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The SW KotOR and The Sith Lords Trivia Thread


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Sion: I will not fall. I cannot die.


Exile:You are fallen. And you are dead. You only must admit it


Sion: Why... Why did she choose you? What makes you able to defeat me? Defeat me here?


Exile:In giving up the force one can gain strenghts otherwise impossible.


Sion:It is impossible to walk away from such things unscarred.To keep living, when the universe dies around you.


Exile:If that is what you believe, you lie to yourself.


Sion:The Force is who I am-The Dark Side fills me. It is who I am.


Exile: The Force fills an empty, scattered shell. There is little left of man you once were- you know that.


Exile: I have beaten you. Admit it finaly and surrender.


Sion: You... have defeated me... Flesh and belief, both cast down.


Sion: Kreia. She will try to break you. To teach, how far can someone fall.


Sion: Her weakness... Is you.. She has done all this... All of it... For you


Sion: I am glad to leave this place... At last.


That was some typing... And i didn't have near-end saves, so i had to go quite far, but i did it. :D


Question: What is the very last exp you can get in TSL?

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Exile: I have beaten you. Admit it finaly and surrender.


This is all I asked for, but great job on retyping the entire dialogue!


Now, what to ask next...

What colour was Komad Fortuna's (the hunter from Tatooine) shirt?

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not necessarily, because in K1, you have a secial bond with Bastila, but you can kill her on the Star Forge without any consequence to yourself.

the bond just means that their destinies and fates are linked. so if one of them died, the other might not die immediately, but maybe sometime later.

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