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What do we know about Darth Malak?

The Doctor

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I was just wondering, what do we really know about Malak? All we know is that he used to be a Jedi, followed Revan to the Dark Side, and betrayed his master. What else do we know about him? How old is he? Where is he from? What are those things on his head and how did he get them? How did he lose his jaw? Why in the name of Dakan is he so damn tall? Where did he get the mask? What is his last name (if any)? Let the random speculation begin!

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His age is irrelevant. He lost his jaw from a lightsaber injury that cut it clean off. The 'things' on his head are tattoos. I'm assuming his mum and papa were damn tall too. The mask is simply a prostetic jaw. His last name, like most, is irrelevant.

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It could also be a souvenir from the battle in which he betrayed Revan, or during the Mandalorian Wars. Why did he get the tatoo's? Jedi aren't supposed to care about looking "cool". I know what his mask is, but where did he get it? Is he human, or is he a species that is freakishly tall? Why are his last name and age irrelevant? Are your name and age irrelevant? Where is he from?

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It could also be a souvenir from the battle in which he betrayed Revan


Unlikely, since standing on the bridge of a capital ship, ordering your fleet to fire at the bridge of your leader's ship usually won't result in the loss of one's jaw. :)


Even though there is little in the game(s) to support the theory, I prefer to think that he lost it when battling Master Kavar. Kavar mentions in passing that he barely escaped alive when Mandalore said he thought Kavar died fighting Malak during the war. Severing your opponent's jaw would be a nice distraction allowing you to escape from a battle you can't win. :)


Is he human, or is he a species that is freakishly tall?


He is most likely human, and being tall was probably a good way to visually reflect his personality and make him look imposing. Malak is all brawn and little brain, who misunderstood everything Revan tried to teach him while being a formidable warrior.


When he took over the Sith he changed Revan's Sith organization into one that reflected his own personality, that of power-hungry, brutish brats with little finesse. :)


The best way to portray a thug is to make him look big and strong, thus Malak is big and strong. :)

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He seemed human. And when he betrayed Revan he shot blaster fire at his ship, also, this happend after the mandelorian war, and he still had his jaw. Had to be something else.

We never saw him while betraying Revan. He could have already lost his jaw at this time.

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Unlikely, since standing on the bridge of a capital ship, ordering your fleet to fire at the bridge of your leader's ship usually won't result in the loss of one's jaw.

We don't know the status of Revan's ship when it was attacked by Malak. His tactical officer could have fired back, wounding Malak in the process.

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We don't know the status of Revan's ship when it was attacked by Malak. His tactical officer could have fired back, wounding Malak in the process.

So against all odds a shot went through his ship, from any direction and went through the shields and hull of Malaks ship, hitting Malak, with a laser that was meant to destroy ships countless times the size of Malak, and Malak walked away missing only a jaw? Is there anything else to say?

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Well, we do know that he is bald.



And dead. Malak is very dead.



But no, actually, Malak was onboard a "star destroyer" type of ship, and set the lasers to fire at Revan's ship. Remember, Bastila and some jedi were kicking butt and she said "You can't win Revan!"


Then Malaks blasters fired, so thats why Revan fell, he then became unconsious, so the Jedi captured him, used the force to erase his memory, and make him a good guy. It had nothing to do with Malak's jaw.


Its possible the jaw was gone then. We do know that he had the jaw while on Dantooine with Revan searching out the Star Forge. That was after the mandelorian war. So, it had to be some time after that, all details are unclear, however. I guess its up to EU.

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It could also be a souvenir from the battle in which he betrayed Revan, or during the Mandalorian Wars. Why did he get the tatoo's? Jedi aren't supposed to care about looking "cool". I know what his mask is, but where did he get it? Is he human, or is he a species that is freakishly tall? Why are his last name and age irrelevant? Are your name and age irrelevant? Where is he from?


It obviously occured after the Mandolorian Wars, as he had it when he and Revan found the first Star Map - AFTER the Mandolorian Wars. Doesn't anyone else remember the Sith graveyard on Korriban? I'm sure something in one of the tombs had a lightsaber and its pretty safe to assume it could have gotten the best of Malak. Or it could be Revan proved his superiority over Malak in lightsaber combat and his blade slipped down Malak's just a bit too far.

The tattoos are just tattoos - the don't have to mean anything aside that Malak wanted them. He is just a tall human. Shaq is abnormally tall but he is still a human. I'm sure the mask was given to him in the same manner that Vader's was given to him: In a medbay after he suffered the wounds.

His age and last name are irrelevant because they have absolutley no reason to make mention of them. They don't make mention of Revan's age or last name, but you don't seem to give a damn about that. Given that he joined the Jedi at the same age as Revan, it'd be safe to assume they are the same age. And yes, my name and age are irrelevant; atleast to anyone who would ask them here. It makes no mention where he is from, but he was friends with Revan so it could probably be the same place as him.

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Unlikely, since standing on the bridge of a capital ship, ordering your fleet to fire at the bridge of your leader's ship usually won't result in the loss of one's jaw. :)


Maybe he tripped over his cape and busted his jaw on a console. hehe


Seriously, he was the leader of an organization that uses promotion by killing your superior. You don't last long without taking some damage. He could have lost it in a sabre fight, but it's never said because it dosen't matter to the story.

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To clarify, when I said that he might have gotten it in the battle against Revan's ship, I meant that Revan's tactical officer could have fired back, and Malak's ship was damaged. He might have been wounded by an exploding console.



@ the doctor for future use plz edit your posts instead of double posting


and your are conterdicting you self

How am I contradicting myself?

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To clarify, when I said that he might have gotten it in the battle against Revan's ship, I meant that Revan's tactical officer could have fired back, and Malak's ship was damaged. He might have been wounded by an exploding console.



Ah, ok. Thats also possible.



Back to the saber thing- Why aim for the jaw, when a bit lower malak could have lost his throat? Or a bit higher and they could have had some fried malak brains...


If my jaw was cut off, I don't think I would be able to fight. At all, that would be it for me.

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I think this is what happened...maybe after the mailderian wars, Malak feel guilty of being on the dark side and wants to come back to the light. He told Revan and Revan got angry and well, you know what sith do when one of them turned back to ligthside. They had their battle.Obviously, Revan won and spared him and cut off his jaw as puishment(please excuse any spelling i typed). Then Malak betrayed by firing on his ship and became a sith lord. You know why i think this? After you beat Malak(lightside...probably dark side but..), he said something about switching fates and he also said he followed Revan even if he went to the dark side and Revan said sorry for making him go to the dark side. That could be a theory..but we will never know until KotOR 3 came out.

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Yeah, my bet is that Malak lost the jaw in a battle with Revan. Maybe he tried to kill Revan before the battle against Bastila's strike team. Maybe he actually tried to face Revan in a duel, the honorable thing to do, and lost.


It makes sense, because only Revan would not want to kill Malak.

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