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Lady Jedi

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I was on vacation last week and got some good pics; mountains and and rivers and such, so here's a few.


July 18, Montana Yeah, still snow on the peaks. So cool. :D


July 20 - Montana It was about 90 degrees Fahrenheit in the valley that day. :D


Clark Fork River Beautiful portion of river; sometimes a herd of elk grazes along the shore there. :)


Sapphire Mountains Or a bit east of them...


So, you guys have any good pics?

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Originally posted by ZBomber

Well, I have pictures of me I took at 3 AM a few nights ago! :D Surely, it would put a smile on any face





Or tears of fear. :)


What were you...


*thinks about if asking is wise for his health*


*chugs a bottle of 101% rubbing alchohol*


doing at 3 A.M.?

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Some of my best photography:


56k beware.








All of those were in my backyard .



Taken on my front porch.



My friend's kitty.




Taken at the Houston zoo.


Hmm, ran out of space.






Those three are of downtown Houston, taken from the back of my dad's truck coming home from the zoo.

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Originally posted by Tyrion

What were you...


*thinks about if asking is wise for his health*


*chugs a bottle of 101% rubbing alchohol*


doing at 3 A.M.?


Thats nothing, I'm usually up til 5 AM, and a few nights ago 6 AM. :p


And I wasn't doing anything disturbing at 3 AM....









Now, 3:!5 AM..... :evil3:

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Originally posted by InsaneSith

Don't be like that ET. Just wait until reality crushes them, they'll learn fast. After many painful events.


Yeah...remember, we're not the ones smoking Marijuana and having sex with every female person we meet.





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Originally posted by ET Warrior

Oh joy, to be young and have no job or requirements and to be able to stay up all hours of the night.


I hate being up all night, its boring and depressing and no ones around. I have insomnia. I'd love nothing more than to just be able to wake up in the morning.

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Originally posted by IG-64

I hate being up all night, its boring and depressing and no ones around. I have insomnia. I'd love nothing more than to just be able to wake up in the morning.


That's part of the fun though. No one sentient to disturb you. It's like that episode in the twilight zone, except I don't wear glasses so I don't have to worry about going blind.

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Originally posted by ET Warrior

I think you two should stop this now...Lady Jedi expressed her wishes to keep this thread on topic.



Plus you've guaranteed that I won't be sleeping nightmare free for at least a week.





Hey, like my hooptie smilie implied, cut at will, I don't really care.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

This is me...

Wow! You look NOTHING like I imagined. :p

Stop it! You should look more like the image inside my head, damnit! :mad:




I dunno... I always find it's always a shock to see pics of people that you have known for years online for the first time.

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