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Announcement: SWG:-Trials Of Obi Wan

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Star Wars Galaxies ™ : Trials of Obi-Wan heats things up - literally! -with all new mustafar content inspired by Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith


Leipzig Games Convention - Leipzig , Germany - August 19, 2005 - LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment Inc. ( SOE ) today unveiled Star Wars Galaxies: Trials of Obi-Wan to the cheers of Star Wars Galaxies ™ enthusiasts gathered for a fan breakfast at the 2005 Games Convention in Leipzig , Germany. This third expansion to the popular immersive online game is scheduled for release on November 1st, alongside the Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith theatrical DVD and Star Wars Battlefront ™ II video game. The companies also revealed that more than 1 million units of the Star Wars Galaxies franchise have now been sold, a testament to its ongoing popularity.


Like Obi-Wan Kenobi after his death, Star Wars Galaxies has become "more powerful than you can possibly imagine." Appropriately, Trials of Obi-Wan allows players to better understand the meaning of these final words spoken by Luke Skywalker's mentor, as they embark upon missions delivered directly from the spirit of the revered Jedi Master himself. From the very shores of molten lava where he defeated Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan guides players on quests that span the planet Mustafar - some of which might even convert devotees of the dark side over to a more virtuous path. This expansion features many new high-level quest rewards, including the ability to find a fiery red crystal found only on the volcanic planet that creates a lava-like lightsaber for the lucky owner. Players who fulfill all of Obi-Wan's directives will also receive a rich reward.


Mustafar colonists present many exciting trials of their own, too, as Trials of Obi-Wan includes more than 50 new quests for the galaxy's bravest adventurers, from rescue missions to the exploration of a crashed Republic cruiser. Many quests also revolve around a prominent figure from Star Wars ® : Knights of the Old Republic ® who returns 4,000 years after his prime with one simple mission in mind: Eliminate all meatbags.


"With Trials of Obi-Wan being an expansion set for release via digital download the same day as the Episode III DVD, we can't think of a better planet to add to Star Wars Galaxies than Mustafar," said Julio Torres, Producer at LucasArts. "Meanwhile, including the spirit of Obi-Wan nicely bridges the prequel era and the more classic-oriented time period depicted in the game. We're really excited about continuing mythology established by other LucasArts games, as well."


The release of Trials of Obi-Wan will provide a significant boost to a franchise that has already sold more than 1 million units worldwide. In recent months, interest and subscriptions in Star Wars Galaxies has grown, fueled by recent game additions, as well as the connection of the game content to Star Wars : Episode III Revenge of the Sith.


"A lot of positive changes have taken effect since Star Wars Galaxies first launched," said Nancy MacIntyre, LucasArts' Senior Director for the game. "We've picked up quite a few new fans and reintroduced many others to the game, especially since the Rage of the Wookiees expansion in May. Trials of Obi-Wan will only further this positive momentum."



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Mustafar isn't a very exciting planet to add, anyway... Utapau is much more fitting to being added than Mustafar... All that occurred in Mustafar was the Obi-Wan vs. Anakin battle, but besides that and the separatist council it was pretty much an uninhabited planet...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't even know what Utapau is. If you want a volcanic planet, do Sullust. I've always thought they should do the homeworlds of the playable races first. In any case, I suspect Hoth will be next.


Allow me to plug myself and (to a lesser extent) Stratics, by directing you to my... er, parody, yeah, that's it... of the last House of Commons. It was mostly about the coming expansion.


...dammit, the site's down. Where's a tech when you need one?

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You do,of course have to look at the release of the "expansion"..same day as the ep3 dvd,so its all tied in to it.


But a silly idea from LA and SOE.


WE WANT HOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!:)



not just episode 3 dvd...but also star wars :battlefront 2 ...which i am very much looking forward to...although i have to get all 3...so november 1st is gonna be a very broke day for me...all my money ..gone....


lucas....your killing me!!

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"Q: Will there be Jedi content? A: Well, Jedi make the game, it's called Trials of Obi-Wan, we released a screenshot of Kenobi's ghost... so probably. Oh, and there'll be stuff for all the little people too."


That is an example of how much SOE LOVES non-jedi.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think it's a good idea story-wise, but it's not time for another expansion. They need to work on patching up the previous expansions first!


I totaly agree!!!!!!!!! Like what are they thinking!?!? Pluss whats so good about Mustafar!?!?!?! Its pretty much a whole flipin VOLCANO!! And even when you are there wont you have to wear like special suit to protect from the scorching degrees?? And there oviously wont be any animals there probley just some stupid droids becuase life cant excist on a volcano planet!!! Thats not even Sci-FI any more becuase Sci-Fi that is something that could happen not some flipin fantasy land!!!! Im not trying to diss the game because I personaly am a Star Wars maniac lol but I just think it is rediculas that there putting so much money into makeing this expansion when they can be fixing bugs! And atleast they should think when they make the game like it should be on Corusant or something sence Anakin turned there... I

dont know maybe im rong... If anyone can explain this to me please explain it...:firemad:

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