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Scripting problem

Emperor Devon

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Everyone must be getting sick of these threads by now...


I have run into yet another scripting problem. I do not think the script has any errors in it, I was able to compile it with KOTOR tools' project manager without trouble, edit Nemo's dialgoue to spawn the container without trouble... Yet for some reason, the container will not spawn. This is the script I used:



void main()


float x=122.34f;

float y=138.21f;

float z=1.50f;

float r=1.0f;

vector MyVec = Vector(x,y,z); //line 1

location MyLoc = Location(MyVec, r); //line 2

object oLocker=CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "footlker099", MyLoc); //line3


CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLocker);

CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLocker);

CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLocker, 2);




Thanks for any help.

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Nope. The placeable is unique.

Is the footlker099.utp in your override? and is it's "Name" and "Tag" fields named the same (footlker099)...


Even though the scripts are spawning the contents and the locker, you still need to have a 'physical' .utp file in your override :)

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Yep, that's in my Override. I guess what's wrong is the dialogue to spawn the container. This is what I did for it:


Nemo: It is good, sometimes {snip}






Script that determines availability:


Script that fires when spoken: footlker099.ncs


VO_ResRef: {snip}



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Yep, that's in my Override. I guess what's wrong is the dialogue to spawn the container. This is what I did for it:

Script that fires when spoken: footlker099.ncs


If you have specified the .ncs suffix in the dialog file, remove it and it will probably work. Resrefs don't include the file suffix, it should just be footlker099.

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Thank you very much! :D


One last question. If I wanted spawn two objects with one script, would it look like this?


void main()


float x=122.34f;

float y=138.21f;

float z=1.50f;

float r=1.0f;

vector MyVec = Vector(x,y,z); //line 1

location MyLoc = Location(MyVec, r); //line 2

object oLocker=CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "footlker099", MyLoc); //line3


CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLocker);

CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLocker);

CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLocker, 2);




void main()


float x=132.34f;

float y=148.21f;

float z=2.50f;

float r=1.0f;

vector MyVec = Vector(x,y,z); //line 1

location MyLoc = Location(MyVec, r); //line 2

object oLocker=CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "footlker098", MyLoc); //line3


CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLocker);

CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLocker);

CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLocker, 2);



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No it wouldn't.


ED here is an example script for spawning multiple placeables. ;)

void main()
//Spawn Placeable 1...
   	float a=0.00f; // Placeable 1 Coordinates Here
   	float b=0.00f;
   	float c=0.00f;
   	float d=0.0f;
   	vector MyVec1 = Vector(a,b,c);    //line 1
   	location MyLoc1 = Location(MyVec1, d);     //line 2
   	object oLocker1=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "PLACEABLETAG1HERE", MyLoc1); //line3
//Spawn Placeable 2...
   	float x=0.00f; // Placeable 2 Coordinates Here 
   	float y=0.00f;
   	float z=0.00f;
   	float r=0.0f;
   	vector MyVec2 = Vector(x,y,z);    //line 1
   	location MyLoc2 = Location(MyVec2, r);     //line 2
   	object oLocker2=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "PLACEABLETAG2HERE", MyLoc2); //line3
//Now Place items in them... Placeable 1.
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLocker1);
CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLocker1);
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLocker1, 2);
//Now items for Placeable 2.
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLocker2);
CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLocker2);
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLocker2, 2);
// Add more lines for each placeable to taste.

