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Face Customization?


Should KOTOR 3 Have A Face Customization Option?  

137 members have voted

  1. 1. Should KOTOR 3 Have A Face Customization Option?

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Yep. I definitely want face customization in KotOR III. However, the engine will have to support dynamic facial changes, as the player constants makes facial expressions and when he/she goes to the dark side, he/she turns pale, the veins and the eyes and all that.


My vote: Yes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like face customization, but I don't want to have to spend too much time on it before getting going on the game itself. I'd like to see race/hair color/hair style/eye color/skin color. I don't want to get to the point where I'm telling the customizer to do something like 'place a mole 2 cm below the eye on the left cheek 5 cm away from the nose'. I appreciate details and like the chance to alter some things, but I don't want to spend hours creating a 'look,' I want to play the game.

And if the choice is the ability to have good looks or have a good story, I'll take the good story any day and just use one of the basic faces.

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Hey All,

Here's Another Poll For Ya All To Vote On...


I Thought About This Idea For A Fair While And Thought It Would Be A Cool Addition For KOTOR 3. Anyway, How Cool Would It Be To Customize Your PC's Face? Like The Eyes, Hair, Mouth, Colour, etc. For Those Who Have Played The Sims 1 Or 2, You Know What I'm Talking About. No More Just Picking Already Pre-loaded Faces. Argree Or Disargree I Think It Would Make A Big Difference To The Game.


Well That's What I Hopes In KOTOR 3.




What Do You Guys Think?

That would be a really good addition to KOTOR 3, that way there is more of a variety to the character, and it gives you a real PC rather than the 'here's a list of precreated heads, now pick thing.'

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was thinking now while playing EVE Online, they have a very interesting face customization thingy. The options for faces are various, but they are a little limiting. What isn't, are the sliders for adjusting the size and shape of different parts of the face. More jaw, less nose, etc. City of Heroes has these sliders too, but in a different way, and it also has sliders for the body. More shoulders, less muscle, longer legs, etc. That is the future of RPG customization, and that is: complete control. KotOR III should have a system like this, at least for the face.

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I'd really like it if they let you customize your character's face! Like in World of Warcraft. But apart from that.. i dont want to customize anything besides the face.

And letting the Player Character have a voice would be good too. There are RPGs out there where the PC has a voice, like Vampire II [which is great imo] and Gothic I and II. Especially in Gothic the PC voice is just extremely good. But i dont really know, if some of you actually know that game, it is a german game.


If the devs let u choose wether u want a voice or not it would be great.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have a point there but what if you start off as an average joe like my young 20 something pilot that I mentioned in a different thread. Could give some humour but then again I can't define humour because I laugh at the romance portions in the game.


I definitely need to switch to decaf or something. Maybe get jumped up on juma.

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No, don't add a voice for the PC, unless you are going to record a voice for every language and every country! .... Not only is it unworkably difficult to do, it excludes other languages than English, and it doesn't allow for the fact that not everyone likes some people. Also, the Exile or REvan or whoever is meant to be YOU. How can any actor be YOU? It would remove the idea that you are the character....


DarthRevan3 (A.K.A.) me has/have already come up with a solution for this.

A microphone comes with the game, and you speak into it and npcs and party members react to it. Somebody said that that would cost too much money, but devoloping companies have tons, more than enough for this technology. That's my idea, I think it's good. :D :D :D

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DarthRevan3 (A.K.A.) me has/have already come up with a solution for this.

A microphone comes with the game, and you speak into it and npcs and party members react to it. Somebody said that that would cost too much money, but devoloping companies have tons, more than enough for this technology. That's my idea, I think it's good. :D :D :D


that is a good idea, but before you start the game i'd say you would have to do some kind of voice training for the game to understand what your trying to say, kinda what windows xp has... which i couldn't be stuffed doing.... but its something the gaming industry could look into...

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DarthRevan3 (A.K.A.) me has/have already come up with a solution for this.

A microphone comes with the game, and you speak into it and npcs and party members react to it. Somebody said that that would cost too much money, but devoloping companies have tons, more than enough for this technology. That's my idea, I think it's good. :D :D :D

But they aren't just going to spend money just because they have it (and they don't have as much as you might think). There has to be a return on investment. Is this feature going to cause a whole bunch of people to run out and buy the game? No. Not many players are going to buy this game just because of this.
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me either......

there is a point were maybe there is alittle too much in a game like it would be cool if you could talk to you NPC's but lets think oh it this way how would that really work out plus you proablly have to buy some crap to make it work. Maybe a better idea is to put a KOTOR3 univerve into place and play with other people online and talk to them, even through some may say this would be too much like galaxies and such but maybe if they firgued it out all right. Maybe you could play the game with one or two others online i beleive that would be pretty fun to play through the game with a friend even through they would have to change alot of game stuff.


Another thing was i wanted to talk about the whole face custom thing, I think you sould be able to make your character very speciallike with height, weigth, beard, no beard, mohawk, maybe mullet, just make the character look how you want him/her to look. Also to be able to pick clothes color and armor colors along with be able to wear no shirt to show off those buff jedi muscles

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I like the customization idea very much. We should be able to pick a character, and then change it as well.


I think that character's appearence is very important because it helps us to get into the character. I tried to do modding (read the tutorials, downloaded kotortool etc) but I'm a total noob and don't understand it :(


But I really like the appearence of my avatar (KOTOR2)

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