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Has anybody read the news that there will be no VHS release of ROTS along

with the loong awaited DVD.Maybe Lucasfilm will see how good the DVD sales

will do then make there mind rather to go ahead with VHS copies of the movie

because this has happen before with other movies I think.But let me know if

you guys has heard the news about no VHS release of ROTS I myself is leaning

toward the DVD verison of the film anyway.........

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The reasons for the decision to do that is that the VHS sales arnt really really good these days. The big market right now is DVD and PSP. They might put some out throught the star wars website if they get a good number of request, but I kinda doubt it.

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First Lucas refused to release any Star Wars movies on DVD, now he's refusing to release this one on VHS? How times have changed! But this is more in keeping with what we THOUGHT Lucas was saying all those years about how he didn't want inferior technology to diminish his masterpieces as they were "meant to be seen."


Still, you'd think the Wal-Mart/Blockbuster crowd would feel a bit snubbed not to have any ROTS tapes this November. A few bootleggers will make some bucks off of it. It's not as if LucasFilm and 20th Century Fox couldn't afford to put one out. Anyway...


I don't know if a new format will overtake DVD so quickly. DVD is so affordable and available, whereas HD-DVD or Blu-Ray (format war, can we say?) requires you to purchase not only a new player, but a new TV in order to take advantage of the new resolution, and these sets are still quite expensive (plus plasmas are short-lived wastes of cash). DVD has a vast library covering practically every movie or TV show. The new format mostly has a few main titles and some newer movies, but a small fraction of what would take many years to build. Even PC users would have to purchase new drives in order to view the material (to say nothing of new software to play the discs).


While afficianados have their entertainment center and are building their library already, many people either get stuck after buying an HD-TV that they only use to watch DVD's on (since they'd have to spend even more cash on a HD reciever and service to get broadcast quality HD-TV). Many I'm sure can't justify purchasing HD subscriptions in order to watch news and weather in ultra high resolution. Sports and movies are where it's at, but people have jobs and lives if they have the money. DVD movies are better because you can watch them anytime. So you have pay per view (even more money), but where's the ability to record? So you need a recordable format for the high def. So you're talking a major investment and adjustment for people who want the full benefits of HD. Most people will look at the digital/DVD equivalents they have now and say "good enough."


The average person can see a vast difference in quality between VHS and DVD, even without high-end equipment, and the differences in format offer vast, easily recognizable benefits (smaller physical size, cheaper starting price for new movies on the format, room for special features, skip right to a scene, no tape stretching shortening the life of your movie, etc), which are not so readily apparent to the average consumer between DVD and HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. Plus we have Superbit and stuff like that which push the limits of quality on the format already.


Honestly, while the various companies are soon going to do a push to promote their specific format, I don't see DVD dying off anytime soon, and I don't want it to happen either. ;)


VHS has been with us for several decades, DVD for barely one, it's just beginning to come into it's own, really. And the PSP's favored movie format "UMD" is lower quality & bare bones, designed that way specifically for cheap, easy viewing of popular/new movies on this portable console (alternative to the many portable DVD players and any laptop that comes standard with a DVD drive and software). Time will tell if it's a flash in the pan or not.

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If DVDs were ultra hi-cost I could understand, but you can get a bare bones DVD player for the price of a DVD itself nowdays. Ive just been in asia, and absolutely no one has VHS over there. Its all DVD, and before that they had already moved on from VHS and had standalone VCD players. VHS is indeed dead... I just wish DV tape dies just as quickly...


still, it would prolly be a good idea to put out some "limited edition" VHS with fancy packaging and charge ultra $$$ for it :)



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Where have you been exactly, in Asia ?...


Ive only been to Thailand and Singapore, but have heard the same thing from friends in HK and Japan. Couldnt see a VHS tape or tape player in any store I went into. With the advent of DVD, theres a glut of VCDs at the moment, where you can get alot of titles very cheap. I found a VCD set of an old chinese TV series I really love. It hasnt been released on DVD yet so I was glad to pick up a 10 disc set for the equivalent of $10(Australian)



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Tiresome rhetoric.

You know better than to open that can of worms Kurgan. xP


Still, Lucas has a duty to his company and employees. VHS printing is just not cost effective and just wasting money.


Oh is this topic off limits around you? LoL! Maybe you're tired of talking about it, but some of us aren't, as long as it is topical. And as long as people like me point out Lucas's missteps, people like you can counter with apologetics. It's all good. ;) I'm sure Lucas has nothing to worry about.


Tech-heads like us hate obsolete technology, but not everybody is like us, after all.


I see that Blockbuster Video (at least the one in my old hometown in Iowa) has eliminated its collection of VHS tapes (except for the "family" section), so other businesses are apparently seeing this wisdom as well. I don't think Family Video (the other big chain) has yet though.


VHS costs more than DVD to produce, but it's "cost effective" as long as they're making money (sales offsetting costs). There are enough VCR's that they're guarenteed to have sales, but if sales have been falling and they've been losing money I can understand that. If they're just anticipating losing money, oh well.


In any case, I won't miss VHS much (once I get all my old movies converted over to digital format). As long as they keep selling blank tapes for awhile, I don't much care if they stop releasing new movies on it. I do think the idea that DVD will be forced out the door so quickly is a rather silly one (but then the industry leaders can make mistakes too, remember DIVX?).


Anyway, R.I.P VHS: 1976-2005

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I dont mind dvd taking over from vhs, but i think they should have some form of vhs for a while. Even if it is just blank tapes to record on. Over here in the UK, some shops stopped selling VCRs about 2 years ago (but most still stock some cheap ones).


I want ROTS to be on vhs and dvd because i have all the other 5 films on VHS (im planning on getting a boxset of the 6 dvds if they do them). Lucas should let people finish their collections - or is their plan to make people buy the dvds of the others to have the set?


And on a side topic, when is the ROTS dvd coming out? and is there any word on clone wars series 2?


((POST 999 - 1 MORE TO GO!!! :twogun: ))

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