I hope this helps! :D

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Are you sure? KOTOR tool won't compile this, since it uses "MyLoc" and "MyVec" too many times.


void main()


float a=50.54f;

float b=358.96f;

float c=36.37f;

float d=1.0f;

vector MyVec = Vector(a,b,c); //line 1

location MyLoc = Location(MyVec, d); //line 2

object oLocker1=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "footlker098", MyLoc); //line3

float x=66.60f;

float y=345.31f;

float z=36.37f;

float r=1.0f;

vector MyVec = Vector(x,y,z); //line 1

location MyLoc = Location(MyVec, r); //line 2

object oLocker2=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "footlker097", MyLoc); //line3

CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLocker1);

CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLocker1);

CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLocker1, 2);

CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLocker2);

CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLocker2);

CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLocker2, 2);



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Try this:

void main()
   vector vLoc1 = Vector(50.54f, 358.96f, 36.37f);
   location lLoc1 = Location(vLoc1, 1.0f);

   object oLock1 = CreateObject(64, "footlker98", lLoc1);

//Now create the next footlocker...
   vector vLoc2 = Vector(66.60f, 345.31f, 36.37f);
   location lLoc2 = Location(vLoc2, 1.0f);

   object oLock2 = CreateObject(64, "footlker97", lLoc2);

//Now spawn the items, although you could just edit the .utp's inventory...
   CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLock1);
   CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLock1);
   CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLock1, 2);
   CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLock2);
   CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLock2);
   CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLock2, 2);

That should work :)

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Thanks, the script works now. :)


I have one final question, this time about spawning multiple NPCs.


Can you see anything wrong with this script? KOTOR tool doesn't seem to want to compile it.


void main()

float a=25.87f
float b=92.90f;
float c=23.10f;
float d=0.0f;
vector MyVec1 = Vector(a,b,c);    //line 1
location MyLoc1 = Location(MyVec1, d);     //line 2
object oLocker1=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "holy", MyLoc1); //line3

float x=255.88f;
float y=79.93f;
float z=21.51f;
float r=0.0f;
vector MyVec2 = Vector(x,y,z);    //line 1
location MyLoc2 = Location(MyVec2, r);     //line 2
object oLocker2=CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "tusken1", MyLoc2); //line3


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Thanks, the script works now. :)


I have one final question, this time about spawning multiple NPCs.


Can you see anything wrong with this script? KOTOR tool doesn't seem to want to compile it.


void main()
float a=25.87f


You are missing a semicolon after the line where you assign a value to the a variable.


However, if you don't intend to do anything else with those creatures than spawn them, this should be enough:

void main() {
   CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "holy",    Location([ 25.87, 92.90, 23.10], 0.0));
   CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "tusken1", Location([255.88, 79.93, 21.51], 0.0));


In my personal opinion it's a bit excessive to declare 14 variables when you don't really need any of them, but I guess it doesn't matter much in the end. It'll work either way, and the speed difference would be negligible. :)

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I tried using this script, and it caused the game to crash.


Hmm, odd. Are you sure your creature templates are working? Shouldn't be anything else in that script that could cause it to crash AFAIK. All it does it spawn the two creatures. :)

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The templates are working. I re-did the script, tried it with some different NPCs, and I still have the same results.


Odd, I've done dozens of such scripts for both NWN and TSL and never had any problems. This is for KotOR1, right?


Just in case vector constants somehow are broken in KotOR1, try this variant instead:

void main() {
   CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "holy",    Location(Vector(25.87, 92.90, 23.10), 0.0));
   CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "tusken1", Location(Vector(255.88, 79.93, 21.51), 0.0));


If that fails too, verify that the coordinates are correct. I don't know how the game would react if you try to spawn a creature outside the map.

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This is for KOTOR I. I'm absolutely certain the coordinates are correct, yet whenever I talk to Tanis' wife, the game crashes.


Hmm, I just created two creature templates with those resrefs and tested that exact script (with only the coordinates changed to a valid location within my test area) with both TSL and NWN, and it worked just fine in both games. The creatures were spawned without indicent. :confused:


I don't have KotOR1 installed currently so I can't test it with that, unfortunately. I haven't done much modding for KotOR1 so I am unsure if the scripting there would work any different than how it does in TSL and NWN.


I don't know what else to suggest if your templates and locations are correct. Hopefully someone else who's better at this than me can help you.

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