long as you're bad-mouthing Swedes, it's ok.



You know how to sink a Swedish submarine?

Swim down, and knock on the door ...:)


And you know how to sink a Norwegian submarine?

Give it Swedish crew...:D



Anyways, t'was a very nice 17. mai yesterday.

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